1.Mitchell and Integration of Relation Theory米切尔与关系理论的整合

1.Mitchell has set up in business as a bookseller.米切尔开了一家书店。
2.Michel: Yes. Two. Christine and Patrick.米切尔:有。两个。克里斯汀和帕特里克。
3.Return to Intoxication and Happiness--0Comments on Magritte· Michelle s and her《Floating in the Wind》;重返陶乐——评玛格丽特·米切尔与《飘》
4.Powell is getting into the nuts and bolts of a timeline for implementing the Mitchell proposals.鲍威尔正为执行米切尔的建议作具体时间安排。
5.Dr Mitchell's ill so I'm deputizing (for her).米切尔博士病了, 所以我做代理(她的)工作.
6."No problem," Mitch smiled warmly. It was forgotten.“没问题,”米切尔热情地微笑着,他已经不介意了。
7.Michel: Christine is nine and Patrick is seven.米切尔:克里斯汀今年九岁,帕特里克七岁。
8.Michel: Oh, yes. This is Christine ... and this is Patrick.米切尔:有的。这就是克里斯汀……还有,这是帕特里克。
9.A Research on Readers' Reception of Stephen Mitchell's English Translation of Dao De Jing斯蒂芬·米切尔《道德经》英译本读者接受研究
10.Nobel Prize winner Albert Michelson first proved Phiseau's idea could work.诺贝尔奖得主艾伯特·米切尔森首次证明了菲索想法的可行性。
11.McAdoo's strongest rival was the Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, who was still beating drums for Americanism.麦卡杜最强的对手是仍在鼓吹美国主义的司法部长A·米切尔·帕尔默。
12."Mitch, our firm is in Memphis," Lamar said. "Does that bother you?“米切尔,我们的事务所在孟斐斯,”拉马尔说道,“你不会介意吧?”
13.Milan v Chelsea is being shown live exclusively on Chelsea TV in England.跟米兰的比赛将在切尔西电视台直播。
14.Rachel Carson is right--So were John Muir and Aldo Leopold.雷切尔.卡尔逊是对的,约翰.米尔和奥尔多.利奥波德也是对的。
15."Lots of people paid attention to Chelsea but Chelsea paid attention to Jeremy.“那么多人关注着切尔西——而切尔西则把目光投向了杰莱米。”
16.74 Chelsea substitutions J Cole for Mikel, Wright-Phillips for Kalou.74分?切尔西换人:乔.科尔入替米克尔,赖特.菲利普斯入替卡劳。
17.Bob Tanner was there, and Johnny Miller, and Jeff Thatcher, when I said it.当时,鲍勃-唐纳在场,约翰尼-米勒、杰夫-撒切尔也在。
18.He had been as instructive as Milton's "affable archangel".他正如米尔顿那位“亲切的天使长”一样循循善诱。

Wesley Clair Mitchell (1874~1948)米切尔,W.C.
3)Margaret Mitchell (1900~1949)米切尔,M.
4)Carl Mitcham卡尔·米切姆
1.Carl Mitcham s thoughts of ethics of technology took the merger of science and technology as a premise, took his thoughts about conceptual, epistemological, and metaphysical ones as foundation, and all his moral issues were concentrated on the high-tech fields.卡尔·米切姆的技术伦理思想以科学技术一体化为前提,以其技术认识论和类型论思想为基础,集中讨论了高科技领域内产生的伦理道德问题。
5)William Mitchell威廉·米切尔
1.William Mitchell and His Military Thinking;威廉·米切尔及其军事思想
6)Michell bearing米切尔轴承

米切尔(1879.12.29~1936.2.19)美国陆军准将,空军理论家。生于法国尼斯。1898 年从军,参加美西战争。1909年毕业于陆军参谋学院。第一次世界大战中任美国远征军航空兵司令,指挥盟军1500架飞机参加10余次空战。1919年任陆军航空勤务部队副司令。翌年晋准将。主张建立独立的美国空军,强调夺取制空权是致胜的决定性因素。1921~1923年进行轰炸军舰的试验,证明飞机可以击沉任何舰艇。因与陆、海军的传统观念发生矛盾,1925年被调往得克萨斯州的圣安东尼奥任职。同年9月“谢南多亚”号飞艇失事后,公开指责陆军部、海军部无能和失职,被军事法庭判处停止军职五年。1926年2月辞去军职后,继续为建立独立空军进行游说并著书立说。1946年,美国国会表彰其对发展美国空军所作的贡献,追授他特别荣誉勋章。著有《我国的空军》、《空中国防论》、《空中之路》。