人宫颈癌细胞,human cervical carcinoma cell
1)human cervical carcinoma cell人宫颈癌细胞
1.Study on the radiosensitivity effect of E1A gene on human cervical carcinoma cell in vitro;E1A基因对人宫颈癌细胞放射增敏的实验研究
2.Effect of E1A gene on sensitivity of chemotherapeutics drug to human cervical carcinoma cell;E1A基因对人宫颈癌细胞化疗药物敏感性的影响
3.Effect of E1A gene on cell cycle of human cervical carcinoma cell;PEI-Fe_3O_4纳米粒E1A基因对人宫颈癌细胞周期的影响

1.Inhibitory Effects of Folic Acid on the Growth of Human Cervical Carcinoma Cell Line in Vitro叶酸对人宫颈癌细胞体外抑制的研究
2.Effects of 4HPR on the proliferation and morphous of Hela cells4HPR对人宫颈癌细胞形态与增殖的影响
3.The Study of Seminal Plasma on Telomerase in Human Cervical Cancer Cell Lines and Normal Cervical Epithelial Cells精浆对人宫颈癌细胞系及正常宫颈上皮细胞端粒酶作用的研究
4.The Effects of Curcumin on Proliferation and Apoptosis and Cell Cycle of Human Cervical Carcinoma Hela Cells in Vitro;姜黄素对人宫颈癌细胞株Hela细胞增殖、凋亡及细胞周期的影响
5.Inhibitory Effects of Isoliquiritigenin on Proliferation of Human Cervical Cancer Cells in Vitro and in Vivo;异甘草素对人宫颈癌细胞增殖的抑制作用
6.Effects of Curcumin on Proliferation and Apoptosis of Human Cervical Cancer Cell Line HeLa;姜黄素对人宫颈癌细胞株HeLa增殖和凋亡的影响
7.Study of Radiosensitizing Effect and Mechanisms by CAPE on Human Hela Cells of Cervical Cancer;CAPE对人宫颈癌细胞放射增敏作用及机理研究
9.Effect of Aresenic Trioxide s Increasing Radiosensitivity on Human Cervical Carcinoma Hela Cell Line;As_2O_3对人宫颈癌Hela细胞的放射增敏作用
10.Effect of p21 gene transfection into human cervical carcinoma cell line Hela转染p21基因对人宫颈癌Hela细胞的影响
11.Effects of Xihuang P ill on Cell Cycles of Human Hepatoma Carcinoma Cell Stra in(SMMC7721) and Mouse Uterine Cervix Cancer(U14)西黄丸对人肝癌细胞SMMC7721及小鼠宫颈癌细胞U14周期的影响
12.Effects on the Growth of Human Cervical Cancer Cell Lines Induced by HPV16 Small Interfering RNA;RNA干扰人乳头瘤病毒对宫颈癌细胞生长的影响
13.To Study the Effect of Oxaliplatin on Human Cervical Cancer Hela Cells in Vitro;奥沙利铂对人宫颈癌Hela细胞株的体外作用研究
14.To Study the Effect of Berberine on Human Cervical Cancer Hela Cells in Vitro;黄连素对人宫颈癌Hela细胞株的体外作用研究
15.Anti-cervical Cancer Immunological Effect Induced by Dendritic Cell Transfected with HPV16E6 Antigen Gene;HPV16E6基因转染人树突状细胞抗宫颈癌实验研究
16.The Effect of Several Drugs on Human Cervical Carcinoma Hela Cells;几种药物对人宫颈癌Hela细胞体外作用的研究
17.The Recognition of the Cervical Smear Based on Artificial Neural Network;基于人工神经网络的子宫颈癌细胞识别
18.Establishment of Cervical Cancer Caski Cell Line for Stable Expression of shRNA Targeting Human MCPH1 Gene稳定表达人MCPH1基因shRNA的宫颈癌Caski细胞系的建立

Hela cell人宫颈癌细胞
1.The role of glutathione in the radiosensitive effect induced by treating HeLa cells with sanazole;谷胱甘肽在沙纳唑对人宫颈癌细胞放射增敏效应中的作用
2.Besides, it showed significant anti-tumor activity towards Hela cell (p<0.以湛江地区盛产的华贵栉孔扇贝全脏器为原料,经木瓜蛋白酶和枯草杆菌中性蛋白酶双酶水解、醇沉后得到华贵栉孔扇贝糖胺聚糖粗品,采用MTT法检测粗品体外对人宫颈癌细胞(Hela)活性的影响。
3.A 31P nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR)method has been established to noninvasively measure intracellular condition of Hela cell,stable 31P NMR spectra of living cells were obtained and intracellular metabolite in Hela of phosphorized small molecule cell was analyzed.建立了无损伤性31PNMR研究细胞内物质的实验方法,并对人宫颈癌细胞(Hela)的31PNMR谱中含磷小分子代谢物的谱峰进行了分析;细胞内无机磷(Pi)的化学位移对pH非常敏感,通过测定其化学位移可间接确定细胞内的pH,Hela细胞内Pi峰的化学位移为5。
3)HeLa cells人宫颈癌细胞
1.Mineral oil was selected to protect HeLa cells from water evaporation during low-energy ions implantation in the present paper.在选用了石蜡油作为细胞耐受真空的保护剂基础上,分别采集了人宫颈癌细胞(HeLa细胞)经真空和不同剂量低能离子注入后的紫外吸收光谱。
4)human uterine cervix cancer cell strains人宫颈癌细胞株
1.METHOD MTT method was adopted to observe the inhibiting effect of pentenol homologens on SGC-7901 human cancer cell strains,LoVo human colon adenocarcinoma cell strains and Hela human uterine cervix cancer cell strains.方法采用MTT法,观察聚物烯醇同系物对SGC-7901人胃癌细胞株、LoVo人结肠腺癌细胞株、Hela人宫颈癌细胞株的抑制作用。
5)Hela cells人宫颈癌Hela细胞
1.Methods Cytotoxitity effect of artesunate and artesunate serum on human sarcoma Hela cells were determined by MTT assay in vitro.方法采用四甲基二氮唑蓝(MTT)法观察青蒿琥酯及其含药血清对人宫颈癌Hela细胞的体外抑制作用。
6)Human cervical cancer cell lines人宫颈癌细胞系

癌细胞  生物体内某些正常细胞生长失去控制而恶性增殖的细胞。如果不加切除或抑制它们便会恶性生长,夺取人体养分,使人体消瘦衰竭,最终导致死亡。癌细胞有幼嫩、不成熟、易离散等特点,离散后的癌细胞会随淋巴液和血液循环在体内游走,穿入各种组织器官中继续分裂繁殖,形成新的癌肿,此即癌转移。在离体条件下培养,正常细胞生长到相互接触时就停止增殖,而癌细胞却仍不停止细胞分裂,继续生长成堆,形成不规则团块。大量实验证明,癌细胞生长失去控制,与细胞表面化学物质,特别是表面糖蛋白的变化密切相关。   癌细胞研究已成为生物医学上探索癌变机理的肿瘤生成规律的一个活跃领域。对癌细胞产生的原因,目前还没有一致的见解。一些人认为正常细胞转化为癌细胞是由于致癌病毒诱发的。大多数人同意勃伏利1914年提出的许多癌症的起因是体细胞突变的理论。支持这一观点的论据之一是癌症的发病率随年龄而增长,论据之二是已知能诱发基因突变的所有化学诱变剂或物理因素,几乎都是致癌的,如沥青中的一些化学物质经常接触皮肤,能引起皮肤癌;大剂量苯中毒时,能诱发白血病(血癌);吸烟引起肺癌,这和烟叶中的尼古丁有关;经常接触放射性物质或从事放射线工作的人,白血病、骨髓癌的发病率较高。因此,加强环境保护,消除环境污染,及时检查可疑的致癌物质,并加以防除,对放射性工作加强安全保护等,都可以降低癌症发病率。