1.Percentage of bone marrow erythroblast from iron deficiency anemia;缺铁性贫血骨髓幼红细胞百分比
2.The relation between body mass index and percentage body fat among Chinese adolescent living in urban Beijing;北京市儿童少年体重指数与体脂百分比关系的分析
3.The thesis analyzes the race data,map,route of orienteering sportsmen of Zhejiang Industrial University in the national middle distance race,taking the time percentage of solving skill problems as the estimating guideline to calculate the corresponding percentage and then to do the contrasting analysis.对参加全国赛中距离比赛的浙江工业大学定向运动队员比赛数据及比赛地图、线路进行统计分析,采用运动员在比赛中用于解决定向技术问题用时所占总用时百分比作为运动员定向技术评价指标,计算所有运动员对应百分比并进行对比分析。

1.Percent of population(占总)人口百分比
2.Percent of China: 10%占全国百分比:10%
3.a smaller percentage of the gerplasm strains占种质品系较小百分比
4.Display a list of zoom percentages.显示缩放百分比列表
5.timates in percent遗传力估计值百分比
6.constant percentage growth mode固定百分比增长模型
7.Vehicles Types Category Percentages车辆类型 类别 百分比
8.a percentage increase in ticket prices票价上涨的百分比.
9.irrespective of percentage (IOP)不受损失百分比限制
10.percent of net income to stockholders纯益与股东权益百分比
11.normalized percent frequency effect归一化百分比频率效应
12.theoretical probable percentage理论性的可能百分比
13.common size and financial ratio analysis百分比分析和财务比率分析
14.Description: Compare two strings, return the alike degree with the percentage.比较两个字符串,返回相似度的百分比
15.Persons without health insurance (percent)无医疗保险人员比例(百分比)
16.debt Burden ratio: Interest on debt as a percentage of exports.负债比率: 债务利息占出口额的百分比
17.A fraction or ratio with100 understood as the denominator; for example, 0.98 equals a percentage of98.百分比把100做为分母的分数或比率,例如,0。98等于百分之九十八
18.Emissions were to be reduced by a specified percentage below what they would be in the absence of technological control measures;要求污染物的排放降到特定的百分比,这个百分比要低于没有技术控制措施时的百分比

1.Methods Cancer incidence data collected by the Shanghai Cancer Registry during 1991 to 1999 was usedin the analysis to calculate the crude and age-adjusted rates, percent changes (PCs) and annual percentchanges (APCs).首先是计算粗率、标化率和变化百分比(PC);并通过配合标化率的线性回归模型,估计发病率的年度变化百分比(APC);同时分析各部位肿瘤发病率变化在全部上升或下降的肿瘤趋势改变中的贡献,即年度变化贡献率,及其统计学检验方法。
2.Criminal law about convicting and sentencing the act of tax evasion provides double standards,namely the amount of tax evaded and the percent of total taxes payable.《刑法》关于偷税行为的定罪与量刑的规定,设定了偷税数额及偷税数额占应纳税额百分比双标准。
3)Equal percentage modified(EQM)等百分比
4)percentile method百分比法
1.Extracting the sonogram envelop using the improved percentile method;利用改进的百分比法提取多普勒血流声谱图包络
5)account for ...%占百分比

百分比百分比  表示事物全体中各个部分所占的比重,反应总体内部结构,各组之合应为100%。当某部分比重增加时,会影响其他部分的比重,故构成比之间不宜比较。