1.In-basket construct validity is often checked in assessment center,little for itself.单独对公文筐测验构思效度进行研究的文献比较少,更多的是在评价中心中来考察构思效度问题。
1.HR In-basket Testing and Validity: An Implicit Assessment Strategy Perspective;人力资源公文筐测验与效度验证:基于内隐评价策略的思路
2.Validating Construct Validity and Optimizing Test Effect of the In-basket Test公文筐构思效度检验及测评优化研究
3.Probing the Application Pattern of the In-basket Test;情境模拟公文筐测试应用模式的探究
4.A Study of the In-Basket Test Applied to Choosing Senior Managers in Enterprises;对文件筐测验(I-B)在选拔高层经理人员中的实证研究
5.Isn't it in your tray?它在不在你的文件筐里?
6.②The Binet Test, Raven Test and The Chinese 3.3.3 intelligence Scales;②智力测查(比奈测验、瑞文测验等);
7.An analysis of the experiment of one hand shot with the back edge of the ring as the aim;单手投篮选篮筐后沿为瞄准点的实验分析
8.SRA Clerical AptitudesSRA 文书能力倾向测验
9.correct an essay, a test, etc批改作文、 测验题等.
10.The teacher gave us a quiz in English.老师给我们测验英文。
11.He wrote a terse reply to Rhoda, sealed it up, and tossed it in his outbasket.他写了一封简明扼要的复信给罗达,封起来,扔在发文的信筐里。
12.an aptitude test; a Chinese test tests for two items may not be sufficient, but the overall Chinese test score should meet the minimum criterion; an interview性向测验、中文测验(前二项测验不列入总成绩计算,但中文测验应通过最低标准)、面试
13.A new experimental result, or a new theory for deriving predictions from the results, can change the accepted truths.【译文】一项新的实验结果,或由结果导向预测的一种新理论,可以改变公认的真理。
14.A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.一个公开的民意测验无法代替思考。
15.Highway Engineering Test Software Design and Implementation;公路工程试验检测软件的设计与实现
16.Strengthening Test Check And Improve Highway Engineering Quality加强试验检测工作,提高公路工程质量
17.An Analysis of the Influence of Situational Factors on Fairness of Intelligence Test影响智力测验公正性的情境因素分析
18.Will there be a closed or open beta? How about a trial or demo version?会有内测或者公测版本么?体验版和试玩版呢?
In-basket Test公文筐测试
1.Probing the Application Pattern of the In-basket Test;情境模拟公文筐测试应用模式的探究
3)culture fair test文化公平测验
5)formal test公式测验
公文筐测验公文筐测验:是一种情境模拟测验,也是评价中心技术中最主要的活动之一(它在评价中心技术中使用频率最高,达 95% )。公文筐测验是对管理人员潜在能力最主要的测定方法,在国外曾成功地选拔和提升了一大批优秀的管理人员,有着相当高的预测效度和实证效度。