1.Effects of Item-wording in Psychological Testing on the Validity of the Questionnaire结论:不论正向的项目表述因素还是反向项目表述因素都会影响到特质因素对效度的解释,这两种因素都是由于项目表述而产生的方法效应。
2)item description项目描述

1.The project is situated at the juncture of Hubei Road and Qufu Road within the Inner Ring of Tianjin City.项目描述:该项目地处天津市内环线以内的湖北路与曲阜道交口处。
2.Describe the context and origin of the project being specified in this SRS.描述本软件需求所描述的项目的背景。
3.subject of entry项目;项主语;描述体主体;记入项主词;输入项主语
4.object of entry描述体客体;项补语;记入目的;记入项目标
5.Describe the kinds of things that need to be controlled in the items.描述项目中需要控制的变量类型。
6.Object detailing which files are build by the project.详细描述项目所生成的文件的对象。
7.Learn how to customize the displaying of the property names and descriptions.这个项目演示了如何定制属性名和描述的显示。
8.The paper also describes the characteristics of the across country petroleum project investment.文中对跨国石油项目投资的特点也进行了描述。
9.On description of the project characteristics in the construction project quantity list valuation standard谈建设工程工程量清单计价规范项目特征描述
10.It can be anything from a simple list to detailed descriptions of each project.可以使用列表的形式罗列所有项目,也可以细节的描述每个项目。
11.Narrate the progress of the project (such as construction date, finish date, and the project approved situation.项目进展情况描述(开工时间,竣工时间及项目的批准情况等)。
12.Water Quality Standards are the foundation of the water quality-based pollution control program mandated by the Clean Water Act.描述:环保署水质标准:建立水质污染防治项目,进行清洁水行动。
13.This course features an extensive reading list as well as a detailed project description.此课程包含一张广泛的课外阅读清单,也就是项目的详细描述。
14.Describe the form of the items to be used in a self-paced reading experiment( or eye-tracking) to address each of the following two questions.针对下面两个问题,描述自定步调(者眼球追踪)读实验中项目的组成。
15.A 32 byte directory entry describing an allocated data set or volume.描述一个已分配数据集或文卷的一种32字节的目录项。
16.Please select the option that best describes your scanner:请选择能够充分描述您的扫描仪的选项:
17.There are32 federal grants, government grants and loans for the Office of Water, Environmental Protection Agency.描述:"可以浏览用于水资源办公室和环境保护处的32笔联邦资金、府资金和贷款项目。
18.Unless otherwise stated in the description, the images show the ACTUAL or an ACCURATE REPRESENTATION of item that you are bidding on.除非另有说明中的描述,图象显示实际还是一个准确的代表性项目,你是竞标.

item description项目描述
3)price list item价表项目
1.A method for coordinating the relation between clinical diagnosis ant treatment item and price list item in hospital information system;医院信息系统临床诊疗项目与价表项目对照整理方法
4)project report项目报表
5)Directory table目录项表
1.Discussion on the Development of Traditional Ethnic Sports——from the Evolution of the Settings of the Performances of National Games;试论少数民族传统体育的发展——从民运会表演项目的设置演变谈起
