1.Therefore, interrelation between children s temperament activity and parenting is the hot topic of temperament psychology.气质活动性是影响儿童心理行为发展的重要因素,探讨儿童气质活动性和父母教养因素的相互作用已经成为气质心理学研究的热点问题。
2.Grandparenting research expanded rapidly during the past three decades in international.近二三十年,国外对于祖父母教养进行了大量的研究,这些研究大多集中在单亲以及隔代教养家庭,祖父母代替父母教养孙子女,以及在这种背景下祖父母教养对祖父母和孙子女的影响等方面。
3.Sufficient studies have found that compared to parents in western cultures, Chinese parents are normally applying an authoritarian parenting style.相关分析显示中国范本中,父母教养方式中的心理控制(psychological control)和孩子们的抑郁状况以及人际交流状态并没有显著的负面相关。

1.A Mental Intervention on Parenting Self-efficacy among Junior High School Students;初中生父母教养效能感心理干预研究
2.Parental Rearing Style and Anxiety of Adolescents;父母教养方式对子女焦虑的影响研究
3.A Comparative Study on Children and Adolescents Parenting Styles Between Urban and Rural China;儿童青少年父母教养方式的城乡比较
4.Research of Factors Influenced by Parents of Junior Middle-School Students;初中生父母教养方式影响因素的研究
5.The Analysis of Defence Method of University Students and Teaching Method of Their Parents;大学生防御方式与父母教养方式研究
6.The Relationship between Parental Rearing Patterns and Psychological Health of Senior High School Students;父母教养方式与心理健康关系的研究
7.Relational Study of parental Rearing Partterns & Crime of youths;父母教养方式与青年犯罪的相关研究
8.Research on Parenting Mode of Junior High Middle School;初中生父母教养方式的发展特点研究
9.The Reliability and Validity of a Chinese Version of the Parental Bonding Instrument父母教养方式问卷(PBI)的信效度研究
10.A Study on Parenting Self-Efficacy and Its Relationship with Parenting Style Among Junior High School Students;初中生父母自我效能感评估及其与父母教养方式关系的研究
11.Adolescents Beliefs about Parental Authority and Its Relationship with Parenting Style;青少年对父母权威的认知及其与父母教养方式的关系
12.Parenting Style of Difficultly Educated Children and Their Mental Health“难管教儿童”的心理健康与父母教养方式
13.Shame Technique Used by Parents and the Children s Social Behavior;关于父母教养方式与儿童适应性的研究
14.Research on the Relationship between Parenting Styles of Junior Middle School Students and Their Mental Health;初中生父母教养方式与其心理健康的关系研究
15.The Research about the Relationship between the Educational Method of Parents and the Mental Health of Teenagers;父母教养方式与青少年心理健康的关系研究
16.A Study on the Relationship among Anxiety, Parental Rearing Pattern and Self-esteem of Freshmen in College;大学新生焦虑与父母教养方式、自尊的关系研究
17.Research on the Relationship between Mental Health of College Students and Their Parent Rearing Styles;大学生心理健康与其父母教养方式关系研究
18.On Adolescents Autonomy, Self-esteem and Parental Style;青少年自主性、自尊与父母教养方式的研究

1.The dominant themes of grandparenting research are grandparents acting .近二三十年,国外对于祖父母教养进行了大量的研究,这些研究大多集中在单亲以及隔代教养家庭,祖父母代替父母教养孙子女,以及在这种背景下祖父母教养对祖父母和孙子女的影响等方面。
3)Parental rearing style父母教养方式
1.Parental Rearing Style and Anxiety of Adolescents;父母教养方式对子女焦虑的影响研究
2.Relationship between Senior Socia Anxiety and Parental Rearing Style in Senior Middle School Students;父母教养方式和高二学生社交焦虑的关系研究
3.This paper makes a survey of EMBU of parental rearing styles of 315 students of a Hubei university through questionnaires,has the statistical tests and variance analysis.对湖北某高校315名学生进行父母养育方式评价量表(EMBU)的调查和一般资料的收集,并对数据结果进行t检验和方差分析,结果显示:父亲更倾向于对儿子作出更严厉的惩罚;是否独生子女对大学生父母教养方式没有显著影响;父亲文化程度越高,父母情感温暖因子上的得分就越高。
4)Parental rearing patterns父母教养方式
1.A study of relationship between Parental Education and Parental Rearing Patterns of College Students;大学生双亲受教育程度与父母教养方式关系的研究
2.Correlative research on mental health of college students and their parental rearing patterns;大学生心理健康及父母教养方式相关研究
3.Objective To explore the temperament characteristic, family environment and parental rearing patterns of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) children.目的探讨注意缺陷与多动障碍(ADHD)患儿的气质特征、家庭环境及其父母教养方式,为ADHD患儿实施心 理干预措施提供依据。
5)Parenting styles父母教养方式
1.The Investigation on the relationship between the Psychological Health of Senior middle school students and Parenting styles;高中生心理健康与父母教养方式的相关研究
2.The author uses EMBU and ULAQ to conduct this research among 273 undergraduates in order find out Relationship between Undergraduates ,Study Adaptability and parenting styles.采用父母教养方式问卷与大学生学习适应性问卷对273名大学生进行测查,以了解大学生学习适应性与父母教养方式的关系。
3.Objective: The study examined the influence of parenting styles on time management disposition of college students.目的:探讨父母教养方式对大学生时间管理倾向的影响。
6)Parenting style父母教养方式
1.Researching on the Relations between Parenting Style, Values, Personality and Social Responsibility among Middle School Students;中学生父母教养方式、人格、价值观与社会责任心关系的研究
2.Parenting Style, Parent-Adolescent Communication and Their Effects on Adolescents Social Adjustment;父母教养方式、亲子沟通与青少年社会适应的关系研究
