巴甫洛夫学说,Pavlov's theory
1)Pavlov's theory巴甫洛夫学说

1.Termination of Pavlov's Theory and Study of Psychological Science巴甫洛夫学说的终结与心理科学的研究
2.Pavlov's higher nervous activity theory巴甫洛夫高级神经活动学说
3.A Revision and Reconsideration to Pavlov s Higher Nervous Activity Theory;对巴甫洛夫高级神经活动学说的回顾与反思
4.This takes us to the S-R or Stimulus-Response theory which was developed by the Russian, Pavlov.因此我们就必须了解由俄国心理学家巴甫洛夫提出的“刺激——反应”学说。
5.Development of the Pavlovian Temperament Survey Chinese edition (PTS-C);巴甫洛夫气质问卷中文版(PTS-C)的编制
6.Lomonosov, Mendelev, Pavlov, Ciolkovsky, Popov, among others, left their names in the world history of science and technology.罗蒙诺索夫、门捷列夫、巴甫洛夫、齐奥尔科夫斯基、波波夫等,都是世界科技史上的光辉名字。
7.Pavlov was no shining light as a theorist despite his experimental contributions.巴甫洛夫虽然在实验方面贡献很大,他却不是一个杰出的理论家。
8."We are such friends" Bazarov articulated in a choked voice.“我们很谈得来”巴扎洛夫声音有点儿沙哑地说。
9."And then I grew stale," put in Bazarov.“后来我就变成枯燥乏味的了,”巴扎洛夫插嘴说。
10.How Pavlovian! So anyway, what's my reward for lugging this twenty-kilo bag of kibble home for you?真是巴甫洛夫!无论如何,我替你拖这20公斤的宠物食品回家,有什么奖赏?
11.They want to set a record by making Buffalo's largest cookie.他们想打破巴甫洛最大的曲奇的纪录。
12.Meaningful Inversion of the Referents:Malouf s Novel Remembering Babylon;耐人寻味的指代对象换位:马洛夫的小说《忆起了巴比伦》
13.Aaron Avshalomoff And His Works风雨怀伊人——阿龙·阿甫夏洛莫夫和他的作品
14.“Why, upon my soul!” cried Jehan, “if it isn’t Clopin Trouillefou!“活见鬼,这不正是克洛潘·特鲁伊甫吗!”约翰接着说。
15.I consulted with Pavel Petrov. He said that I was mistaken, this is not the copper coin, described in his book as Great Mongols, Otrar mint.我向巴维尔.彼得洛夫请教了,他说我说错了,这不是他书中描述的讹达剌打制的蒙古帝国铜币。
16.Her eyes rested on Bazarov.她的眼光定在巴扎洛夫脸上。
17.Croft was curious to see what happened.克洛夫特真巴不得看看这场戏。
18.Arkady was wounded by Bazarov's cynicism.巴扎洛夫的冷言冷语伤害了阿尔卡狄。

Pavlov[英]['pɑ:vl?f][美]['p?v,l?f, -,l?v, 'pɑvl?f]巴甫洛夫
1.Based on Pavlov s theory of two signal systems, combined with modern psychology, information theory, control theory, systems theory, etc, the authors offer explanations for some theoretical and practical problems found in foreigner s Chinese-language processing.运用巴甫洛夫的"两种信号系统"学说,结合现代心理学、教育学、信息论、控制论、系统论等理论,对外国人学汉语中的一些理论问题和实践问题,予以一定解说。
3)Pavlov's method巴甫洛夫法
4)Pavlov's stomach巴甫洛夫胃
5)Pavlov's reflex巴甫洛夫反射
