1.These youth athletes have developed their unique personality characters with differences in terms of age and boarding.采用SK—克雷佩林心理测验、艾森克人格问卷(儿童版)、学生团体主题统觉测验(G—TAT)等测量工具对上海市某体校三个年级145名少年运动员(其中寄宿37名)和145名普通学生进行了调查。

1.Where are you lodging in Paris?在巴黎你寄宿在哪里。
2.She boards at her uncle's.她寄宿在她伯父家。
3.he lives indolently with his relatives.他很懒,寄宿在亲戚那里。
4.Zhezhu lodged in his relative's house.哲洙寄宿在亲戚家.
5.I lodged with Mrs. Smith.我寄宿在史密斯太太家。
6.She lodged with the Smith family.她在史密斯家里寄宿
7.I'm lodging at Mrs Brown's (house)/with Mrs Brown.我在布朗太太家寄宿.
8.It's cheaper to live in lodgings than in a hotel.住寄宿舍比住旅馆便宜.
9.because at Descartes Boarding School,因为在笛卡尔寄宿学校,
10.I am staying at a friend's house for the time being.我暂时寄宿在朋友家里。
11." Where are you lodging now? " " I'm lodging at Mrs. Smith's."“你现在寄宿在哪里?”“我寄宿在史密斯太太家。”
12.To find temporary lodging or shelter, as for the night.暂时夜宿处找到(如晚上)临时寄宿或避难的地方
13.A part of the money was set off for the building of a science boardinghouse.一部分钱被拨出来用作修建科学寄宿宿舍之用。
14.A house where paying guests are provided with meals and lodging.供膳食的寄宿舍收费提供客人膳宿的房屋
15.Action Research on Dormitory Management of Boarding Primary Schools in Nomadic Tibetan Areas;藏族牧区寄宿制小学宿舍管理之行动研究
16.The Fire safety control of Student s dormitory in Boarding school;寄宿制学校学生宿舍的消防安全管理研究
17.Comparision of Attachment & Mental Health Relationship between the Boarding Youngers and Non-boarding Youngers寄宿制与非寄宿制青少年依恋及其与心理健康关系的比较
18.A Comparative Research on the Mental Health Status between Boarding and Non-Boarding Students in Junior High School寄宿制与非寄宿制学校初中生心理健康状况比较

Boarding school寄宿学校
1.Investigation and Preventive Countermeasures of Influenza Outbreak in a Boarding School of Changsha长沙市某寄宿学校甲型流感暴发疫情的调查分析及防控对策
3)boarding students寄宿生
1.Dietary and nutritional status analysis of boarding students at some Yao Nationality high school in Guangxi;广西某瑶族中学寄宿生膳食营养状况分析
4)lodging pupil寄宿学生
1.Objective To investigate the iodine deficient status of lodging pupils in Hangzhou mountainous countryside after the iodine deficiency disorders(IDD)have been eliminated.目的 了解杭州市达到消除碘缺乏病阶段目标以后 ,农村寄宿学生的碘营养状况。
5)public boarding schools寄宿公学
1.This article examines the extracurricular activities in public boarding schools of Britain from three aspects as follows:games,cultural and artistic activities,and military training and community voluntary service.文章从体育运动、文艺活动和军事与社区服务活动3个方面对英国寄宿公学开展的课外活动进行了考察。
6)Boarding system寄宿制

寄宿婆《优婆夷志》【寄宿婆《优婆夷志》】  有一婆子。日晚入院来。赵州曰。作什么。婆云寄宿。赵州曰。者里是什么所在。婆呵呵大笑而去(憨山评云。昔有见士女喧阗游寺者。师顾其徒而问。隔壁闻钗钏声。律尚名为破戒。只今作何发付即是。其徒乃从容进话。大好入路。后生家幸标此式样。这百岁翁翁。发白齿落。才遇婆借住。何不道老僧自来柳下惠。一任一任。却止打得个洁净毬子死法。许渠商量活法。未梦着在。咄。捷疾鬼速倒退。下坡不走。惹头祸崇。唱云。虔婆胆粗。和尚心小。且开方便。各讨分晓)。