1.The hierarchical linear modeling has recently been advocated for policy-capturing data because it allows a rigorous examination of intra- and inter-personal variance and ca.作为一种结构建模程 序,策略捕捉可以建构包含决策标准及其权重的统计模型,获取决策内在过程和预测判断。
2)foraging strategy捕食策略
1.Morphological features, echolocation calls and foraging strategy in the trawling piscivorous bat: Rickett s big-footed bat Myotis ricketti;拖网式食鱼蝠——大足鼠耳蝠的形态、回声定位声波及捕食策略

1.Echolocation Calls and Summer Foraging Strategy of Rhinolophus Macrotis;大耳菊头蝠回声定位声波与夏季捕食策略研究
2.Study of Foraging Strategies of Rhinolophus Ferrumequinum on Lepidoptera Insects in Summer;马铁菊头蝠夏季对鳞翅目昆虫的捕食策略研究
3.Artificial Life Algorithm with Predater and Application in System Recognition;基于捕食策略的人工生命算法及在系统辨识中应用
4.Optimal harvest policy for a class of discrete predator-prey system一类离散捕食-食饵系统的最优捕获策略
5.Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Predatory Search Strategy in Transmission Power Grid Expansion Planning基于捕食搜索策略的粒子群算法在输电网络扩展规划中的应用
6.Research on Technique and Strategy of Fast Acquiring and Capture in GPS转发GPS信号快捕及捕获策略研究
8.Predator-prey Model with Disease in the Predator Population捕食者感染疾病的捕食-被捕食模型
9.a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture).欺骗性的策略(尤指为了逃避捕抓)。
10.Control Strategy for CO_2 Capture from Flue Gas of Coal-fired Power Plants燃煤电厂烟气CO_2捕集系统的控制策略
11.This paper is devoted to study the following prey-predator system model with sparssing efffect. (The equation is abbreviated).研究如下一类具稀疏效应的食饵-捕食模型(方程式略)。
12.Analysis of an Prey-predator Model with Diseases in the Prey and Predator捕食者与食饵都染病的捕食-被捕食模型分析
13.The Survival Analysis and the Economic Harvesting Policy of Single-species in a Polluted Environment;污染环境中单种群的生存分析与经济捕获策略
14.Optimal Harvest Model for Single Species Grouped by Years;具有年龄结构的单种群最优捕获策略模型研究
15.Harvest Policy of Single-species Model with the Stage-structure;具有阶段结构的单种群模型的捕获策略
16.Talking about the measures and methods of pursuing and capturing the escapet criminal of duty;论追捕在逃职务犯罪嫌疑人的策略及方法
17.Research on the Pursuit-Evasion Problem with Multi-robot Based on Reinforcement Learning基于强化学习的多机器人围捕策略的研究
18.Study and Simulation of Acquisition Technique for Extremely Low-CNR High-dynamic Signals极低载噪比高动态信号的捕获策略研究与仿真

foraging strategy捕食策略
1.Morphological features, echolocation calls and foraging strategy in the trawling piscivorous bat: Rickett s big-footed bat Myotis ricketti;拖网式食鱼蝠——大足鼠耳蝠的形态、回声定位声波及捕食策略
3)fishing strategy捕鱼策略
1.Optimization approach on using fishing strategy采用捕鱼策略的优化方法
4)Nitric oxide trapsNO捕捉
1.The time between the send pulse and the back pulse can be captured using the capture function of the PIC16C63.用PIC16C63单片机的捕捉功能来计算超声波在液体中的传播时间,进而计算出超声波在液体中的传播距离来实现对液位的精确测量。
2.This separable manipulator can capture, fix and drag underwater objects reliably by simple mechanical structures.本文主要介绍了分体式机械手的主要组成及应用于水下打捞的优点,通过简单的机械结构, 就可实现可靠捕捉并打捞目标。
3.Innovative Education is ready to capture the good resources and made the learners have knowledge of what has learned, and understands how our predecessors solve the specific problems, and then simulates the solutions to the problem.创新教育在于善于捕捉现成资源,使学习者通过对已有知识的学习,了解前人是怎样解决具体问题的,进而模拟人们解决问题的方法,在取得成就的基础上积累经验,拓展视野,孕育创新,是事物发展过程中量的积累,是量变过程。
1.Besides perfect mastery of proficient skills and tactics, they must have keen insight and be able to catch the best time.他们除了必须具备熟练过硬的技战术,还需要拥有敏锐的观察力和善于捕捉时机的能力。
2.The article recommend that the wild Little civets was catched time and place and methods; and putted forward technology of the casue-genus and domestication of Little civets.本文介绍了野生小灵猫捕捉的时间、地点和方法;提出了小灵猫的引种与驯化技术。
3.By example we can know how to use Sniffer pro to catch and analyze data message,and know the IP address which has the virus.通过实例,在核心交换机做端口镜像,使用Snifferpro捕捉、分析数据报文,确定局域网内中毒机器IP地址,采取关闭中毒机器所在楼层交换机端口的方法,隔离病毒,保证整个网络的正常运行。

捕捉1.缉捕;捉拿。 2.指抓住(机会)。 3.犹捉摸。