积极心理健康,positive mental health
1)positive mental health积极心理健康
1.In the research concepts,positive mental health also manifests an obviously new characteristic: giving priority from one\'s whole psychological state to intraindividual variability.学术界一般把积极心理学视野下的心理健康称为积极心理健康,它是当代心理健康相关学科发展的一个潮流。

1.A Review and Prospect of Positive Mental Health Education:Review on the Process of Meng Wanjin's Positive Mental Health Education积极心理健康教育的回顾与展望——孟万金教授“积极心理健康教育”进程述评
2.Sight of Positive Mental Health Education--New study on development in university students’ positive personality积极心理健康教育视角——大学生积极人格发展探新
3.From Social Well-being to Positive Mental Health Model--Keyes's Introduction and Assessment从社会幸福感到积极心理健康模型—Keyes介评
4.Revelation from Positive Psychology to Scholastic Psychological Health Education;学校心理健康教育的积极心理学思考
5.The Positive Psychological Factors in Mental Health Education;给心理健康教育注入积极心理学因素
6.The Positive Model of Appraisement Criterion of College Students Mental Health;大学生心理健康评价标准的积极模式
7.Develop Frustration Education, Promote Qualified Education;积极开展挫折教育 促进学生心理健康
8.On the Positive Effect of Taijiquan on Psychological Health of University Students浅析太极拳对大学生心理健康的积极效应
9.Based on the Positive Psychology of the Perspective of College Students Mental Health Education;基于积极心理学的大学生心理健康教育研究
10.Inspirations of Positive Psychology on Mental Health Education of College Students;积极心理学对大学生心理健康教育的启示
11.Positive Psychology--A New Perspective Of College Student s Mental Health Education;积极心理学——高校心理健康教育的新视角
12.Revelation from Positive Psychology to College Psychological Health Education;积极心理学对高校心理健康教育的启示
13.Applied Positive Psychology to Promote Mental Health Education in Universities运用积极心理学推进高校心理健康教育
14.On the Idea Evolution of Mental Health Education of University Students论大学生心理健康教育理念的积极转向
15.The Positive Influence of P.E. Teaching on the Psychological Health of College Student;体育教学对大学生心理健康积极影响的研究
16.Activity Effects of Physical Training on Middle School Students and Undergraduates Psychology Health;体育活动对大中学生心理健康水平的积极效应
17.The Positive Influence of Sport On Students′ Mental Health;论体育运动对学生心理健康的积极影响
18.Actively Inducting Higher Vocational Students forwardly to Participate Psychological Healthy Education;积极引导高职学生主动参与心理健康教育

positive mental health model积极心理健康模型
1.His main contributions touch upon theory and measurement of social well-being,the two-factor theory of mental health,promoting positive mental health model,which deepen the understanding of well-being,expand the application of the well-being,structure the bridge from well-being to positive mental health .其主要贡献涉及社会幸福感理论与测量、心理健康双因素理念,倡导积极心理健康模型,深化了幸福感的理解,拓展了幸福感的应用,架构了从幸福感到积极心理健康的桥梁。
3)positive mental health education积极心理健康教育
1.With the use of macroscopic-cognition education,psychology enriching training and profitable activities,it will greatly promote the development and perfecting proposed by positive mental health education.通过宏观认知教育、心理创富训练和开展有益活动等方式促进积极心理健康教育所倡导的大学生积极人格的完善与发展,达到不断开掘和弘扬个体积极向上的潜能,使个体朝积极健康方向发展的目标。
5)mental health心理健康
1.Effect of indoor air pollution by decoration on adult mental health;装修居室内空气污染对成人心理健康影响
2.A survey of the mental health status of employees whose labour contract terminated on an agreement;协议解除劳动合同职工心理健康状况调查
3.A Relationship on Normal University Students' Mental health and Coping Style;师范大学生心理健康和应对方式的相关研究
6)psychological health心理健康
1.Comparative analysis on psychological health state of nurses in operation room;手术室护士心理健康状况比较分析
2.Practicing reading therapy,serving psychological health of university students;开展阅读疗法 为大学生心理健康服务
3.Correlation analysis of psychological health,defense strategy and social support for poor students in higher learning institutions of Chinese medicine;高等中医药院校贫困生心理健康、防御方式和社会支持的相关分析
