1.The innovation originates from stimulus of novelty, individual profit-maximum behavior, human being s rule-following, the interaction of network and the government support.本文采用归纳和经验的分析方法试图揭示创新的机制和测度指标,认为创新源于新奇的刺激和个人的利益最大化行为,创新还得益于规则遵循、网络互动及政府的政策支持。
2.The former ones are a bit monotonous and scarce of variation, while the later ones are rich in different varieties, which not only are applied more skillfully on the original basis, but also have some additional new styles, adding a tint of novelty to his poems.岑参早期诗歌的意象营构方式还少变化,略显单调;而入蜀后则变得多种多样,不仅原有的方式运用得更加纯熟,而且还增加了一些新的方式,从而达到新奇的目的。
3.It is also noteworthy that his works bear firm and clear aesthetic orientation,which advocates that "the past belongs to the present",completely denying the revivalism and stressing "innate character" and pursuing "novelty".更为可贵的是,其小品在创作上有自己明确的审美取向,倡导"彼之古者即我之今",彻底否定复古主义,强调"本色",追求"新奇"。

1.The child wondered at the amazing circus acts.这孩子对新奇的马戏团表演感到惊奇。
2.Like a land of dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new,像梦幻奇境,那么变化无穷,美丽新奇
3.There is three thing which the public will always clamour for sooner or later, namely, novelty, novelty, novelty.有三样东西早晚会为一般大众始终闹着要的就是:新奇新奇新奇
4.There are three things which the public will always clamour for sooner or later,namely,novelty,novelty,novelty.有三样东西早晚会为一般大众始终闹著要的就是:新奇新奇新奇
5.in the excitement of new enterprises.感受着新奇的兴奋。
6.She's always full of imaginative ideas.她经常有新奇的念头。
7.The latest amusement-the death dance!"新奇的刺激,死的跳舞呀
8.And she marveled at the sandals.她对凉鞋感到新奇
9.Strikingly new, unusual, or different.新奇的极其新颖的、不平常的或不同的
10.The new CCTV building is an extravaganza of strange look.中央电视台的新大楼是一件外貌新奇的奇特作品。
11.New and often needlessly novel.新但无价值的新的但常是不必要的新奇
12.He's full of novel ideas.他满脑子都是新奇的想法。
13.The new world was filled with wonders.这个世界充满了新奇的东西。
14.The novelty will soon wear off, ie It is only attractive because it is new.这种新奇的感觉很快就会消失.
15.Upon the whole the novelty attracted him.总的说来,这个新奇的事物吸引着他。
16.Three years ago, 100Base-T was little more than a novel idea.三年前,100Base-T还只是一个新奇的设想。
17.So much novelty and beauty!那么多新奇的东西,美不胜收!
18.Many people have shown interest in this new and unusual sport.许多人对这种新奇的运动感兴趣。

1.The novel beauty produced by distance——Analysis on parabolic characteristics and mechanism in《A Surrounded City》距离产生的新奇美——论《围城》的比喻特色和机理
2.The esthetic appeal of Yi’an Style is manifested in the sincere sentiment, lofty savors, implicit style, happy rhythm and the novel sentence, which forms the unification of the content and form.易安体的审美情趣体现在"真率之情"、"清雅之韵"、"含蓄之致"、"音韵之美"、"新奇之句"5个方面,是内容与形式的内在统一。
3.Su Shi s Cis featured a unique style of creation and artistic charm——extensive and novel,that is,variety in figures of speech and the relation between tenor and vehicle,and novelty in perspective and image formation.苏轼词的比喻开阔而新奇
3)news?novelness[英][nju:z][美][nuz, njuz]新闻新奇化
4)Novelty P3新奇P3
5)novelty detection新奇检测
1.It has been proven that the novelty detection technique can perform the damage alarming well.大量的研究证明新奇检测技术可以较好地应用于结构的损伤预警。
2.Nevertheless auto-associative memory neural network, the current novelty detection method, may give faulty information in structural novelty detection when the training and testing data are un-normally distributed or polluted by noise with different levels.目前采用的新奇检测方法———自联想记忆神经网络方法,当所用的测试数据具有不同噪声水平或为非正态分布时,会得出错误的结果。
3.A novelty detection technique was proposed based on feed-forward BP neural network for accurate alarm of structural damage in cable-stayed bridge.为准确进行结构损伤预警,提出基于前馈BP网络实现新奇检测技术的斜拉桥损伤预警方法。
6)novelty index新奇指标
