自感,self inductance
1)self inductance自感
1.An analysis of over-voltage about the self inductance;自感电路中出现的过电压现象与电感电路教学
2.An elementary introduction to the self inductance currentand electromotive force in self inductance phenomenon;自感现象中自感电流与自感电动势的分析
3.Calculation of the self inductance of elliptic cylinder electric cable per unit length;椭圆柱电缆单位长度的自感计算

1.It was a smile of triumph.这是自感着胜利的笑。
2.We are what we think we are.自己是自我感觉的自己。
3.control(oneself or one's feelings)控制(自己或感情)
4.She felt her assurance crumble.她感觉到自己不能自持。
5.Self-esteem ,Self-confidence ,Self- efficacy and Sport;自尊、自信、自我有效感与体育运动
6.satisfaction with your (or another's) achievements.对自己的成就感到满意。
7.be satisfied at one's Success对自己的成功感到满意
8.The man felt that his position was bad enough.他感到自己倒霉透顶。
9.He feels he has been deceived.他感到自己受骗了。
10.He felt that he was wounded in self esteem.他感到自尊心受了损伤。
11.Centro de Levantamientos Integrades de Recursos遥感勘测自然资源中心
12.high-temperature head感高温自动洒水喷头
13.He feels he suffers the criticism.他感到自己挨了批评。
14.automatic smoke/ heat detection system烟雾/高热自动感应系统
15.a self - control that prevents the exhibition of emotion防止感情流露的自制
16.to dam up one's feelings抑制住自己的感情.
17.She bottled up her emotions.她抑制住自己的感情。
18.She has kept her feelings under她抑制住了自己的感情。

1.The tension and self-inductance of a circular current loop;载流圆环的张力、自感和线电流模型
2.In order to reduce inverter capacity and enhance system reliability, a new series hybrid active power filter with small self-inductance series transformer (ST) is proposed in this paper.为降低逆变器容量和提高系统可靠性,该文提出一种新的采用低自感(或自阻抗)串联变压器的串联混合型有源电力滤波器。
1.According to self-induction characteristic of the coils in alternating circuit, a kind of lamp switch that can eliminate the surge current at the moment of the incandescent lamp being started is produced.运用交流电路中线圈的自感特性 ,制成一种白炽灯的延寿节电开关 ,它可消除白炽灯起动瞬间的浪涌电流 ,延长白炽灯寿命 ,节约用电 。
2.The self-induction and mutual induction of two coaxial linked solenoids are calculated in this paper.本文对两个同轴螺线管串接后的自感、互感进行了定量计算,并对某些特殊情况也进行了推导,同时指出了某些论述之误。
4)self induction自感
1.It was generally said that skip ring experiment is as a result of mutual induction.In fact,self induction in the experiment acts as a key role由研究分析可知:它是自感和互感共同作用的结果,且自感起关键作用。
2.Using simple device, the demonstration experiments of demagnetization and self induction are redesigned.利用简易装置对高中教材中的退磁和自感演示实验进行了再设计 ,介绍了演示方法 ,并对实验现象给出了解
1.Calculation of Self-inductance and Distributed Capacitance of Spiral Inductor;圆形螺旋线圈自感和分布电容的计算
2.The article derives the inductance for a single-coill inductance transducer, and in turn, its voltage sensitivity can be derived.本文由磁场能量的计算公式导得单圈电感传感器的自感系数,进而得出电压灵敏度。
3.An approximate equivalent model for the calculation of coil inductance of eddy-current sensor has been suggested and so a satisfactory formula deri- ved forpractical evaluation.本文为计算电涡流传感器线圈的自感而提出了近似的等效模型并得出了较为理想的计算公式。
6)Self-Inductance Sensor自感传感器
