1)Cell transformation细胞转化
1.Study on protein expression and cell transformation of novel cadmium related gene TIF3;镉相关新基因TIF3的蛋白表达与细胞转化功能研究
2.This paper studies the carcinogenicity of five kinds of diesel exhaust particulates(DEPs),by using SHE cell transformation assay and Unscheduled DNA Synthesis Test(UDS Test).采用SHE细胞恶性转化实验和程序外DNA合成实验(UDS)对五种不同型号柴油机颗粒物的提取物的致突变性及潜在致癌性进行了研究,结果表明,所选五种型号柴油机颗粒提取物均存在DNA损伤作用及细胞转化作用,并存在轻型车高于中、重型车的趋势。
3.MATERIAL AND METHODS: We used the improved BALB/c-3T3 cell transformation assay to observe the transformation of cells treated by: GEN, B[a]P(10μmol/L) + GEN and MCA(0.背景与目的:研究三羟异黄酮(GEN,Genistein)在体外细胞转化中的作用。
1.Transformation from adult bone marrow cells into neural cells成体骨髓细胞向神经细胞转化的特征
2.Study on Differentiation of Bone Marrow Cells into Hepatic Lineages in Vivo and Vitro;大鼠骨髓细胞向肝细胞转化的体内外实验研究
3.Studies on Transformation of Human Embryonic Pluripotent Stem Cells into Cardiomyocyte-like Cells人胚胎多潜能干细胞向心肌样细胞转化的研究
4.Induction of bone marrow CD_(34)~+ cells to endothelia progenitor cells骨髓CD_(34)~+干细胞向内皮细胞转化的诱导方法
5.Transformation of human amniotic mesenchymal cells into bladder smooth muscle cells人羊膜间质细胞转化为膀胱平滑肌细胞
6.Ovarian Cancer Cells Induce Peripheral Mature DCs to Differentiate into Macrophages in Vitro卵巢癌细胞诱导外周成熟树突状细胞向巨噬细胞转化的体外研究
7.Proteomics Analysis Reveals Insight into the Mechanism of H-Ras-Mediated Transformation;H-Ras介导细胞转化的蛋白质组学分析
8.The improve of transformation of competent cells from E.coli DH5α;大肠杆菌DH5α感受态细胞转化率的改进
9.Differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into nucleus pulposus cells骨髓间充质干细胞向髓核细胞的转化
10.The Study of Malignant Transformation of NIH3T3 Cells Induced by Transfection of HMGA1 Gene;HMGA1基因转染诱导NIH3T3细胞恶性转化研究
11.The Role of Rat Betacellulin in Pancreatic Stem Cell's Transdifferentiation;大鼠β细胞素在胰腺干细胞转分化中的作用
12.An Experimeal Study on the Transdifferentiation from Epidermal Stem Cells to Corneal Epithelial Cells;表皮干细胞向角膜上皮细胞转分化的实验研究
13.Characterization of growth and proliferation in a Telomerase-Immortalized Ameloblastoma Cell Line转染hTERT永生化成釉细胞瘤细胞的生物学特性
14.Apoptotic changes in liver cancer cell HepG-2 transfected by siRNA of iASPP geneiASPP干扰RNA转染HepG-2细胞后细胞凋亡的变化
15.Expression of hGM-CSF in Stably Transformed BmN Cells of Bombyx mori稳定转化家蚕BmN细胞表达人粒细胞-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子
17.specialized cells convert chemical energy into mechanical energy.有专门的细胞把化学能 转变成机械能.
18.Effect of HCV NS3 on Hepatocyte Transformation and Related Mechanism;HCV NS3基因转化人肝细胞及其机制研究
1.Proteomics Analysis Reveals Insight into the Mechanism of H-Ras-Mediated Transformation;H-Ras介导细胞转化的蛋白质组学分析
2.The previous studies have shown that transfection of NIH3T3 cells with a novel cadmium related gene TIF3 (GenBank Accession Number AF271072) resulted in overexpression of its encoded protein inducing NIH3T3 cell transformation when transfected.[目的 ]前期研究发现 ,镉相关新基因TIF3 (基因文库添码 :AF2 710 72 )转染NIH3T3细胞可致其编码蛋白质表达升高而引起细胞转化。
3.Bacground: The bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) E6 oncoprotein induces tumorigenic transformation of murinc C127 cells and stimulates transcription when targeted to a promoter.结果:含有不同BPV-1 E6突变体的细胞对TNF敏感性不同,野生型、R42W及491突变体的促细胞凋亡活性最强;野生型和R42W突变体的细胞转化活性最强;野生型、K35E及491突变体的转录激活活性最强。
3)transformed cells转化细胞
1.Results One line of nickel sulfide transformed cells and the related tumor cell were found to contain a mutation in exon 8 in P53 gene.方法 三种镍化合物转化细胞接种BALB/c裸鼠 ,应用PCR SSCP法进行肿瘤细胞和转化细胞P5 3基因第 5~ 8外显子检测。
4)transformed cell转化细胞
1.[ Objective ]To determine if the DNA damage such as DNA strand breaks and DNA-protein crosslinks are present in transformed cells induced by three nickel compounds, and to further elucidate the relative potential carcinogenesis of nickel compounds with different solubility.[目的]探讨3种不同的镍化合物转化细胞中是否存在DNA链断裂和DNA-蛋白质交联等DNA损伤,进一步揭示不同溶解度镍化合物的相对致癌性。
5)cell transformation liquid细胞转化液
6)NIH3T3 cell transformationNIH3T3细胞转化
淋巴细胞转化试验 淋巴细胞转化试验 〖HT5”SS〗lymphocyte transformation test 简称“淋转试验”,为一常用的T淋巴细胞检查方法。将人的外周血淋巴细胞或全血与植物血凝素、刀豆蛋白A混合,于37℃孵育72小时后,经涂片染色,在光学显微镜下可看到T细胞转化为母细胞。本试验已被广泛用于测定T细胞的百分化。