
1.A poem With weak rhymes halts.不押韵的诗算不得好诗。
2.blank verse verse written in lines of usu ten syllables,without rhyme无韵诗(通常为每行十个音节而不押韵的诗歌)
3.Once publish ,his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line .他的诗作发表后,以行尾不押韵而大获其名。
4."Long" rhymes with "song"."long"与"song"押韵。
5." Long" and" song" rhyme.long和song押韵。
6.A few lines of rhyming doggerel don't count as poetry.几行押韵的蹩脚诗算不上是诗.
7.Dickinson's unorthodox style, uneven rhymes,迪金森的诗运用了不规律的押韵、
8.(of words or lines of verse)form a rhyme(指词或诗句)押韵
9.Can we rhyme"hiccups"and"pick-ups"?Hiccups和pick-ups押韵吗?
10.What words rhyme with"school"?哪个词与school押韵?
11.He is fascinated by poetry, and often speaks in rhymes.他对诗歌很着迷,平时说话动不动就押韵。
12.Of, showing, or characterized by alliteration.押头韵的押头韵的或以头韵法为特征的
13.The last two lines rhyme.诗的最后两行押韵.
14.the usual (iambic) meter of a ballad.普通的诗歌押韵方式。
15.The last two lines (ie of verse) rhyme.诗的最後两行押韵.
16.a rhythmic group of eight lines of verse.八行诗节为一押韵组。
17.a rhythmic group of six lines of verse.六行诗节为一押韵组。
18.She rhymes "love" with "dove".她将"love"与"dove"两字押韵。

Blank verse is not rhymed.无韵诗不押韵。
1.Rhyme in Advertising English and Translation Approaches;广告英语中的押韵修辞及其翻译对策
2.Characteristics of the rhyme in the ballads in Huizhou district;徽州民间歌谣的押韵特征
3.The proper arrangement of syllables,feet and pauses brings about the cadent beauty of rhythm;various rhyming methods are used to create the beauty of reverberant rhyme,and the frequent applicaition of some figures of speech closely connected with phonetic stylistical funcitons adds to the musicalness of advertising English.音节、音步、停顿的合理安排使广告英语具有抑扬起伏的节奏美 ,各种押韵手段的巧妙运用使之具有回环照应的音韵美 ,而一些与语音文体功能关系密切的修辞手法的使用则强化了广告英语的美音效
1.In his practice of rhyming,Zang Kejia uses die rhyming and zhuan rhyming in most cases,sui rhyming and jiao rhyming in several cases and bao rhyming in very few cases.臧克家新诗的押韵,以叠韵和转韵居多,随韵和交韵次之,很少用抱韵。
2.But he doesn t make clear his own attitude toward the question of rhyming.但对押韵问题,未明确表态。
6)rhyming terms押韵词
1.This paper aims to study English rhyming terms in the light of lexicological,rhetorical and aesthetic principles.从词汇学、修辞学、美学入手对英语的押韵词进行较为全面的研究,并提出该类词语所反映的审美心理、语言的能指与所指之间的非任意性关系以及所具有的社会身份标识功能的观点。

无韵诗无韵诗: 英语格律诗的一种。每行用五个长短格音步――十个音节组成,每首行数不拘,不压韵。 音步类型都采取抑扬格五音步。不押韵的诗称无韵诗或白体诗。多用在戏剧和叙事诗中。莎士比亚的戏剧和弥尔顿的paradise lost 都是用无韵诗写成的。 押韵的诗叫rhymed verse。无韵诗不同于自由诗。无韵诗虽不押韵,但是有固定节奏,以扬抑格五音步最常见。自由诗节奏不固定,如同白话。