领导品德,leadership morality
1)leadership morality领导品德
1.On the basis of reviewing former descriptions and researches, and by the way of Investigation, Interview, Questionnaire Survey, and according to our national conditions, the purposes of research are to investigate the structure of the Party and Governmental Cadres’ leadership morality, the relationships among leadership morality and job burnout, organizational cit.“领导品德”是近几年来受到广泛关注的问题之一,业已引起我国学者的研究兴趣。

1.Study on Leadership Morality of the Middle-ranking Party and Governmental Cadres in Henan Province and the Correlativity with Other Factors;河南省处级党政干部的领导品德及其与其他因素的相关性研究
2.theory of leadership traits领导品质理论 领导品质理论
3."Perfecting Morality to Acquire"--Talking about Leadership s Morality Cultivation;“修文德以来之”——浅谈领导者的道德修养
4.Several Thoughts about Leader s Moral Construction--Adding to Review On Leader s Moral Construction;关于领导干部道德建设的几点思考——兼评《领导者道德建设论》
5.Estée Lauder, founder of the cosmetics company, has led thousands of employees to great success.化妆品公司的创始人埃斯蒂·拉乌德领导数千名员工取得了巨大成功。
6.We will lead the rebellion from here in Kathmandu.我们将在加德满都这里领导起义。
7.Mrs. Wood is responsible to Mr. Blake,伍德夫人是受董事布莱克先生领导的,
8.Theoretical Construction and Practical Exploration of School Moral Leadership;学校道德领导的理论建构与实践探究
9.Five Virtues Advanced in Master Sun s Art of War and Mordern Leaders Accomplishments;《孙子兵法》“五德”与现代领导者的素养
10.The Principal and His School--Research of Principal’s Moral Leadership;校长和他的学校——校长道德领导研究
11.The Value of Yi zhuan in Molding Leader’s Moral Accomplishment;《易传》在领导者道德素养陶铸中的价值
12.Moral Leadership in Preschool Curriculum Management;道德领导——幼儿园课程管理的新思路
13.On Accomplishments of Leaders;“将宜五德备也”新解——泛议领导者的素养
14.An Analysis of the Structures and Functions of the Leaders Qualifications;解读领导干部道德素质的结构与功能
15.The Comparison Among the Leaders Theories of "Moral Education Environment" of Three Generations;三代领导人的“德育环境论”之比较
16.The Thoughts and Practice of the Kernel Ruling by Morality of the Three Generation Leaders;三代领导核心的“德治”思想和实践
17.On the Construction of Political Moral Standard of the Leaders in a New Historical Period;论新时期领导干部政治道德规范建设
18.Thoughts of enhancing leader s moral construction;对加强领导干部道德建设的几点思考

Moral Character of the Leaders领导人才品德
1.The Model of AHP to Assess the Moral Character of the Leaders;领导人才品德评价的AHP模型
3)The Qualities of Leadership"领导品德"初探
4)moral leadership德行领导
1.Authoritarianism, benevolence, and moral leadership were regarded as three elements of paternalistic leadership.家长式领导包含仁慈领导,权威领导,德行领导3个维度。
2.On the basis of literature review, interview and questionnaire survey, this dissertation takes the initiative to probe into the content structure of moral leadership of enterprise organizations and its related issues.本文采用文献分析、访谈、问卷调查等研究方法,首次实证探讨企业组织德行领导的内容结构及相关问题。
5)moral leadership道德领导
1.An Analysis of the Implementation Conditions of Moral Leadership and its Cultural Barriers道德领导践行条件及其文化屏障检视
2.The research field of education corruption,moral leadership and teaching ethics of western research in the ethics of education admini.西方教育管理伦理对教育腐败、道德领导及教学伦理等主要研究领域的探索对我国具有一定的启示和借鉴意义。
3.Only when a principal has many virtues and practices moral leadership can he build a moral school.对校长而言,只有具备各种美德,才能实施道德领导,方可有效地建设一所道德学校。
6)brand leading品牌领导

美育与品德美育与品德aesthetic education and moral character 美育与品德(a esthetic education and moralcharacteT)研究美育与培养品德的关系。品德是指个人依据一定的道德行为准则行动时所表现出来的某些稳固的心理特征。它是个性中具有道德评价意义的核心部分。品德不是生来·即有的,主要是在学校道德教育、社会道德舆论的熏陶和家庭教育的影响一F形成的。品德的形成,德育起着重要的作用,智育、劳动教育都有影响,特别是美育的作用不可忽视。美育思想,古已有之。中国古代儒家提倡乐教、诗教,所谓“寓德于乐”就是美育。但是美育一词却产生于近代,是德国美学家、文学家席勒提出来的。后来逐渐被教育家、心理学家重视,并把美育列入教育方针。朱光潜说美育为德育的基础。苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基在他的教育理论中认为,“美是道德纯洁、精神丰富和体魄健全的有力源泉”。美育是以青少年最感兴趣的文学、艺术、音乐为手段进行品德教育,主要通过潜移默化的过程。如杜甫诗句所描写的“好雨知时节,当春乃发生,随风潜入夜,润物细无声。”通过美育形成道德品质,深刻而稳定,对一个人的道德认识、道德情感、道德评价、道德行为的培养起着主导的有效的作用。 (匝困撰甘欣然审)