1.There is ample opportunity to develop the effect of self-affirmation in the domain of the most important value had been threatened, the interaction of multiple mechanisms for self-affirmation, the differences between self-affirmation and group-affirmation, and the cross-cultural differences in the effect of selfor group-affirmation.在未来的研究中,对个体最重要价值威胁情况下的自我肯定效应、自我肯定效应的多种机制的共同作用、自我肯定效应与群体肯定效应的区分以及自我与群体肯定效应的跨文化比较等方面还有待进一步的研究。
1.The authors introduced versatile usages of "too" structure, expounded and analysed the respective function of the affirmation & negation of these sentence-patterns.归纳了“too”结构的多种用法,阐述了这些句型各自具有的肯定或否定功能,并对其进行了分析。
2.For the “existence”is objective, so it can extend the meaning “affirmation”、“emphasis”.由于“存在”是客观的,于是进一步引申出“肯定、强调”义。
3.In 1940 s, Tendency of affirmation and animadversion to male was deepened in Ding Ling s works.在1940年代,丁玲的作品中对男性表现出肯定与批判的双向深化的倾向。

1.It was certain/ I thought it certain that they would be late.肯定[我肯定]他们要迟到.
2.answer in the affirmative [ negative ]作肯定[否定]回答
3.Give sb. credit for sth.为。。。赞扬[肯定]某人
4."Certainly," said Carrie.“当然肯定,"嘉莉说。”
5.Uh. I'm not sure if I agree.呵,我不敢肯定。?
6."I will" is an affirmative."我愿意"是肯定语。
7.Two noes make a yes.否定的否定就是肯定
8.An affirmative statement or vote.肯定的陈述肯定的陈述或表示赞成
9.Axiom4: If a property is positive, then it is necessarily positive.公理4:一个肯定性质是必然肯定的.
10.The only certainty is that nothing is certain.唯一可以肯定的是:凡事都难以肯定
11.I don't konw for sure, it depends.我不能肯定,视情形而定。
12.The principal upheld the teacher's decision.校长肯定了老师的决定。
13.Our achievements in eliminating counter-revolutionaries must be affirmed.一定要肯定肃反的成绩。
14.Two negatives make an affirmative.两个否定构成肯定
15.an affirmative constructed from two negatives.两个否定构成的肯定
16.To be undecided or skeptical.不确定不能肯定或怀疑
17.Are you sure you've got that?您肯定听明白了吗?
18.That won't be warm at all,"那样的毯子肯定不暖和。”

1.The authors introduced versatile usages of "too" structure, expounded and analysed the respective function of the affirmation & negation of these sentence-patterns.归纳了“too”结构的多种用法,阐述了这些句型各自具有的肯定或否定功能,并对其进行了分析。
2.For the “existence”is objective, so it can extend the meaning “affirmation”、“emphasis”.由于“存在”是客观的,于是进一步引申出“肯定、强调”义。
3.In 1940 s, Tendency of affirmation and animadversion to male was deepened in Ding Ling s works.在1940年代,丁玲的作品中对男性表现出肯定与批判的双向深化的倾向。
1.The Affirmative and Negative Patterns of Japanese Sentences;小议日语句型的肯定与否定——围绕国际日语能力考试1、2级句型
2.Strong mood with negative in form and affirmative in meaning;形式否定而意义肯定的强语势
3.Some English sentences are superficially negative, but they actually connote affirmative, which often confuses translators.英语里有些否定句表达的却是肯定之意,从而造成了汉译中的“是非”误区。
1."Ye" mainly means sameness or similarity with euphemism and positive mode when used signally or jointly.“也”的语法意义主要是表示相同或类同,在运用时有单用和合用两种情况,“也”还可表委婉语气和肯定语气。
2.As a universal phenomenon in every language, positive/negative category plays an important role in human’s cognitive and communicative activities and Russian is not an exception.本文研究的是现代俄语中一个重要的语义范畴——肯定/否定范畴。
1.He both affirms and denies the transcendent aspirations of men.对人的超验抱负,他既肯定又否定。
2.Double negative sentence uses two negation forms to express an affirmative meaning.双重否定结构就是以迂回的方式表达肯定含义的句子结构,这种结构使句子的语气和普通肯定句所表达的肯定意义有所不同,双重否定句所表达出来的肯定意义可以是更为强烈或更为婉转。
3.Therefore, Cao Cao should be fully affirmed.因此 ,对曹操应予以肯
6)mapping population定位群体
1.Meanwhile, the mapping population of the genome project of rice and other population are compared and discussed.本文还对已有基因组计划定位群体及其它群体进行了比较和讨论。
