皮肤电活动,Skin conductance recordings
1)Skin conductance recordings皮肤电活动
2)skin potential activity皮电活动
3)skin biopsy皮肤活检
1.Two symptomatic patients and one asymptomatic patient have not been found any MRI changes,but detected Granular osminophilic material(GOM) deposited on the skin biopsy by electron microscope examination.结果所有患者均无偏头痛表现,患者早期常见头晕、耳鸣等椎-基底动脉缺血症状;头部MRI未显示异常改变的2例有症状患者及1例无症状患者,其皮肤活检电镜下可见嗜锇颗粒物质沉积。

1.Ultrastructural picture of blood vessels of skin biopsy in CADASILCADASIL皮肤活检中血管超微结构改变
2.Observation of collagenase activity in hypertrophic scar and normal skin in burned patient人体正常皮肤及增生性瘢痕胶原酶活性的检测
3.A skin biopsy was consistent with a mild phototoxic eruption or sunburn.皮肤活组织检查符合轻度光毒性皮疹或晒斑的表现。
4.Purification, Characterazation and Biological Activity of Bioactive Peptides from the Skin of Rana Chensinensis中国林蛙皮肤生物活性肽的分离纯化、结构鉴定及生物活性检测
5.a condition in which overactivity of the sebaceous glands causes the skin to become oily.皮脂腺过分活跃导致皮肤油滑的状态。
6.Adjustable lens allow us to see the pigment in the corium and the skin aging problem.可调节看到皮肤真皮层色素的沉积部位,检测皮肤的老化程度等。
7.Skin Renewer is a tonic regenerating deep cells, as well as balancing surface skin.活肤度是深度活肤细胞再生素,也可平衡表皮肌肤。
8."The tiny natural holes in the skin, pores, then become blocked with oil and dead skin."皮肤上细小的毛孔就被这种皮脂和失去活力的皮肤组织所堵塞。
9.Expression of Survivin in the Epidermis of Some Proliferative Lesions;存活素在某些增生性皮肤病皮损表皮的表达
10.Detection of Human Papillomavirus in Some Skin Diseases;人乳头瘤病毒在某些皮肤病中的检测
11.Immunohistochemical technology of labeling skin of inner mongolia cashmere goats with BrdUBrdU标记山羊皮肤组织的免疫组化检测
12.Human skin region detection in Web video面向互联网视频的人体皮肤区域检测
13.Her skin is subtle, white, silken, animate.她皮肤雪白,细腻,光滑,充满活力。
14.A healthy lifestyle helps prevent skin aging.健康生活于对抗皮肤衰老?字?匾?奈恢谩
15.Study on the Isolation and Extraction of Active Peptides from Rana Chensinensis Skin;中国林蛙皮肤活性肽分离提取的研究
16.Experimental Study of Ch4S/Collagen Membrane for Artificial Skin;Ch4S/胶原杂化活性人工皮肤的研究
17.Study on Viability of the Tissue Engineered Skin after Preserved under Low Temperature;组织工程皮肤低温保存后的活性研究
18.Radix Astragalis effects on the proliferative activities of epidermal stem cells derived from human skin黄芪对人皮肤表皮干细胞增殖活性的影响

skin potential activity皮电活动
3)skin biopsy皮肤活检
1.Two symptomatic patients and one asymptomatic patient have not been found any MRI changes,but detected Granular osminophilic material(GOM) deposited on the skin biopsy by electron microscope examination.结果所有患者均无偏头痛表现,患者早期常见头晕、耳鸣等椎-基底动脉缺血症状;头部MRI未显示异常改变的2例有症状患者及1例无症状患者,其皮肤活检电镜下可见嗜锇颗粒物质沉积。
4)skin vitality皮肤活力
6)animals skin动物皮肤
1.Experimental study of protection animals skin of three wild hamamelidaceae plants extract;3种金缕梅科植物提取物对动物皮肤防护研究

皮肤电反馈仪皮肤电反馈仪GSR feedback equipment  皮肤电反馈仪(G sR feedbaek equipment)生物反馈训练中常用的一种仪器。将仪器的电极置于二三指第二节或手掌皮肤表面,皮肤电反馈仪会以指针或数字显示的视觉信息形式,或者以声音断、续、高、低的听觉信息形式,告诉病人两电极间的导电性、电阻值或电位水平。皮肤电活动反映了皮肤汗腺活动的变化。皮肤汗腺分泌的汗液多,皮肤电流大、电阻小。人的发汗可因外界温度和机体热量的增高而增多,也可因精神紧张、情绪激动促使交感神经活动加强而增多。皮肤电反馈仪能灵敏地反映皮肤的微小变化,故常用于生物反馈的放松训练,用以解除患者恐惧、焦虑、盗汗等症状。皮肤电反馈仪的传感器与肌电反馈仪的一样,也是银质的表面电极,低阻抗,不易极化。其仪器电路及工作原理与肌电反馈仪相仿(参见“肌电反馈仪,’)。日本产皮温/皮电反馈仪(botrainer BF一loZR)可用于皮温或皮电两种反馈训练。该机有记录装置,除了以音调高低作为紧张和松弛的信息外,还以红、黄、绿三种颜色表示受训者的皮肤电阻值(或皮温值)是处于预定闽限值之下、阐限值或闽限值之上。 (杨立能撰梁宝勇审)