心理痛苦,psychological pain
1)psychological pain心理痛苦
1.In the vision of German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer,the psychological pain is the desire that has not been satisfied and has been obstructed.在德国哲学家叔本华的视阈中,人的心理痛苦是未曾满足的和被阻挠了的欲求;心理痛苦的主要来源有:抽象的思虑、不好的性格、担心别人的评价、失去无法替代的东西、报复、愤怒、仇恨和缺乏需要的力量;治疗心理痛苦,需要意识到:痛苦总是以某种形态存在、解脱痛苦的程度是评价幸福的标准、要培养自身的福祉、合理解释孤独、重心放在自身上、获得他人的欣赏。
2.As an important concept in the field of social cognitive psychology and disaster psychology, psychological pain has been given a surge of interest in the west over the past decade.心理痛苦是社会认知心理学和灾难心理学的重要概念之一,目前对心理痛苦的研究已经取得一定成果,主要包括心理痛苦的界定;心理痛苦的测量方法;心理痛苦客观存在的证据、心理痛苦与生理疼痛的关系、心理痛苦与自杀的关系。

1.feeling sharp psychological pain.感觉到极大的心理痛苦
2.Conclusions Landscape convalescence can improve psychological distress.结论景观疗养能改善心理痛苦,且心理痛苦越大,疗养效果越明显。
3.A Brief Review of Psychological Pain Research: Focused on the Psychological Pain of Victims from the 5·12 Earthquake心理痛苦研究述评——聚焦5·12汶川大地震受灾群众心理痛苦
4.Objective Study for effect of landscape convalescence on psychological distress.目的了解景观疗养对心理痛苦的缓解作用。
5.an indifference to pleasure or pain.对喜悦和痛苦都不关心的心理状态。
6.Cure the soul 's distress by heal remedy of reason .用理性的药物治愈心灵的痛苦。
7.someone suffering psychological depression.因心理上的沮丧消沉而痛苦的人。
8.Sorrow· conflict· pressure--analysis of Dickinson s psychology;痛苦·矛盾·重压——狄金森心理探析
9.The pain of the mind is worse than the pain of the Body心头的痛苦比肉体的痛苦更厉害
10.The effect of painless running on improving college students psychology of running phobia;无痛苦跑对改善大学生跑步恐惧心理的影响
11.Sufferings of Scholars in Jin Dynasty--The Analysis of the Grieved Psychology of Yuan Haowen;士人的痛苦旅程——从遗山词看元好问的悲剧心理
12.Grieve inwardly, ie not show one's grief内心痛苦(不表露出来)
13."Ah," he thought, "the agony of it.""啊,"他心里说,"爱的痛苦啊!
14.The suffering of the refugees makes her heart sore.难民的苦难使她心痛。
15.Patience must suppose pain痛苦是耐心的前提条件
16.His soul was wrung with grief.他的心灵痛苦忧伤。
17.He is sorely tried by his failure.他因为失败而伤心痛苦。
18.He was tormented with the stings of conscience.他感到良心苛责的痛苦。

Cancer-specific distress癌症特异性心理痛苦
3)mental anguish内心的痛苦
4)I was miserable inside.我内心痛苦。
5)Every heart have its own ache.人人心里有痛苦。
6)Emotional anguish; sorrow.伤心情感上的痛苦;悲痛

痛苦1.身体或精神感到非常难受。 2.使身体或精神感到非常难受的事。 3.疼痛苦楚。 4.指使疼痛苦楚。 5.犹沉痛﹐深刻。