个体无意识,individual unconsciousness
1)individual unconsciousness个体无意识
1.It has gone through three evolvements——individual unconsciousness、collective unconsciousness and social unconsciousness.在精神分析学史上经历了个体无意识、集体无意识和社会无意识三大演变。

1.Individual Unconsciousness,Collective Unconsciousness and Social Unconsciousness个体无意识·集体无意识·社会无意识
2.On Psychoanalysis and the Main Concept of Personal Unconscious in the New Era Novels精神分析与新时期小说中的个人无意识主体观
3.collective unconsciousness集体无意识(心理学)
4.collective unconsciousph.1. 【心】集体无意识
5.Four Characteristics of the Trade-off Phenomenon Between Consciousness and Unconsciousness意识和无意识权衡现象的四个特征
6.loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness.有意识或无意识时身体失去知觉。
7.One who dies unconscious is born unconscious.一个在无意识中死去的人会无意识地出生。
8.Sentiments of Oedipus Complex in “The Storm”--the mention of individual unconsciousness and collective unconsciousness in Cao Yu s writing of “The Storm”;论《雷雨》的“恋母仇父”情结——兼谈曹禺创作《雷雨》的个人无意识和集体无意识
9.Behavior that develops either consciously or unconsciously to offset a real or imagined deficiency, as in personality or physical ability.补偿行为有意识或无意识地发展的行为,以抵消实际或想象的缺点,如在个性或身体能力上
10.Our reaction to software as sentient is both unconscious and unavoidable.我们将软件视为一个生命体是无意识的,也是不可避免的。
11.An Experimental Study of Conscious and Unconscious Memory: On Word Concreteness Effect;意识、无意识记忆中词汇具体性效应的实验研究
12.Cotta-manas-vijnana and Vinaptimatrata: The Mind-Nature Ontology of the Dharmalaksana Sect;心意识与唯识无境:唯识宗的心性本体论
13.On "Collective Unconsciousness" in Aesthetic Theory System of Carl Gustav Jung论荣格美学理论体系中的“集体无意识”
14.AhQ s Love Tragedy: Struggle between "Life Unconsciousness"and "Society Unconsciousness;在生命无意识与集体无意识之间挣扎——从阿Q“恋爱的悲剧”说开去
15." Judging others is often an unconscious habit.”评价别人经常是一个无意识的习惯。
16.It's a good tool for casually getting to know people.是人们无意间彼此认识的一个好方法。
17.Judging others is often an unconscious habit.评价别人经常是一个无意识的习惯。
18.However, body language can be unconscious as well.不过,肢体语言也可能是无意识的。

Individual Consciousness个体意识
1.Yet knowledge and understanding of Sino-American national characters such as Chinese group consciousness,American individual consciousness,Chinese neutralization and American s competitiveness are of vital significance to deepen the bilateral understanding and promote a healthy development in the relationship of the two countries.认识并理解中美各自的民族性格,如中国的群体意识、美国的个体意识,中国人的中和意识与美国人的竞争意识,探寻形成各自性格特点的文化渊源,对于增进两国人民的相互了解、推动两国关系的健康发展具有重大的意义。
2.Under this diea,he carried on and developed the archaian conception of literature,and advocated individual consciousness.周作人倡导个体意识,主张表达个人完整的知、情、意,并形成了一种周作人传统,影响着新时期文学的发展。
3.Through analyzing the relation between Fedel and his " shadow " Yasha in The Gift,the paper further probes into Nabokov s individual consciousness and his surmount of the limitation of the exile group as well as the historical ideology.通过分析《天赋》中费奥多尔与其“影子”雅沙的关系,本文进一步探讨纳博科夫的个体意识对群体局限性和历史意识形态的超越。
3)individual unconsciousness个人无意识
1.Sentiments of Oedipus Complex in “The Storm”——the mention of individual unconsciousness and collective unconsciousness in Cao Yu s writing of “The Storm”;论《雷雨》的“恋母仇父”情结——兼谈曹禺创作《雷雨》的个人无意识和集体无意识
2.The original conception of his pastoral poems arises from both the subjective individual unconsciousness and collective unconsciousness and subjective external factors of shock of commodity economy and the crowdedness of .主观内因中个人无意识的郁结和集体无意识的积淀促使了田园情结的最初萌生,而客观外因中商品经济的冲击和城市生存环境的挤压最终促成了海子成熟的田园情结。
3.Behind the story are a painful historic collective unconsciousness and an individual unconsciousness of fugue, between which the author wanders and is led in the end by the collective unconsciousness.从创作心理来看,它体现着作者沉痛历史感的“集体无意识”和个体神游体验的“个人无意识”,作者往往游离于二者之间,而最终仍归趋于集体无意识的指引。
4)personal unconscious个人无意识
1.Based on the Freud s personal unconscious theory,Jung s collective unconscious theory and American formalist intentional theories,the thesis focuses on the study of the various aspects of uncons.本论文基于弗洛伊德的个人无意识理论、荣格的集体无意识理论以及美国形式主义的意图理论,分析诗人在诗歌里使用变异语言的无意识动机的种种情形,论证诗人无意识心理的客观存在,并进一步探讨诗人无意识心理对诗歌变异语言表达的潜在影响。
5)individual unconscious个体潜意识
6)Collective Unconscious集体无意识
1.Female is admitted by a refusing manner of male culure,the paradox of which becomes a collective unconscious in which the male culture is supreme to female s being.男性文化以拒绝的方式置女性于无我的他者性生存,在拒绝的接纳这一悖论的生存中男性文化对女性的霸权地位成为一种集体无意识。
2.He put forward such key concepts as collectiv unconscious,archetype,primordial images and illusions,discussed the relationships between arts and collective unconscious,and reasonably interpreted the sources,motivations and contents for arts creation.他提出了集体无意识、原型、原始意象和幻觉等核心概念,论述了艺术与集体无意识的内在关系,对艺术创作的根源、动机和表现的内容等问题作了合理的阐释,揭示了艺术与原型的内在联系,进一步说明了艺术创作的奥秘所在。
3.In her novel Biography of Hulan River,Xiao Hong describes the Hulan river people s tragic life under collective unconscious and deeply exposes that the existence of collective unconscious is among the people s daily and stale life.萧红在《呼兰河传》中通过描述集体无意识笼罩下呼兰河人的悲剧人生,深刻揭露出集体无意识这张无形大网就存在于呼兰河人陈腐的日常生活、落后的民俗传承、愚昧的习惯势力当中,集体无意识已成为一个民族沉重的历史精神枷锁,吞噬着人们的生命,阻碍着社会的进步。

一识【一识】 (名数)小乘之成实宗及经部,谡众生唯有一识,一识依于六根而缘六境,而说明之以经中所说六窗一猿之喻。是亦有一理。密教亦立一识。中台大日尊之法界体性智是也。