循环调节,cyclic adjusting
1)cyclic adjusting循环调节
1.Based on the two instances,a new method of cyclic adjusting is developed to solve this difficult problem,which proves to be easy and effective.针对以上两种情况,文章介绍了一种简单有效的方法:同侧异侧循环调节法,并给出了相应调整方法的完整流程图。

1.Simulation System of Microcirculation Metabolic Regulation at Low Levels代谢水平渐变时微循环调节模拟系统的研究
2.Cerebral Microcirculation Change and Astrocyte-mediated Regulation after Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Rats;大鼠蛛网膜下腔出血后脑微循环改变及星形胶质细胞参与脑微循环调节的实验研究
3.A device that regulates the flow or circulation of air.调节气流的装置调节空气流动或循环的装置
4.Analyses and compares the energy consumption of circulating water pumps under different adjustment modes.分析比较了不同调节方式下的循环水泵能耗。
5.Research on the Thermal Control of Low Multiplying Power Circulating Fluidized-bed;对于低倍率循环流化床燃烧调节的研究
6.The Simulation System of Microcirculation Metabolic Regulation and Its Application;微循环代谢性调节模拟系统及其应用研究
7.Development of Control System on Frequency Conversion and Energy Saving of Central Air Conditioning s Water Circulation;中央空调水循环变频节能控制系统的开发
8.Realization Benign Cycle of Economic Cycle Is Regulative Goal of Macro Policy;实现经济周期的良性循环——宏观政策调节的目标
9.The Effect on the Implement of the Ecological Adjusted Policy Got By the Theory of Carbon Cycle and Balance;碳循环理论对生态调节税费政策实施的作用
10.Energy-saving and Internal Flow Field Simulation of Central Air-conditioning Circulating Pump中央空调循环泵的节能及内部流场模拟
11.Experimental study on control characteristics of circulating fluidized bed multi-generation system循环流化床多联供试验台调节特性的试验研究
12.Parameter test research for the governor control system of combined cycle power plant联合循环机组调节系统参数测试方法研究
13.The application of the coverter running of a circulating pump to save energy in the boiler’s air conditioning room;锅炉房空调机房循环泵变频调速节能运行的应用
14.closed cycle throttling refrigerator闭合循环节流制冷器
15.open-cycle throttling refrigerator开式循环节流制冷器
16.You can regulate the ventilation of the insulators by calculating the circulation of manipulated chocolate.你可以通过计算机受控巧克力的循环来调节绝缘体的通风。
17.Effect of Nitric Oxide and Endothelin on Hepatic Microcirculation during Ischemia-Preconditioning in Rats;大鼠肝脏缺血预处理中一氧化氮和内皮素对微循环的调节作用
18.The Research on Improving Autonomous Learning Ability of Fresh Students of Senior Middle School by Applying Self-regulated Learning Cyclic Model;运用自我调节学习循环模式提高高一学生自主学习能力的研究

regulation of blood circulation血循环调节
3)recirculation regulation再循环调节
4)cycle controller循环进程调节器
5)air circulation regulator空气循环调节器
6)frequency regulation of circulating pumps循环泵变频调节

循环循环  ①顺着环形的轨道旋转,比喻事物周而复始的运动。②物理学名词。物质系统从某一状态经过一系列变化回到初始状态的过程。③医学上指血液和淋巴液在循环系统的流动过程。