1.Stereotype threat could lead to underperformance,disengagement and disidentification.刻板印象威胁会导致个体行为上的表现下降和心理上的分离与不认同。
2)The glass is falling.睛雨表在下降。
1.Causes and Countermeasures for the Decrease of Milk Fat Percentage in Dairy Cows;奶牛乳脂率下降的原因与对策
2.Prevention of direct current insulation decrease in electric system;电力系统直流绝缘下降及防范探讨
3.On the Reasons of Students' Physical Stamina Decrease and its Countermeasures学生耐力素质下降原因及对策研究

1.To descend by means of a parachute.跳伞,伞降用降落伞下降
2.drawdown [groundwater]水位下降〔地下水〕
3.descent:The act or an instance of descending."下降,降落:下降的动作或实例."
4.A downward movement.下降,落下向下的运动
5.The temperature is going down; The barometer is falling; Real estate prices are coming down.温度正在下降;气压下降了;房地产价格正在下降
6.compared with the figure in 1992, it has been decreased by 55%, among which the number in the urban areas has been decreased by 74% and in the rural areas the number has been decreased by 51%.比1992年下降55%,其中城市下降74%,农村下降51%;
7.A falling inflection of the voice, as at the end of a sentence.声音降落,降句调发音时下降的音调
8.lagging edge【电】(脉冲的)下降
9.The birth rate have fall to twelve per hundred.出生率下降到12%。
10.The earthworm population had declined by 70%.蚯蚓数量下降70%。
11.A downward tendency, as in the price of a stock.下降趋势如股票价格等的下降趋势
12.A descent by stages or steps.递减,下降一种逐级或逐步的递减,下降
13.The Modified Steepest Descent Method──Best Point in Steepest Descent method改进的最速下降法─最好点最速下降
14.a lowering of temperature below the freezing point下降到冰点以下的温度
15.The temperature fell to 26°below zero.温度下降到零下26度。
16.a vertiginous drop, descent, etc令人眩晕的下落、 下降等.
17.Of or relating to psychological depression.(生理功能)衰弱的,下降的生理下降的,与生理下降有关的
18.But when the temperature drops, so does the humidity level.但是气温下降时,湿度也随之降低。

The glass is falling.睛雨表在下降。
1.Causes and Countermeasures for the Decrease of Milk Fat Percentage in Dairy Cows;奶牛乳脂率下降的原因与对策
2.Prevention of direct current insulation decrease in electric system;电力系统直流绝缘下降及防范探讨
3.On the Reasons of Students' Physical Stamina Decrease and its Countermeasures学生耐力素质下降原因及对策研究
1.Global convergence or a class of conjugate descent algorithm;一族共扼下降算法的全局收敛性
2.F is adescent of f.对于一类N维单位体到自身的连续映射f,我们利用了f的下降F以及Sharkovskii定理给出了这种映射有素周期点的一个必要条件———设F是f的下降,如果f有素周期点,则存在x∈Ω(f),使x是准周期点,但不是周期点。
1.The problem of environment caused by groundwater level continuous decline in the inland basins of arid area, Northwest China ——an example in middle reaches of Heihe river basin;干旱区内陆平原地下水持续下降及引起的环境问题——以河西走廊黑河流域中游地区为例
2.A comparison of these statistics shows that every time there was one or two items of our students physical quality stop or decline.从1979年至今我国已进行了六次大规模的学生体质健康调查,调查数据前后比较显示,我国学生的体能素质每次调查都有一到两项出现停滞或下降,到2002年我国学生的体能素质已经持续出现全面下降的趋势。
3.Excessive sand digging from the riverbed and runoff decline was mainly responsible for the dro.结果表明,近十多年来,南港低潮位持续下降,而高潮位变化不大,2005年平均潮差达4。

下降1.向低处移动;降下。 2.指公主出嫁。 3.敬词。犹言光临。 4.指程度﹑数量的降低﹑减少。