1)egoism[英]['eɡ???z?m][美]['?go'?z?m; 'ig-]利己性
1.We must konw profoundly judges egoism ,then we can know clearly the conduct of judges. 利己性作为人性的一个重要方面,对法官行为的影响是直接而深远的。
2)Selfish Humanity利己人性
3)rational egoist理性利己者
4)individualistic altruistic motivation利己性利他动机
1.4 percent of the college students had high level of individualistic altruistic motivation,and 63.测量工具为利己性利他动机量表和利他性利他动机量表。
5)egoism[英]['eɡ???z?m][美]['?go'?z?m; 'ig-]利己
1.An analysis of game theory on egoism and altruism——a new perspective on study of moral education in primary and middle schools;利己与利他的博弈论辨析——中小学德育研究的新视角
2.From Egoism to Altruism:Praxis Rationality over Economic Rationality从利己走向利他:实践理性超越经济理性
3.Excluding instinct out of the overall process of biological evolution and adhere to egoism is the sole instinct of creatures,which has made Darwin and his followers and supporters acquire the consistency of inherent logic in theory,at the same time,they face external challenge and impact from altruistic behaviors which widely existed in nature and human society.把本能排除在生物进化的整体进程之外,坚持利己性是生物唯一本能,使达尔文赢得理论内在逻辑一致性的同时,也面临着自然界和人类社会广泛存在的利他行为的外部挑战和冲击。

1.He's selfish and benefited himself at the expense of others.他自私自利,损人利己
2.I was stubborn and egocentric,我是顽固的利己主义者。
3.The man would walk over other people to get what he wanted.这个人总是好损人利己
4.She studies only her own interests.她只顾及自己的利益。
5.one's statutory rights自己享有的法定权利
6.know which side one's bread is buttered o知道自己的利益所在
7.He knows where his interest lies.他知道自己的利益所在。
8.a convenient memory只记住对自己有利的事
9.exists in its own right.存在于它自己的权利中。
10.He will stand on his rights.他将坚持自己的权利。
11.I stand on my rights.我坚持自己的权利。
12."Don't be selfish, Clarrie.“别只顾自己,克拉利。
13.serving to promote your interest.用以促进自己的利益。
14.You've no right to help yourself.你没有权利自己动手。
15.Henry loved to make things.亨利喜欢自己制作物件。
16.press home one's advantage坚决维护自己的利益
17.You have to stand up for your right!你必须维护自己的权利!
18.He is above taking profits for himself.他不屑为自己谋利。

Selfish Humanity利己人性
3)rational egoist理性利己者
4)individualistic altruistic motivation利己性利他动机
1.4 percent of the college students had high level of individualistic altruistic motivation,and 63.测量工具为利己性利他动机量表和利他性利他动机量表。
5)egoism[英]['eɡ???z?m][美]['?go'?z?m; 'ig-]利己
1.An analysis of game theory on egoism and altruism——a new perspective on study of moral education in primary and middle schools;利己与利他的博弈论辨析——中小学德育研究的新视角
2.From Egoism to Altruism:Praxis Rationality over Economic Rationality从利己走向利他:实践理性超越经济理性
3.Excluding instinct out of the overall process of biological evolution and adhere to egoism is the sole instinct of creatures,which has made Darwin and his followers and supporters acquire the consistency of inherent logic in theory,at the same time,they face external challenge and impact from altruistic behaviors which widely existed in nature and human society.把本能排除在生物进化的整体进程之外,坚持利己性是生物唯一本能,使达尔文赢得理论内在逻辑一致性的同时,也面临着自然界和人类社会广泛存在的利他行为的外部挑战和冲击。
6)benefit oneself利己
1.He layed po emphasis on such views as one should not only benefit oneself, but also benefit others and benefit the masses.主张“利己”的同时,强调“利他”和“利群”。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-