拓宽视野,broaden the vision
1)broaden the vision拓宽视野

1.Vision-broadening and competence-fostering-Reflections on the development of Shanghai Top-notch Course"Interpreting Course for English Majors";拓宽视野,培养能力——上海外国语大学《英语口译》市级精品课建设
2.Widening the field of vision and practising what we advocate;拓宽视野 躬行实践——关于推行我国高等学校人文教育的思考
3.How to Broaden Volleyball Setters' Setting Field.对排球二传拓宽传球‘视野’的训练探讨
4.This broadened my vision and knowledge.这拓宽了我的视野和知识。
5.I want to expand your point of view so you can see something.我想拓宽你们的视野以便让你们看清一些东西。
6.Giving Platy to the Superiority of Internet Information to Expand the Visual Field of University Students’ English Learning;发挥因特网信息优势 拓宽大学生英语学习视野
7.More Horizon in Ideological and Political Work of Young College Teachers;拓宽高校青年教师思想政治工作的新视野
8.Widen the New Vision of Humanities Education on Studentsin Colleges of Science and Engineering;拓宽高校理工科学生人文教育的新视野
9.It is believed( that) reading increases our knowledge and broadens our mind.例如:一般相信阅读增长我们的知识,拓宽我们的视野。
10.The paper summarizes findings of existing studies for the purpose of extending our research perspectives.本文按照此逻辑对这些研究作理论概述,以拓宽我们的研究视野。
11."Take courses of different subjects. Broaden your horizon." my high school teacher advised.参加不同学科的学习,拓宽你的视野——我的高中老师建议说。
12.A Compare Research on the Establishment of Socialist Economics with Chinese Characteristics;拓宽中国特色社会主义经济学的研究视野——从多向比较揭示规律性
13.Fresh Time Feature,Wide Horizon--Evaluation on New Horizon College English & New Era Interactive English时代特征鲜明 视野仍可拓宽——评新版《新视野大学英语》与《新时代交互英语》
14.Looking from the cultural angle into the children socially in development and socially in development process,it has extended the visual field of studying on children socially in development;从文化视角透视儿童的社会性发展和社会性发展进程,拓宽了儿童社会性发展研究视野;
15.The further away I am off shore, the more far-sighted I will be.离岸越远,视野越宽。
16.The view will broaden out shortly视野很快就会宽阔起来。
17.In the Mid-age, the theological political view widened the learning scope of political civilization and added the necessity into the progressive meaning of political civilization.中世纪神学政治观拓宽了研究政治文明的视野并以必然性充实了政治文明进步性的内涵;
18.It is the right time to establish a new demarcation for the modern agriculture and expand its connotation with a new and wider,view.当前,有必要站在新的高度,在更宽广的视野中对农业现代化进行再界定,拓展其内涵。

broaden the visual field of reading拓宽阅读视野
3)expand field of vision拓展视野
1.Looking at society out of railway circle could expand field of vision,and is beneficial to introducing ideas,renewing thinking,and using other s good quality or suggestions to remedy railways own defects.跳出铁路看社会,更能拓展视野,有利于改进观点,更新思维,借他山之石攻我铁路之玉。
4)wider perspective视野拓展
1.The author points out that it is a requirement for development of Marxist theories as a discipline and for promoting naturalization of Marxism in China that we should carry out further studies on naturalization of Marxism in China with wider perspectives of research.本文从马克思主义中国化研究的现状出发,就如何深化和拓展马克思主义中国化研究,从视野拓展、方法更新方面进行了分析和论证。
5)wide FOV宽视野
6)Ultra-wide sight echography宽视野成像
1.Objective To evaluate clinical value of Ultra-wide sight echography in B-ultrasound.方法对30例患巨大肿物患者,二维超声扫查之后进行超宽视野成像。
