三维归因理论,cube theory
1)cube theory三维归因理论
2)the Wiener's Attribution Theory维纳归因理论

1.The Wiener's Attribution Theory Used in the Ideological and Political Education for College Student维纳归因理论在大学生思想政治教育中的运用
2.Weiner s Attribution Theory and Its Application in the Practice of Education;维纳的归因理论及其在教育实践中的运用
3.Both induction and deduction are essential characteristics of rational thinking.归纳与推论都是理性思维的重要特征。
4.Weiner s Attributional Theory of Motivation and Emotion andIts Educational Implication;韦纳动机和情绪的归因理论及其教育蕴涵
5.On the Acceptability of Scientific Theory: The Dispute about Induction and Anti-induction;关于科学理论的可接受性——归纳和反归纳之争
6.Pay Attention to the Teaching of Induction and Deduction, Promoting the Students Quality of Thought;重视归纳推理教学 促进思维品质提升
7.The Theatrical Research and Paradigms of Temporary Children s Inductive Inference;当前儿童归纳推理研究的理论与范式
8.An Inductive Learning Algorithm Based on the Rough Set Theory基于粗集理论的一种归纳学习算法
9.To study and delineate the Theory of Blood is the object of this thesis.并归纳全书有关『』理论精义,作为结果。
10.The Development and Debate of Diversity Effect in Inductive Reasoning归纳推理多样性效应的发展及其争论
11.Research for Inductive Thinking Ability Training in Inquiry Teaching of Physics in Junior Middle Schools;初中物理探究教学中归纳思维能力的培养研究
12.Discussion on Mao-ze dong s Methods of Deduction and Induction;试论毛泽东理论创新的演绎和归纳方法
13.On the Universal Knowledge of Things─Seeking the Rationality of Induction Theory;论关于事物的普遍知识——再谈归纳推理的合理性
14.On Development of Bruner s Curriculum Theory--The Regression from Wonderful Ideal to Real Life;布鲁纳的课程理论:从美妙理想回归现实生活
15.The Problem about Probability,logicality and Rationality of the Inductive Inference;归纳推理的或然性、逻辑性(有效性)与合理性论
16.Inductions and Discussions of Solid State Phase Transformation of Titanium Alloy(Ⅳ)--Classifications of Heat Treatment of Titanium Alloy钛合金固态相变的归纳与讨论(Ⅳ)——钛合金热处理的归类
17.The Argumentation for the Legal Validity of Inductive Reasoning in Case-law;归纳法在判例主义法律推理中的有效性与论证
18.Discussion on inductive method and data-driven language learning method;论归纳法和依照数据处理的语言学习方法

the Wiener's Attribution Theory维纳归因理论
3)Attribution Theory归因理论
1.The Enlightenment of Weiner s Attribution Theory in Sports Practice;谈韦纳归因理论对运动实践的启示
2.On the Application of Attribution Theory in College English Learning;归因理论在大学英语学习中的应用研究
3.The revelation of attribution theory on family education;归因理论及其对家庭教育的启示
4)Weinerys attribution theory维纳归因论
5)three-dimensional theory三维理论
1.Three-dimensional Theory advocates particularity, practicality and possibility in teaching activities.三维理论并不否定方法,而是强调方法的动态性以及方法的取舍取决于学习者的实际。
6)attribution motivation theory归因动机理论
1.Learning motivation theories, which consist of achievement motivation theory, attribution motivation theory, humanism motivation theory, and strength motivation theory, try to explain what causes student s original learning motivation.学习动机理论包括认知成就动机理论和归因动机理论,人本主义的动机理论,行为主义的强化动机理论等。

三维理论三维理论cube theory 三维理论(eube theory)美国心理学家凯利(Kelley,H.H.)于1967年创立的一种社会心理学中的归因理论。其理论的内容主要如下:(l)说明行为的 原因可使用三种不同的解释。①归因 于从事该行为的人。②归因于行为者 的对方,即行动者知觉的对象。③归 因于行为产生的环境。(2)要找出真正 的原因,主要使用三种信息:①一致性:指该行动者的行为是否与其他人 的行为在这种情境下相一致。若是,一致性就高。②一贯性:指行动者在其他时间和其他情境下,这种行为是 否发生。若是,一贯性就高。③特异 性(区别性):指行动者对其他对象是 否以同样的方式做出反应。若是,特 异性就高。(3)有了上述三种信息,就 可进行归因判断。…主黔耀堆 凯利的理论有助于我们更好地理解人类归因的机制,但是,这个理论 还是相当理想化的,还没有充分考虑 到人类归因时的具体情况。 (林乘肾撰沈德灿市)