1.It could be concluded that(1)there was break in expectancy effect in duration reproduction task with break encoding;(2)there was direct proof of attention-sharing explanation of break in expectancy effect from electrophysiological study.这说明了间断编码的时间复制任务中存在期望中断效应且以注意共享机制解释期望中断效应得到了电生理学证据的直接支持。

1.Attention-Sharing Interpretation of Effect of Break Expectancy:An ERP Study期望中断效应的注意共享解释—来自ERP的证据
2.Before continuing with a shared network installation, note the following在继续进行网络共享安装之前,请注意以下事项
3.Problems Needing to Pay Attention in the Co-construction and Sharing of the Digital Educational Information Resources数字化教育信息资源共建共享过程中应该注意的问题
4.The Issues That Need Paying Atttention to Building the University Library Information Commons高校图书馆构建信息共享空间需注意的若干问题
5.To Pay Attention to the Labors in Order to Construct Together in Harmony;关注职工 在共建共享中构建和谐
6.Knowledge-sharing,Knowledge-sharing Willingness of Employees and Foundation of the Trust;员工知识共享、知识共享意愿与信任基础
7.The shareware registration method based on serial number of harddisk利用硬盘序列号实现共享软件的注册
8.Note: If the existing backup file is not currently located in the log shipping share, it will be copied to that location.注意: 如果现有备份文件当前不在日志传送共享中,则会将其复制到该位置。
9.Note: Computer certificates are the recommended method of authentication. Pre-shared key is a relatively weak authentication method.注意: 建议使用计算机证书作为身份验证方法。预共享密钥相对来说是比较弱的身份验证方法。
10.The fox enjoyed himself, but he kept looking round now and then.狐狸享受着腌肉,却也不时注意四周。
11.willing to give and share unstintingly.愿意慷慨的给予或者共享。
12.On top of that, ideas are free.极端的来看这个问题,创意是共享的。
13.On the basic Sheared Values in Management And Its Significance;论管理中的基本共享价值观及其意义
14.Topic Viewing the Problem of Urban Poverty,Sharing the Fruits of Economic Development;关注城镇贫困问题 共享经济社会发展成果
15.Logging off will disconnect you from shared resources. Are you sure you want to log off?如果注销网络,就会断开与共享资源的连接。是否注销?
16.Providing that you exercise due care,there is no reason why you shouldn’t live to a great age.只要你适当地注意,你就可享有很高的寿命。
17.Alert clubs of SHARE funds available for Humanitarian Programs.提醒扶轮社注意可运用人道计划中的分享基金。
18.I'm ready to share the good points of Chinese and American culture with you.愿意跟你共享中国文化和美国文化的长处。

share meanings共享意义
3)shared meaning意义共享
4)shared library injection共享库注射
1.Design of network deception system based on Linux shared library injection;基于Linux共享库注射技术的网络诱骗系统设计
2.On the basis of adopting network/host copy scheme,a kind of data captured method based on Linux dynamic process shared library injection is proposed.分析比较了现有的网络诱骗技术及其优缺点,在采用网络/主机副本方案的基础上,提出了一种基于Linux动态进程共享库注射的数据捕获方法。
5)joint attention共同注意
1.During the period ,especially at the beginning of learning words,how do children develop their ability of language?Through a great deal of experimental studies,some investigators suggested that achieving joint attention is a new w.这一时期 ,尤其是刚开始学习语言的儿童如何发展自己的语言能力呢 ?Baldwin等人对幼儿词汇学习进行了大量的研究 ,提出了达成共同注意这一新途径 ,而且幼儿是通过检测他人的意图 ,主动地达成这一目的的。
2.The developmental course of joint attention andthe effect of either infant age or crawling status ontheir development were explored in infants aged from 8to 11 months.本研究考察了8~11个月婴儿共同注意能力的发展趋势以及爬行与其发展的关系。
6)knowledge sharing intention知识共享意向
1.We develop a theory framework upon both the Theory of Planned Behavior and social capital theory to study how to stimulate individual s knowledge sharing intention.在计划行为理论和社会资本理论的基础上,构建了组织内个体知识共享意向的决定因素模型。

UG技巧第一招共享你的3D CAD模型你可以与没有CAD 软件的朋友共享你的3DCAD模型。为了观看你的模型、他们可以旋转、平移和缩放。 按如下步骤写出你的模型∶ 1. 选择 Format ->Layer Settings。2. 为显示要求的几何体使某些层可见或不可见。3. 点击OK关闭 Layer Settings 对话框。4. 按MB3 Right 并选择 Display Mode ->Shaded。5. 选择File ->Export ->VRML。6. 点击 Specify VRML File。7. 导航到要求的目录。8. 加入文件名带 .wrl 扩展名。9. 点击 OK 返回到VRML对话框。10. 点击OK建立VRML (.wrl) 文件。 按如下操作打开 .wrl 文件∶1. 对于 Netscape, 选择 File ->Open Page 并点击 Choose File。2. 对于 Internet Explorer, 选择File ->Open并点击 Browse. 当选择你建立的.wrl文件时设置 Files of type to All Files因而你可以看到 .wrl文件。或直接双击.wrl文件