事后聪明式偏差,Hindsight bias
1)Hindsight bias事后聪明式偏差
1.Hindsight bias refers to people\'s overestimation of their predictability on the outcome of previous events after they have known the results.事后聪明式偏差是指人们在得知事件结果后,会因记忆扭曲、对自身预测能力或事件发生必然性的需要的诱发,而表现出过高估计自己在事前预测能力的现象。

1.Hindsight Bias Based on Almanac Questions and Its Related Factors基于年鉴问题的事后聪明式偏差及其相关因素
2.Theories and Influential Factors of Hindsight Bias事后聪明式偏差的理论模型及影响因素
3.It's easy to be wise after the event; but much safer to take care before it happens. -- Aesop事后聪明容易,事前小心则更安全。——伊索
4.Penny wise and pound foolish.小事聪明,大事糊涂。
5.Pound Wise and Penny Foolish大事聪明 小事糊涂
6.A Study on the Stone Carving at the Wuwanggou Part of the Great Wall of Ming D ynasty--including a research on the battles between Later Jin and Ming in the eighth year of the Tiancong Reign (1634 AD);明代吴王沟长城题刻考——兼述天聪八年后金与明的战事
7.He was sensible enough to mind his own business.他很聪明,不管别人闲事。
8.His offspring are diligent and intelligent.他的后代既勤奋又聪明。
9.A wise teacher never shows partiality.聪明的老师从不显露偏心。
10.Providence was more especially on the side of clever people.上天总是更加偏爱聪明人。
11.It’s easy to say now what we should have done then-with the wisdom of hind sight!现在说我们当时应该如何做是不难的——这全是事后聪明。
12.The Influence of Self-confidence Level、Self-relation Degree and Task Difficulty on the Hindsight Bias Effect;自信水平、自我关联程度及任务难度对事后聪明效应的影响
13.He is not intelligent, so he entered Harvard through the back door.他并不聪明,因此他是以走后门的方式进入哈佛大学。
14.The clever hunter brought the queen the heart of a wild boar.聪明的他用一只野猪的心交了差。
15.A clever man turn great trouble into little one, and little one into none at all.聪明人大事化小,小事化了。
16.In no case should teachers be partial towards bright students.教师任何情况下都不应当偏袒聪明的学生.
17.It be sexist to say that women be less intelligent than men所谓女性没有男性聪明的说法是对性别的偏见
18.It is sexist to say that women is less intelligent than men.所谓女性没有男性聪明的说法是对性别的偏见。

be wise after the e vent事后聪明
3)wise after the event事后聪明的
4)hindsight bias effect事后聪明效应
5)Folls are wize affer the event.蠢人事后聪明。
