创造性内隐观,Creative Implicit Theory
1)Creative Implicit Theory创造性内隐观
1.A Study of the Creative Implicit Theory of College Students;大学生创造性内隐观的调查研究

2.Teachers Implicit Theories of Creativity and Its Enlightenment to Teacher Training;教师的创造性内隐观及其对教师培训的启示
3.Research on Kindergarten Teachers Implicit Theories of Creative Child;幼儿教师创造性儿童特征内隐观研究
4.Teachers’ Beliefs on Creative Students;中小学教师关于创造性学生特征的内隐观
5.Influences of Implicit Theory of Creativity and Parenting Pattern on Creativity Personality of Undergraduate;创造力内隐观和家庭教养方式对大学生创造性人格的影响
6.Finally the mechanism of intuition and incubation effect was illustrated.创造性问题的解决离不开内隐认知和隐性知识。
7.implicit personality theory内隐人格论 内隐性格观
8.Implicit Theories of Creativity and Cultivation of Future Teacher s Awareness of Creativity;创造力内隐理论与未来教师创造意识的培养
9.Metaphor,Cognition and Creative Thinking Modes;从认知角度看隐喻及隐喻式的创造性思维方式
10.Influence of tacit knowledge on manufacture industry s technological innovation;论隐性知识对制造业技术创新的影响
11.It will need to find creative diplomatic strategies to keep the internal rumblings beneath the surface from exploding into self-destruction.好需要具有创造性的外交策略,避免隐藏在外表下的内部摩擦导致自我毁灭。
12.Discussion on value and creativity of metaphor in English writing试论隐喻在英语写作中的价值性与创造性
13.A Christian View of Creativity: Creativity as God;基督教关于创造性的观点:作为上帝的创造性
14.On the Modren Notion of Students Creativity and Creative Teaching;“物性化”创造观的现代转型与创造性教学
15.A Relevance-Theoretic Account of Creative Metaphor in Literary Communication;关联理论对文学交际中的创造性隐喻的阐释
16.Creativity and Mechanism of the Implicit Meaning of "N1+de+N2" Structure;“名_1+(的)+名_2”定中结构隐喻的创造性及运作机制
17.The Creativity of Metaphor and its Evaluating Principles-A Cognitive Perspective;从认知角度看隐喻的创造性及其评价原则
18.They are ornamental, creative as well as practical.他们集观赏性,创造性和实用性为一体。

Creative Metaphor创造性隐喻
1.A Relevance-Theoretic Account of Creative Metaphor in Literary Communication;关联理论对文学交际中的创造性隐喻的阐释
3)implicit theories of creativity创造力内隐理论
1.The implicit theories of creativity play an important and latent part in informal appreciation of the creativity and training.创造力是正常人普遍具有的潜在的心理能力,创造力内隐理论对创造力的非正式评价及培养都起着重要的潜在作用。
4)initiative view创造性观点
5)creative education view创造性教学观
1.The teachers should establish the new creative education view,and develop students ability to raise problems.教师应树立新的创造性教学观、培养学生提出问题的能力,应把数学教学中培养学生的创新精神纳入整个学校的创新教育体系中。
6)conception of what is a person with creativity创造性人才观念

隐原性致纤维性肺泡炎隐原性致纤维性肺泡炎 即"特发性肺纤维化"。 (Hamman-Rich综合征)弥漫性间质性肺纤维化的病种之一,病因未明,近年认为系免疫性疾病,可能与遗传有关。进行性呼吸困难为其主要症状。亚急性型发病常有呼吸道感染症状,如发热、咳嗽、有时有脓性痰。患者胸部有紧束感、呼吸迫促、紫绀显著,杵状指常迅速发展,常在数月内死于呼吸衰竭或心力衰竭。目前无特效疗法,激素有一定作用。