韦氏,Dbavs Family
1)Dbavs Family韦氏
1.The Dbavs Family in Early Tubo Dynasty;吐蕃王朝早期的韦氏家族

1.l's electromagnetic theory of light麦克斯韦氏光的电磁论
2.Hong Kong Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children香港韦氏儿童智力量表
3.WAIS scatter profile韦氏成人智力量表离散剖图
4.It's like saying "yay," the dictionary said.据《韦氏大词典》介绍,“w00t”与“yay”(耶!)有些类似。
5.A Brief Review on Webster s New World Dictionary 4th;浅评《韦氏新世界美语词典》第四版
6.Brief Introduction and Analysis of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition;《韦氏儿童智力量表-第四版》性能分析
7.The trouble causes analyzing and dealing of Wimshurst electrical machine;韦氏静电感应起电机故障分析及处理
8.A Brief Analysis of WNWD(3rd edition);简评《韦氏新世界美语词典》(第三版)
9.Webster′s Third New Antirational Dictionary 1252- 1253 (1993) (hereinafter Webster′s 3d);《韦伯斯特第三版新国际词典》第1252-1253页(1993年)(以下简称韦氏第三版);
10.Comparison Between Hedong LIU family & Jingzhao WEI family in Yongzhou during Southern Dynasties;南朝时期侨居雍州的河东柳氏与京兆韦氏发展比较
11.Nowadays, Webster's, Oxford, and Longman are the most popular dictionaries on the market.如今,韦氏、牛津与朗文是市场上最受欢迎的字典。
12.Advisory Committee on the Sales and Distribution of the Hong Kong Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children香港韦氏儿童智力量表销售监管咨询委员会
13.The Application of Wechsler Memory Scale Revised in China in Chineses Children韦氏记忆量表中国修订本在儿童中的应用
14.The Revision of WISC-IV Chinese Version韦氏儿童智力量表第四版(WISC-IV)中文版的修订
15.Examination after admission showed that her ESR was increased, rising up to 86ram at the end of the first hour (By Westergren method).入院后检查:红细胞沉降率增快,曾高达86毫米/第1小时末(韦氏法)。
16.occipitothalamic radiation(视辐射线) 韦尼克氏放射
17.Osler-Rendu-Weber disease奥斯勒-朗迪-韦伯三氏病
18.embryonal carcinosarcoma韦尔姆斯氏瘤;维尔姆斯氏瘤;胚胎性癌肉瘤

Weibull method韦氏分析
1.Forecast the shelf-life of sword bean by Weibull method and determination the cut-off point of sensory analysis;利用韦氏分析预测刀豆货架寿命并确定感官评分标准切分点
3)weibull modulus韦氏模数
1.In the paper,experimental data was processed by weibull theory and weibull modulus were calculated.本文采用韦氏理论及方法处理实验数据,计算出韦氏模数 m,并阐述 m 与力学性能之间的关系。
4)Wijs reagent韦氏试剂
1.A method for preparing the Wijs reagent with molar ratio I2/C12 = 1.结果表明:用本法制备的韦氏试剂的碘值测定精密度远高于其他两个。
5)Wechsler's test韦氏测试
6)Weberian apparatus韦伯氏器
1.In the family Bagridae,the Weberian apparatus consists of the claustrum,the scaphium,the inter-calarium and the tripus.科鱼类的韦伯氏器的形态与鲤科鱼类的不同,闩骨扁平或长针状,略呈孤形,舟骨“V”形,由匙状部、上行支、髁状突和舟骨沟构成;间插骨“V”或钧状,分为间插骨体、水平支、髁状突和上行支四部分;三角骨最发达,含前突、关节突和转换突等部分,韦伯氏器的形态表现出明显的属间差异,可以作为科属间分类的重要依据之一。

[英文]:Baldy-Webster operation[解释]:又称鲍尔迪(Baldy)氏手术。韦伯斯特(Webster)氏手术。一种矫正子宫后倾的手术方法。手术要点是将圆韧带穿过阔韧带的切口固定于子宫的背面。