
1.characterized by the formation of pseudopods for locomotion and taking food: Actinopoda; Rhizopoda.其主要特点是有伪足的形成,伪足可作为行动器官,并用于取食;根足亚纲;辐足亚纲。
2.Pseudopodia are characteristic of many dipterous larvae.伪足为多数双翅目幼虫所特有。
3.Many protoctistans are motile, using pseudopodia, cilia or flagella.许多原生动物利用伪足、纤毛或鞭毛能运动。
4.A jellylike state of cytoplasm, characteristically occurring in the pseudopod of the amoeba.原生质凝胶变形虫的伪足中特有的细胞质的类似胶状物的状态
5.In slime molds, a projection of the body used for locomotion.伪足:2.粘菌体表所形成的辐射状突起,与其运动有关。
6.Studies on Dynamical Behaviors of Hepatoma Cell Pseudopod Protrusion in Response to Extracellular Components;肝癌细胞在基底膜成分趋化作用下伪足形成的动力学行为研究
7.The beggar's limp was a fake.那乞丐的跛足乃系作伪。
8.an arrant fool, hypocrite, liar, rogue, etc十足的傻瓜、 伪君子、 说谎者、 流氓等
9.In the appeasement of the glutton they have to practise much stimulation.因为要满足这个暴食者,她们不得不做许多伪装。
10.Many of the men in the new revolutionary government are dishonest to the core.新的革命政府里有许多人真是十足的伪君子。
11.The gold ornaments our shop sells are all of standard quality. If anyone should discover a counterfeit or inferior ornament, he shall oBtain a refund ten times as high as the original sale price of the commodity concerned.本店出售的黄金饰品,成色准足,凡发现假冒伪劣者,以一奖十。
12.To swear falsely;commit perjury.作伪证发伪誓,作伪证
13.pseudo-FORTRAN program伪FORTRAN程序
14.a wolf in sheep's clothing伪君子hypocrite;
15.A character or other piece of information entered into a computer only to meet prescribed conditions, such as word length, and having no effect on operations.虚设备,伪程序只满足规定条件的键入计算机的字符或其它信息,对操作毫无影响,如字长
16.Daughters of time, the hypocritic Days, muffled and dumb are like barefoot dervishes.时间老人的女儿,伪善的日子,一个个沉默寡言裹着衣巾,如跣足的托钵僧。
17.The growth of the Crockett legend shows well how the self-conscious even spurious aspects of the frontier could achieve a certain authenticity.克罗克特传奇的发展是足以证明,心知其不实甚至伪造的边疆面貌都会有人相信。
18.Before that, records are sporadic and anecdotal-and that is not enough to see the bigger picture.此前的纪录抑或零零星星,抑或真伪难辨,均不足以揭示飓风更全面的活动趋势。

1.The pseudopod is the primary locomotory organelle of free-living amoeboid cells as well as in a variety of mammalian cells.趋化最初是单细胞生物某些细胞最基本最原始的运动形式,像变形虫,溶组织阿米巴等靠体表任何部位形成的临时性的细胞质突起(伪足)作为运动器而运动。
3)lamelli podia板状伪足
1.Objective To investigate the inhibitory effect of6A8α-manosidase expression on the adhesiveness of CNE-2L2cells to laminin and the lamellipodia on cell surface.目的探讨6A8α-甘露糖苷酶表达抑制对CNE-2L2细胞与层粘连蛋白的粘附及细胞表面片状伪足的影响。
1.The reduction of filopodia may be the morphologic basis of decreased adhesion and migration of the cells.扫描电镜下,经肝素钠和肝素钙处理的细胞丝状伪足减少,这可能是肝素钠和肝素钙抑制该细胞休外粘连性和移动性的形态学基础。

厌氧棒状杆菌菌苗 ,短小棒状杆菌菌苗药物名称:短小棒状杆菌菌苗英文名:Corynebacterium Parvum Vaccine别名: 短棒菌苗;厌氧棒状杆菌菌苗 ,短小棒状杆菌菌苗 适应症: 临床试用于恶性黑色素瘤、乳腺癌及肺小细胞型未分化癌。腹腔注射对癌性腹水也有治疗作用。 用量用法: 1.皮内注射:最好注射在淋巴结引流区内,每点0.5mg,共8点,后可增加到12点,两点相距1~2cm,每周1~2次。 2.皮下注射或肌注:一般选择上臂三角肌处注射,每次3.5~4mg。注射前加等量的2%利多卡因以减轻疼痛。每周注射2次。 3.静滴:常用4~10mg,加于250~500ml等渗盐水或5%葡萄糖液中1~4小时内滴完。 4.一般以2~4周为1疗程,如有效可较长时期应用。 注意事项: 1.不良反应有寒战发热。转氨酶升高、血压波动等。 2.病人寒战时可给热饮料;体温高于39℃以上时可给解热剂或物理降温。必要时,给予输液或其他支援治疗。在静滴本品前可给予氢化可的松100mg,以减轻不良反应。 规格: 注射液:每支5ml(含死菌35mg)、1ml(含 死菌7mg)。菌苗中均含甲醛(防腐)。类别:免疫调节剂