1.Dialectical Thought of Interdisciplinary——Training of Cross-talent in Life Sciences;交叉学科辩证思考——谈生命科学跨学科复合型人才培养
2.Time s Call: Interdisciplinary Science and Education;时代的呼唤——交叉学科与交叉教育
3.Research for mode and method of bionics interdisciplinary education;仿生学交叉学科教育模式探索及教学方法实践

1.Interdisciplinarity, Interdisciplinary Science and Their Position in the System of Sciences;交叉学科、交叉科学及其在科学体系中的地位
2.Research on the Development of cross course in the view of“heterosis”;从“杂交优势”看学科交叉与交叉学科发展
3.Time s Call: Interdisciplinary Science and Education;时代的呼唤——交叉学科与交叉教育
4.Study on Discipline-crossing Theory and Cross-disciplinary Construction in Universities;学科交叉理论与高校交叉学科建设研究
5.The Application of Knowledge of Cross-Disciplines in the Experiments of College Chemistry;大学化学实验中交叉学科知识的运用
6.Game Theory of Management --An Uprising Interdisciplinary Subject;管理博弈论——一门新兴的交叉学科
7.Mineral science is an interdisciplinary subject to study minerals and their behaviours.矿物科学是研究矿物及其性质的一门交叉学科
8.On the Course Construction in Colleges;大学学科建设——学科的交叉与融合
9.A Model of Interdisciplinary Research--Interdisciplinary Research of STC of U.S.;学科交叉研究的范例——美国科学和技术中心(STC)的学科交叉研究
10.A Research on the mode of interdisciplinarity for development in modern sciences --A theoretical analysis framework of the mode of interdisciplinarity;现代科学发展学科交叉模式探析——一种学科交叉模式的分析框架
11.The Elementary Analysis of Alternative Relationship between the History Subject and Other Relative Subjects;浅析历史学科与相关学科的交叉渗透
12.Multiple-Dimensional Radiation from Discipline-Crossing Over the Discipline Construction in Universities;学科交叉对高校学科建设的多向辐射
13.New Academic Progress of Interdisciplinary Study in Foreign Countries国外交叉科学(跨学科)研究新进展
15.The Aduance of Sciene Research and Course Development Based on Course Crosses;论以学科交叉推进大学科研和学科建设工作
16.Scientific and Technological Innovations from the Joint Angle of the Philosophy of Science and the Science of Complexity;复杂科学与科技哲学交叉视野中的科技创新
17.Crossing and infiltrating of disciplines and thought on modern medical education;学科交叉渗透与现代医学教育的思考
18.Environmental ethics: a new interdiscipline;环境伦理学——一门新兴交叉性学科

1.Modern clectrical drive is an interdiscipline composed of many different fields,such as electric machinery,power electronics,control theory and computer technology.现代电气传动是电机、电力电子、控制理论、计算机技术等相互融合而形成的一门新型交叉学科
2.The necessity of multi-subject crossing and combination along with the development of physical science isexamined; the intrinsic factors and far reaching significance of the booming interdiscipline are discussed by analyzing thedevelopment of life sciences and the corresponding research approaches, and adopting theories and perspectives of dia-lectics of nature.本文通过对生命科学的发展过程及研究技术方法的分析,借助自然辩证法的理论和观点,论证了自然科学发展过程中多学科交叉现象出现的必然性,探讨了交叉学科兴起的内在因素和深远意义。
3.Interdisciplinary science is a general designation for all interdisciplines being formed between two great knowledge blocks, which are philosophical science, social science and mathematic science, natural science.交叉科学是所有形成于哲学科学、社会科学与数学科学、自然科学两大知识板块之间的交叉学科的统称。
1.The effects of progress of cross-discipline on social sciences journals,knowledge plight and corresponding correction ability training of editors and so on have been analyzed in this paper.论题从交叉学科发展对社科学报的影响、编辑从业者的知识困境及相应的纠错能力培养等方面进行分析,同时联系笔者自身的编辑实践,试图阐明高校社科学报编辑在日常稿件加工中只有通过不断学习、相互沟通,以及对稿件精耕细作式的点滴修改、勘误校正,有意识地培植并不断优化稿源,才能达到缓解知识局限,增强对稿件的深度加工能力,达到提升学报质量的目的。
2.Based on the sorting presentation of the modes of university cross-discipline organizations at home and abroad,this article thoroughly analyses their systemic characteristics as a whole,such as continuous development,avant creativity,openness and fluidness,flexibility and multiplicity.高校组织形态的交叉学科是指围绕知识形态交叉学科而构建的组织体系。
1.Mutual "See Also" Classification Indexing of Inter-discipline in Machine-Readable Data;机读数据中交叉学科的互见分类标引
2.The web design, which is a new inter-discipline about the design and web, is a subject integrating the art and technology.网页设计是一门新兴的设计类和网络的交叉学科,是艺术与技术相融合的产物。
5)interdisciplinary subject交叉学科
1.Physics and the Interdisciplinary Subject about Physics:an Endeavor to Train the College s Students to have the Innovation Abilities;物理学及其交叉学科:培养学生创新能力的尝试
2.The conclusion is that interdisciplinary subject is a jumped-up growth point, and life science specialty may be the most popular specialty following the information specialty.基于国家产业结构调整引发学科专业调整的政策,分析了面临的新形势和现状,以我校2001级学生为试点,进行交叉学科——生物医学工程专业的教学研究。
3.Artistic design is a typical interdisciplinary subject.设计艺术学科是典型的交叉学科,几乎综合了所有实用艺术,如建筑、广告、产品外观、室内装饰、环境景观、服装、织染等。
1.According to the contents of conference of national guiding committee for optoelectronic information science and engineering,the necessary improvements for teaching mode and culture project resulted from the interdiscipline are introduced.就"教育部高等学校光电信息科学与工程专业教学指导分委员会及协作委员会2007年全体会议"内容,阐明了学科交叉对该学科教学模式和课程设置提出的诉求。

《标准化是一门新学科》《标准化是一门新学科》Standardization-a New Discipline  B心卫hunhua Shi Yimen XinxLJek6《标准化是一门新学科》(%26翔叨阮心必以蜘一aN‘JD改动红配)首次较系统地论述标准化是一门学科的著作。印度囚C.魏尔曼著,1盯2年发表。由苏锡田、张玉麟等译成中文,科学技术文献出版社于1980年出版。全书共26章。主要内容包括:标准化的目的和作用,标准化的领域和内容,企业、行业、国家、地区和国际各级标准化的组织和工作程序,标准的计划、编制和贯彻执行,计量制度和单位,质量认证标志与说明性标签,标准化教育与训练,标准化的经济效果,标准化的数理手段,发展中国家和消费者标准化问题等。同时,对未来标准化工作的发展也作了展望。 (赵全仁崔华)