说谎成分,Deceptive component
1)Deceptive component说谎成分
2)lie scoring说谎分数
3)He's a compulsive liar, ie He lies repeatedly.他说谎成性.
4)a chronic liar说谎成癖的人
5)tell a lie; cover the truth说谎;撒谎
1.Apriori Rules on the College Students Tell Lies;一组投射大学生说谎的演绎规则集
2.Polygraph,as a traditional lie detector,is used to detect lies by some changes of human peripheral neuro-vegetative responses.大脑功能核磁共振成像(fMRI)可直接观察大脑的功能变化,具有良好的空间分辨率,但这项技术时间分辨率差,只能记录说谎后大脑变化的最终结果,目前该技术仍然处于基础研究阶段。
3.Studies on lying and lie-detection by western psychologists in last half-century are mainly concerned with lie-detection accuracy and the way to improve detection ability.国外关于说谎行为及其识别的心理学研究主要包括对说谎时行为表现的研究、对说谎识别准确率的研究及测谎技术的开发与应用。

1.A child who is lied to will lie.你若对孩子撒谎,孩子就会说谎话。
2.You are lying and lies can not cover up facts.你在说谎,但谎言掩盖不了事实。
3.The Effects of Intention Clue on Moral Evaluation of Children s Lying;说谎意图对儿童谎言道德评价的影响
4.He that will lie will steal.会说谎的人也就会偷窃。
5.a shameless liar;一个厚颜无耻的说谎者;
6.She has a bad reputation for telling lies她有说谎的坏名声。
7.To lie is the very face of the demon.说谎是魔鬼的真面目;
8.He scorns telling lies.他鄙夷说谎的行为.
9.He that will swear will lie赌咒的人是说谎的人
10.Nobody calls me a liar.没有人称我为说谎
11.One should never tell a lie.一个人永远不应当说谎
12.I intend to show up this liar.我打算揭发这个说谎者。
13.We detest his constantly lying.我们讨厌他一再说谎
14.That was why she had lied.这就是她说谎的原因。
15.She realized that he had been lying.她明白了他一直在说谎.
16.I suspected him to be a liar.我料想他是一个说谎者。
17.I have never known her to tell lies.我一直不知道她说谎
18.He is not the kind of person to lie.他不是那种说谎的人。

lie scoring说谎分数
3)He's a compulsive liar, ie He lies repeatedly.他说谎成性.
4)a chronic liar说谎成癖的人
5)tell a lie; cover the truth说谎;撒谎
1.Apriori Rules on the College Students Tell Lies;一组投射大学生说谎的演绎规则集
2.Polygraph,as a traditional lie detector,is used to detect lies by some changes of human peripheral neuro-vegetative responses.大脑功能核磁共振成像(fMRI)可直接观察大脑的功能变化,具有良好的空间分辨率,但这项技术时间分辨率差,只能记录说谎后大脑变化的最终结果,目前该技术仍然处于基础研究阶段。
3.Studies on lying and lie-detection by western psychologists in last half-century are mainly concerned with lie-detection accuracy and the way to improve detection ability.国外关于说谎行为及其识别的心理学研究主要包括对说谎时行为表现的研究、对说谎识别准确率的研究及测谎技术的开发与应用。
