佛教美学,Buddhist aesthetics
1)Buddhist aesthetics佛教美学
1."Guan",as an important concept of Buddhist aesthetics,is a meaningful aesthetic idea judged either from the objects or from the nature of Guan.观,作为佛教美学的重要范畴,无论是从观照对象还是从观照本心两个层面来看,都是一种佛教智慧的观照作用(一种意蕴深厚的审美观照),乃是一种冥想,亦即一种直观,一种直觉思维方式。

1.The Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra and Wang Wei s Buddhist Aesthetic Ideology;《维摩诘经》与王维的佛教美学思想
2.On Creative Development to Hui Yuan s Aesthetic Thought of Xie Lingyun s Landscape Poems;论谢灵运山水诗对慧远佛教美学思想的创造性发展
3.The Landscape Architecture Master Degree Programs at Harvard University论美国哈佛大学风景园林硕士学位的教学工作
4.Compound Thought:the Similarities between Buddhism and Aesthetics in Thinking Form;复合思维:佛教与美学在思维形态上的共相
5.Buddhism contains profound and unique aesthetic conceptions by its Buddha dharma, instead of aesthetics in a strict sense.佛教虽无严格意义上的美学,但通过佛法义理呈现了深邃独特的美学观念。
6.America in Carver’s eyes --An interpretation of Carver’s Cathedral卡佛笔下的美国——解读卡佛的《大教堂》
7.Professor Tu of the Harvard University and Director of the Harvard-Yenching Institute met Bonny Hicks once in Singapore at the Conference on Thinking.作者是美国哈佛大学教授以及哈佛—燕京学社社长,也是本报国际文化咨询团成员。
8.From Harvard College to Community College--Interpretation of the Evolution Process of Higher Education In America从哈佛学院到社区学院——美国高等教育模式演进历程浅析
9.New Humanism and New Enlightenment: An Interview with Professor Du Weiming, By Zhang Fengqian;新人文与新启蒙——访美国哈佛大学教授杜维明院士
10.Buddhism and China s Aesthetics--With a Note on the Chinese s Outlook on the World,Nature and Art;佛教与中国美学 兼论中国人的宇宙观、自然观、艺术观
11.The Impact of Buddhism and Taoism in Tang Dynasty on Landscape Poetry from Philosophical Horizon and Aesthetic Experience从哲学观照和审美体验看唐代佛道二教对山水诗的影响
12.An Analysis on the Supplementary Function of "the Beauty of Yin" in Buddhism to "the Beauty of Yang" in Confucianism and Taoism;佛教“阴美”对儒道“阳美”的补进功能
13.Maitreya Bodhisattva (Sanskrit) or Metteyya Bodhisatta is the future Buddha in Buddhist eschatology.弥勒菩萨在佛教末世学中未来的佛。
14.A Comparative study on Buddhism employed in Chinese and Japanese martial arts中日武术对佛学、佛教借鉴的比较研究
15.He was educated in Harvard.他受教于哈佛大学。
16.The Meeting of Buddhism and Science:A Reinterpretation of Tai Xu s Discussion on Buddhism and Science;佛教与科学的相遇——太虚佛教科学论的再解读
17.Comparison and Analysis Of General Education among China,United States and Janpan;中美日通识教育比较研究——哈佛大学、广岛大学、北京大学通识教育比较研究
18.The discussion of Kumarajiva's contribution to Buddhism and Buddhist philology论鸠摩罗什对佛学及佛教文献学的贡献

Buddhist art佛教美术
3)Buddhism and the Study of Buddhism佛教与佛学
4)Buddhist art history佛教美术史
5)Buddhist philosophy佛教哲学
1.However,Sengzhao Buddhist philosophy also had its limitations in that it borrowed words from m.然而,僧肇佛教哲学理论也有其局限性,不仅运用了玄学的词句,思想上也与玄学划不清界限。
2.After unearthing the different meanings of the concept of " Kong" of Buddhist philosophy, the paper maintains that there are six opinions of Buddhist philosophy on "Kong", which are "Kong" of ontology, of semantics .对佛教哲学中的“空”这个概念的含义进行了发掘。
3.I first sort out liang chi-chao’s five main articles of“the first philosopher in modern states”、"the shallow cast of psychology of Buddhism "、“the theory review of Awakening of Mahayana Faith”、"the philosophy of Lao Zi" and "Buddha\'s era and the outline of the original Buddhist teaching rationale", and sort out their veins and distill the system of Buddhist philosophy from them.笔者首先梳理了《近世第一大哲康德之学说》、《佛教心理学浅测》、《大乘起信论学理考察》、《老子哲学》、《佛陀时代及原始佛教教理纲要》这五篇梁启超主要的佛教哲学论文,理清脉络,并综合其散存于其各文章中的佛学思想,从中提炼出了梁启超佛教哲学的系统。
6)Buddhist literature佛教文学
1.Buddhist culture and Buddhist literature profoundly influenced the Tibetan literature.佛教文化对藏族文化,佛教文学对藏族文学都有着极其深远的影响。

《当代西方电影的美学思想》  中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。