婚姻承诺,marital commitment
1)marital commitment婚姻承诺
1.Some theories on marital commitment are introduced in this paper; some personal traits that may influence marital commitment are analyzed.婚姻承诺是指个体对自己的婚姻关系在感情上、心理上和行为上的认同与投入,并愿意承担婚姻所涉及的各项责任和义务。

1.In many cases, the man will give the woman an engagement ring as a token of their agreement to marry.男方往往会给女方一枚订婚戒指作为婚姻承诺的信物。
2.True or False: Throughout history, philosophers and theologians have always believed that strong marital commitments form the foundation of a virtuous society.历史上,哲学和神学家一直相信,坚守婚姻承诺,是形成良性社会的基础。
3.B Every marriage requires commitment, dedication and work.每一个婚姻都需要有承诺,都需要付出努力。
4."The Romans are thought to have originated engagement rings, symbolizing a promise of marriage."据说是罗马人首先发明了结婚戒指,代表对婚姻的承诺。
5.Marriage is the promise to share in everything, lovefilled hearts will never change-do so always.Happy marriage to you!婚姻是同舟共济的承诺,浸润着爱的心矢志不移--永远这样。祝婚姻幸福!
6.They give each other a gold ring to symbolize their marriage commitment.他们互相赠送金戒指来表达他们对婚姻所做出的承诺。
7.The family is pities for the marital dear friend, mutually pledged and mutually respects fresh.家庭是为了婚姻的相知相惜、相承诺及互相尊重而生的。
8.A marriage is a promise to share on life together- a love filled promise meant to be kept lovinggly forever.婚姻是同舟共济的承诺,浸润爱心矢志不移———永远不变。
9.There appears to be something specifically protective about the long-term commitment that marriage entails.婚姻所包含的长期承诺看来有着某种特殊的保护意义。
10.Commitment is the word Gwen uses to describe their marriage success. Fred agrees.温格认为他们婚姻的成功是因为"承诺",佛瑞德也有同感。
11.For married men, satisfaction hinges on sexual frequency, fidelity and emotional commitment to the relationship.对于已婚男性,满足感取决于性生活的频率、忠诚、以及对婚姻关系的感情承诺。
12.Convention on Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages结婚仪式及承认婚姻有效公约
13."Sure, we've had squabbles and disagreements galore ," he said. "But there's a commitment to marriage because we have a reverence to it."他说:"当然,我们也有过许多次争吵,意见不一致,但是我们都信仰婚姻的承诺。"
14.Marriage without registration is not recognized by law.法律不承认未登记的婚姻。
15.civil marriage ;marriage which does not involve a religious ceremony but is recognized by law公证结婚(未经宗教仪式但为法律承认的婚姻).
16.The Marriage and the Political Career of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt;安娜·埃莉诺·罗斯福的婚姻与她的政治生涯
17.Later, her own divorce from Lord Snowdon heralded a cavalcade of failed royal marriages.后来,她与斯诺登伯爵离婚,掀开了王室一桩桩失败婚姻的序幕。
18.Matrimonium sine manu略式婚姻,无夫权婚姻

1.Survey of marriage and mood of patients with spinal cord injury survived after Tangshan earthquake;唐山地震幸存脊髓损伤患者心理及婚姻状况调查
2.Education and the Duration of Marriage Contributing on Psychiatric Disorder of MMPI-Rated among Breast Cancer Women.;教育程度与婚姻对乳腺癌妇女精神障碍影响的多元Logistic分析
3.How to Deal with Contemporary Marriage Crisis in China;如何处理当代中国婚姻中的危机问题
1.At the same time,in marital ethics does filial owns absolute status,that is to say,filial piety is the only aim of matrimony,cardinal principal by which marital systems in ancient time were established,and chief responsibility for husband and wife in marital life.而在婚姻伦理中,孝占据着绝对的地位,它是婚姻唯一的目的,是古代婚姻制度得以确立的根本原则,是夫妻双方婚姻生活的首要义务。
2.This paper,centered on the marriage subject,tries to patternize the matrimony conditions,especially the female s roles among the few important members in Sutpen s family and do some experimental work with the aid of Sutpen s corresponding prototype in Bible.文章以福克纳《押沙龙,押沙龙!》中的男女婚姻主题为切入点,对发生在萨德本家族的几个主要人物之间的两性关系特别是女性的角色进行了模式化归类处理,并结合《圣经》对萨德本的形象进行了大胆探索。
3.The passivity and unstability of ancient female in love and matrimony give it a unique existence and mentality, which in turn results in unique aesthetic value and artistic charm of ancient love literature centered on female.古代女性在爱情、婚姻关系中的被动与不稳定形态 ,赋予以独特的生存状态与情感心理状态。
5)Customary law of marriage and family succession婚姻家庭继承习惯法
6)marriage quality婚姻质量
1.Relationship between spouses′ psychological health and their marriage quality;中年夫妻心理健康水平及与其婚姻质量的相关分析
2.Study on relationship between hyperplasia of mammary gland and anxiety,depression,marriage quality;乳腺增生症与焦虑抑郁及婚姻质量的相关研究
3.Study on the Influence of Parents Parenting Attitude and Marriage Quality on Infant Development;父母育儿观和婚姻质量对婴儿生长发育影响的研究

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《巴黎承诺》(paris commitments) 是一份国际文件。在2007年2月6日,来自58个国家的代表在法国首都巴黎签署,承诺全力阻止征募和使用童兵。