人之化,human's implicit transform
1)human's implicit transform人之化
2)Alien from culture化外之人
3)The humanism of residential design住区设计之人性化
4)human being qua human being人之为人
5)The beauty of humanities人文之美
6)the opinions of the counselors舆人之论

1.The Counselors,the Counselors Opinions and Public Opinions;“舆人”、“舆人之论”与“舆论”
2.Response of Mass Media to Public Opinion;舆论之舌——大众传媒应对现代舆论
3.indurate to public opinion对于群众舆论置之不理
4.A person who tries to control public opinion.力图控制公共舆论的人
5.In considering public opinion, the Achesons have mixed up the public opinion of the reactionaries with that of the people.艾奇逊们对于舆论的看法,混淆了反动派的舆论和人民的舆论。
6.An Exploration of the Original D evotion of Xu Baohuang to Modern Public Opinion in China from his Research on Public Opinion;从《舆论之研究》看徐宝璜对我国现代舆论学的开创性贡献
7.Secondly, Fuze Yuji appeals that the government respect public feelings, meanwhile, public opinion supervise the government.(2)福泽要求政府不要压制舆论,而应给舆论以自由之权,同时舆论还应有权监督政府;
8.a revulsion of public feeling in favour of the accused舆论之突然转向同情被告.
9.The case against Emerson may seem overwhelming.反对爱默生的舆论大有泰山压顶之势。
10.The Group polarization in the public opinion of "Cyber manhunt"论“人肉搜索”中舆论的群体极化现象
11.Public opinion is unequal to propagandas or report.公众舆论不等于新闻舆论或舆论宣传。
12.Its name is public opinion. It is held I revernce. It settles everything. Some think it is the voice of God.-- Mark Twain它的名字是“舆论”。它受人尊敬。它解决一切问题。有些人认为它是上帝之声。——马克吐温
13.The Reason and Countermeasure of Evil Intention Lawsuit by the Frequent Supervision of Public Opinion;论舆论监督频繁引发恶意诉讼之原因及对策
14.Popular opinion has tilted in favour of the Socialists.公众舆论已倒向社会党人一边.
15.The military government failed to control the current of public opinion.军人政府未能控制舆论的动向。
16.The stream of public opinion is tending towards greater personal freedom.舆论正倾向于维护更大的个人自由。
17.Media supervision is an important part of supervision by the people.舆论监督是人民监督的重要组成部分。
18.Adhering to Correct Orientation of Media Giving Active Play to Education Function;坚持正确舆论导向 积极发挥育人功能

Alien from culture化外之人
3)The humanism of residential design住区设计之人性化
4)human being qua human being人之为人
5)The beauty of humanities人文之美
6)the opinions of the counselors舆人之论

卜算子 为人赋荷花【诗文】:红粉靓梳妆,翠盖低风雨。占断人间六月凉,期月鸳鸯浦。根底藕丝长,花里莲心苦。只为风流有许愁,更衬佳人步。【注释】:【出处】:引自"竹筠清课"http://www.zhuyunqingke.com/