1.There are three major hypotheses for rumination:the response styles theory,the goal-driven rumination and the self-regulatory executive function.反刍思维是一种反复关注自身消极情绪及相应事件的思维方式。

1.Chinese Version of Nolen-Hoeksema Ruminative Responses Scale (RRS) Used in 912 College Students:Reliability and ValidityNolen-Hoeksema反刍思维量表在中国的试用
2.Thinking on"Back-feeding Along with Rumination"Development Model;关于“反哺同步于反刍”发展模式的思考
3.A Shining Example in Innovative Thinking ── On Deng Xiaoping s Dialectical Thinking Mode;创新思维的典范 邓小平辩证思维方式刍议
4.A Discussion of the Theoretical Modes of the Occidental Literature Theory;西方文艺理论因果关系思维模式刍议
5.On Teachers Teaching Reflection in College English Teaching;刍议大学英语教学中教师的教学反思
6.Severe Criticism and Weak Construction: An Issue on the Trend of Anti-Humanistic Thought;强批判与弱建构:反人道主义思潮刍议
7.Views on Cultivation of Students Creative Thinking in English Intensive Reading;英语专业精读课中培养学生创新思维能力刍议
8.More Dialectic Thinking:A View on the Researches on Ancient Novelists;多一些辨证思维——古代小说作家生平研究刍议
9.On Creative Thinking In Architectual Art Education;建筑美术教学中创造性思维能力的培养刍议
11.Humble Opinion of Liberal Editors of College Journal Keeping Track of and Making Use of Logical Law of Thinking;学报文科编辑掌握和运用逻辑思维规律刍议
12.The Training and Expression of Creative Thoughts创造性思维培养与表现——刍议创意素描教学
13.Thought and Reflective Thought;思维与反思性思维——杜威反思性教学理论浅析
14.Contrast and Rethink : the Research on Challenge Principle of Criminal Procedure;比较与反思:我国刑事利益规避原则刍论
15.Converse Thinking and Intuitive Thinking -- On the Thinking of Tao Te Ching;逆反思维与直觉思维——《道德经》思维方式探微
16.Study of Associative Effects between Starch and Neutral Detergent Fiber in Ruminants;反刍动物日粮中淀粉与纤维的组合效应及其机理的研究
17.Effects of Cellulose-preparation Enzyme on Treatment of Crude Feed in Ruminant;纤维素复合酶处理粗饲料饲喂反刍动物的效果研究
18.The Role of Fibrolytic Enzymes and Its Effect on Ruminant Performance纤维素酶的作用及其对反刍动物生产性能的影响

3)reflective thinking反思思维
1.The analysis of documents shows that reflective instruction has been put forward by foreign scholars from three perspectives of reflective thinking,practical epistemology and critical theory.文献分析表明,国外学者从反思思维、实践认识论和批判理论三种不同的视角提出反思性教学。
4)reflective thinking反思性思维
1.This paper discusses the differences between reflective thinking of philosophy and objective thinking of science and clarifies the essence of Marx s concept of philosophy in "The Dissertation for the Doctorate"-reflective thinking.马克思在《博士论文》中,表面看来是在论述德谟克利特的自然哲学与伊壁鸠鲁的自然哲学的差别,实则在这种论述中表达了马克思本人对哲学的一种理解,这是通过自我意识、反思、原子的运动、感性等范畴表现出来的,本文主要厘清了哲学上的反思性思维与科学上的对象性思维的差异,并从中廓清了马克思在《博士论文》中的哲学观的核心反思性思维。
2.Through reflective thinking, university teachers can improve their teaching behavior, make it full of intelligence and renew their understanding of the nature of their teaching practice.大学教师有必要通过反思性思维改进教学行为,使教学实践充满智慧,并重新建构对教学本质的理解。
3.The reflective thinking and teaching theory was an important part of the system of Dewey s educational thoughts.反思性思维与教学理论是现代美国教育家杜威教育思想体系的一个重要的组成部分。
5)reverse thinking反向思维
1.More than 40 years of anthor's exploration practice reveals that correct evaluation and prediction must be based on the combination of positive and reverse thinking.作者经 40多年的勘探实践 ,深感正确评价预测必须建立在正、反向思维的结合点上。
2.It illustrates basic meaning of reverse thinking and its application in creation of building through analyzing & researching part buildings in domestic & foreign,which refer feasible and effective thinking mode for designer.通过对部分国内外建筑作品的分析与研究,阐述了反向思维的基本含义以及反向思维在建筑创作中的运用,为建筑设计者提供一种切实可行且行之有效的建筑设计思维方式。
3.With reverse thinking, an ideal perspective drawing could be obtained by confirming some key parameters among a.以反向思维的方法,在一系列参数中,依自己的意愿确定几个关键的参数,即可画出表达效果理想的透视图。
6)thinking reflexion思维反映
