1.The institution of weightlifting should be developed along the direction of item pluralism and dominance of competition regimen with the objective of increasing the interest of audiences in the future.未来的举重体制需要朝着项目的多元化、竞赛制度的优势化方向发展,并以提高观众的兴趣为目的,把健美和举重运动结合运用,发挥已往举重的双项性、力量举和技术举,压缩级别的数量来提高比赛的竞争力,调动观众的参与和观看比赛的积极性是决定举重运动商业化价值所在。
2.Future weightlifting tends to be featured with management system socialization and competition system diversification.未来举重运动要朝着管理体制社会化、竞赛制度多样化的方向发展,把健美比赛和举重比赛有机地结合起来,提高举重比赛的观赏性,激发大众参与和观看比赛的兴趣,是举重运动能否产业化的前提,也是举重运动能否在市场经济条件下生存与发展的决定性因素。
3.Basing on the analysis of the characteristics of weightlifting competitions ,this paper lays stress on the significance of weightlifters senses of tactics,which helps the athletes to well prepare psychologically,enables them to give their skill full play in competitions and increases the possibility of their surpassing performance.分析了举重比赛的主要特点,强调了举重运动员只有具备了良好的战术意识,才能达到最佳竞技状态,充分发挥己有的技术水平,甚至是超水平的发挥。

1.weightlifting has not only flourished,举重运动一直相当流行,
2.B: The IWF is the world governing body of weightlifting.国际举联是世界举重运动管理机构。
3.Look at that picture. A weightlifter doing a clean and jerk.瞧那张图片,一个举重运动员正在挺举。
4.Kinematic Research on the Snatch Technique of Talent Women Weight Lifters优秀女子举重运动员抓举技术的运动学研究
5.Now weightlifting meets include two events, the snatch and the clean and jerk.现在举重运动会包括两个单项:抓举和挺举。
6.Lifters are divided into body-weight categories.举重运动员是按体重划分级别的。
7.Three-dimensional kinematics simulation of snatch in male weight lifter and knee joint movement analysis三维运动学仿真男子举重运动员抓举技术及膝关节运动分析
8.The weight lifter maxed out at 180 kilograms.举重运动员使出了最大力量举起180公斤
9.How many attempts is a lifter allowed to achieve a "good lift"?举重运动员允许有几次试举以达到成功?
10.Biomechanical Analysis on Snatch Technique of Elite Women Weightlifters;优秀女子举重运动员抓举技术的生物力学分析
11.Research on Snatch Technical Structure of Our Male Elite Weightlifters;我国优秀男子举重运动员抓举技术结构研究
12.The Investigation on Sports Injury of Female Weightlifting Players in Sichuan Province;对四川省女子举重运动员运动损伤的调查研究
13.Weight lifting is best way to increase the bone density.举重运动是最好增加骨质密度的方法。
14.He looks much too skinny/scrawny to be a weight-lifter.他瘦骨嶙峋的, 当不了举重运动员.
15.There are some very talented individual lifters.个别举重运动员是十分具有天赋的。
16.Age characterized pattern of development of excellent weight lifting athletes in China;我国优秀举重运动员成材的年龄特征
17.Gait Planning in Weight Lifting for a Type of Humanoid Robot一种步行机器人举重运动的步态规划
18.Are lifters divided into body-weight categories?举重动运动员按体重分级吗?

weight lifting举重运动
1.This article studies the teaching of weight lifting and body building,and points out:body building and weight lifting have something in common but therere also many differences between them;when teaching body building,teachers should distinguish body building from weight lifting so that the exercise of body building can be developed more extensively.通过对举重与健美教学的比较研究 ,揭示了健美运动与举重运动的相同点和不同点 ,教师在进行健美教学时要区分与举重的异同 ,使健美运动能够更广泛地开展起
3)weight lifters举重运动员
1.By means of sportsmen s disposition evaluation ,this paper has done research into young weight lifters disposition type .本文采用运动员气质评定的方法,对青少年举重运动员的气质类型进行研究,结果表明:举重运动员的气质类型大多为混合型,尤以亚粘液质和粘液质结合其他气质类型呈现优势,占总人数的86%。
1.0n the Unhealth Competition Mental State of Weightlifters and the Means of Modification;举重运动员在比赛中的不良心理状态及改善方法
2.The paper discusses the ways of weight regulating for weightlifter to loss weight reasonably and scientifically on the basis of documentation and sports reality in order to direct the pre-match training and competition properly.文章从文献资料及运动实践的角度分析并探讨了举重运动员赛前合理、科学的减体重的调节方法,从而可以正确指导赛前的举重训练和比赛。
5)weightlifting athletes举重运动员
1.Research on Periodical Characteristics of Continuous Professional Training among Excellent Weightlifting Athletes;优秀举重运动员全程性多年训练的阶段性特征
1.Nutritional intervention of Organic Spirulina on weightlifters有机螺旋藻片对举重运动员营养干预的研究
2.Optimal mental state of weightlifters in competition and influencing psychological factors举重运动员赛中最佳心理状态及其心理影响因素研究
