早发性抑郁,early-onset depression
1)early-onset depression早发性抑郁
1.Childhood and adolescent depression (early-onset depression) has been found to differ from adult depression in terms of clinical features, neurobiological response and efficacy of antidepressants.儿童期和青少年期抑郁(早发性抑郁)表现出与成年期抑郁不同的一些临床症状、药物疗效和生理反应特征,导致这些差异的神经生物学基础目前尚不清楚。

1.A case control study on 67 patients with late -onset or early-onset depression.67例晚发性和早发性抑郁症的病例对照研究
2.A comparison of genetic effects between the early and late onset unipolar depression早发型与晚发型抑郁症遗传效应比较
3.Effect of Early Treatment of Chinese Herbal Medicine on Patients with Acute Stroke and Subsequent Post-Stroke Depression and Relevant Study on ~1H-MRS中药早期干预急性脑卒中对并发抑郁的影响及~1H-MRS相关研究
4.Combination of Early Rehabilitation and Anti-depression Therapy in Stroke Patients with Hand Dysfunction and Depression早期联合抗抑郁治疗对脑卒中后手功能障碍并发抑郁的影响
5.Epidemiological Study on Anxiety and Depression of Patients with Chronic Pain慢性疼痛患者伴发焦虑抑郁调查分析
6.Study on Depression Factors in Menopausal Women更年期女性伴发抑郁情绪的现状研究
7.Personality Vulnerability to Depression:Conceptions,Theories and Development抑郁的人格易感性:概念、理论与发展
8.physioneuetic depression体因性抑郁症 体因性抑郁症
9.Depression,Antidepressants and Male Sexual Dysfunction抑郁和抗抑郁药物与男性性功能障碍
10.Manic depressives oscillate between depression and elation.躁狂抑郁症患者抑郁与躁狂交替发作.
11.The Comparison of Cognitive Functions between First-episode and Recurrent Depression;首发与复发性抑郁症患者认知功能的比较
12.The effects of early psychological leading in patients with acute post-stroke depression on the rehabilitation of neurologic impairment早期心理疏导对急性脑卒中后抑郁患者康复的影响
13.simple affective depression单纯性情感性抑郁症
14.Emotion Regulation Deficit in Late-onset Depressed Patients Revealed by an ERP Study;晚发性抑郁患者情绪调节机制的ERPs研究
15.Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms and Personalities in Patients with Recurrent Depression;门诊复发性抑郁患者的心理社会因素分析
16.The CREB Gene Promoter Region Polymorphism and Its Relationship with Depressive Episode;CREB基因启动子区域多态性与抑郁发作的关系
17.Study on the Physiological Changes of Sleep in the Late-life Depression晚发性抑郁患者睡眠障碍的多导睡眠图研究
18.Relative Study on Breast Cancer Combined with Depression and Society Swpport乳腺癌患者并发抑郁与社会支持的相关性研究

presenile depression早老性抑郁症
3)first episode major depression首发重性抑郁症
1.1H-MRS in frontal lobe and hippocampus of patients with first episode major depression;首发重性抑郁症患者双侧额叶和海马的磁共振质子波谱成像
2.~1H-MRS in bilaterlis frontal lobe and hippocampus of patients with first episode major depression after SSRIs antidepressant treatment;SSRIs抗抑郁药治疗首发重性抑郁症患者前后双侧额叶和海马~1H-MRS的分析
4)major depressive episode重性抑郁发作
1.Objective: Describe the depressive symptoms and suicidal characteristics of patients with major depressive episodes treated in non-psychiatric outpatient and inpatient departments of general hospitals.目的了解综合医院非精神心理科门诊和住院病人中有重性抑郁发作者的抑郁和自杀特征。
2.Objective:To evaluate the prevalence rate of suicidal ideation and attempts in patients with major depressive episode in rural community,and to explore its related factors.目的:探讨农村社区重性抑郁发作患者中自杀意念与自杀未遂的阳性率及其影响因素。
5)Recurrent depression复发性抑郁症
1.Objective To explore the efficacy and safety of trazodone in the treatment of Recurrent depression.目的探讨三唑酮治疗复发性抑郁症的疗效与安全性。
6)ictal depression发作性抑郁症
