
1.Correction of the Module Theory of Children s Spatial Reorientation;儿童空间再定向几何模块论及其修正
2.Fodor s the Modularity of Mind and Its Thoughts of Cognition;福多的心理模块论及其认知哲学思想
3.The Modular Theory of Organizational Structure Based on NK Model基于NK模型的组织结构模块化理论
4.On the Meanings of "Modularity of Mind" Research for Theoretical Psychology;论“心理模块性”研究的理论心理学意义
5.On the Modularity of Cognitive"Central System"--Beyond the Paradox in J.Fodor s "Modularity of Mind;论认知“中心系统”的模块性——消除J.福多“心理模块性”悖论的一个尝试
6.To Constructs the Theory about Small Cycle Tectonic Plate Training Pattern;关于小周期板块训练模式的理论建构
7.Reconsidering Modularity Theory:Limitation and Applicable Scope;模块化理论的再审视:局限及适用范围
8.On "Block Model"--A New Type of Teaching Approach in Agricultural Higher Vocatinal Education;论农业高职新型的教学模式——“板块式”
9.On the Decomposition of Enterprise Modularity of Financial Multinational Corporations论金融业跨国公司的企业模块化分解
10.Modularization:Reform and Debate of Vocational Education in Germany模块化:德国职业教育的改革与争论
11.A Study on Selection of Integrator and Incentive of Module Maker Based on the Theory of Modularity;基于模块化理论的集成商选择与模块商激励研究
12.Modularity,Classical Computation and Intentional Realism:an Ontological Implication of Fodor s Thesis of Nonmodularity of Thinking;模块性、经典计算和意向实在论——论福多思维非模块性论题的一个本体论后果
13.Exploration on Three-module Teaching Model of Politics Theory Lessen in Vocational and Technical College;高职思想政治理论课“三模块”教学模式探索
14.Theoretical study on modular division and combination of distributed hydrological models分布式水文模型中模块分解与组合的理论研究
15.Research on Fodor s Module Theory and Its Epistemological Problems;福多的模块理论及其对认识论研究的启示意义
16.Systems Economy: the Essence of New Economy--on the theory of modularity;系统经济:新经济的本质——兼论模块化理论
17.The Module Theory and Its Proof and Transcription to Innate Idea Theory模块理论及其对天赋观念论的证明与超越
18.module check模块检查,模块检验

module theory模块理论
1.Research on Fodor s Module Theory and Its Epistemological Problems;福多的模块理论及其对认识论研究的启示意义
3)theoretical module理论模块
1.This paper also raises the thought that the higher professional courses can be classified into two modules: theoretical module mainly guided by the theoretical system and practical module dominated by the professional techniques.分析了高职教育目前所面临的问题;指出了构建模块式课程体系的必要性;详细论述了构建思路:把高职课程分为理论和实践两个模块系统,理论模块以理论的系统性为主导、实践模块以专业技术类型为主体划分课程模块,所有课程模块构成模块式课程体系。
4)modular theory模块理论
1.This article reviewed the related research about the development of infants ability to perceive physical causality, described this development and evaluated the modular theory and information-processing theory which explain infants ability to perceive causality.本文结合近几年国外对婴儿物理因果感知能力的相关研究,阐述了婴儿感知简单物理情境中的因果关系能力的发展,评价了用来解释婴儿物理因果感知的模块理论与信息加工理论,以期对婴儿期的物理因果感知有一较全面的了解。
5)the paradoxes of modularity模块化悖论
6)geometric module几何模块论
1.The theory of geometric model insisted that it was some kind ofgeometric module in the cognition system of children and nonhuman mammals caused thisphenomen.儿童空间再定向的几何模块论认为儿童只能利用空间环境所构成的几何信息,不能利用非几何信息来再定向。

《概率论、信息论及其在雷达中的应用》  阐述雷达信息和信号检测理论的经典著作,英国P.M.伍德沃德著。1953年伦敦派加蒙出版公司出版,1964年再版。全书共七章,前三章是概率论、信息论和信号分析的基础,也是阅读本书的预备 知识。第四章是噪声中信号检测的一般理论,对理想接收机和后验概率理论作了精辟的阐述。最后三章是全书的精华,系统阐述雷达信号检测理论和分辨理论。书中提出著名的伍德沃德模糊函数的定义,后成为雷达信号分析和波形设计的有效工具。书中还分析了几种典型雷达信号的模糊函数及其对系统潜在性能(精度、分辨力、模糊度)的影响,对雷达信号波形设计有很大的作用。这本书已被译成多种语言出版。1980年美国再次翻印出版。