内隐助人倾向,Implicit helping intention
1)Implicit helping intention内隐助人倾向

1.An Experimental Study on the Correlation Between Empathic Ability and Implicit Helping Intention移情能力与内隐助人倾向的相关研究
2.Inhibitory Effects of Implicit Friendly Inclination on Implicit Aggression;内隐友好倾向对内隐攻击性的抑制效应
3.Research on the Implicit Attitude of Online Game Addicts and Its Intervention网络游戏成瘾倾向者的内隐态度及其干预研究
4.The Research of the College Students Grateful Disposition and the Relationship among Grateful Disposition, Empathic Ability and Helping Tendency;大学生感戴倾向及其与移情能力、助人倾向间的关系研究
5.An underlying or implied tendency or meaning;an undercurrent.含意;暗流;内在性质隐含的或含蓄的倾向或意义;潜在势力
6.A Study on Predictors of the Relationship Between Implicit Dispositional Moral Sensitivity and Explicit Dispositional Moral Sensitivity内隐与外显倾向性道德敏感的关系及其预测源分析
7.implicit personality theory内隐人格论 内隐性格观
8.A Study of the Association of Warm/Cool Color and Introversion/Extroversion Personality by Implicit Method冷暖色调与内外向人格特质的内隐研究
9.To tilt(a motor vehicle)laterally and inwardly when negotiating a curve.向内倾斜使(汽车)在拐弯时向内或向内倾斜
10.No trend was found in the unification of introversion and extroversion.与不同人群相比,内外向倾(E)分没有统一的趋势。
11.The tendency towards individualism in the Red Army Party organization manifests itself as follows:红军党内的个人主义的倾向有如下各种表现:
12.The Sociological Research on the Development of Prisoner s Prosocial Orientation;监内服刑人员亲社会倾向培育的社会学研究
13.Beauty Leads to the Downfall of the State--history poems by Li Shangyin;浅析李商隐咏史诗中的女色祸国倾向
14.The Tendency of Integration of Implicit Memory and Implicit Learning;内隐记忆和内隐学习的整合研究趋向
15.It encourages people to speak up and managers to listen.它们助于员工向上反映问题以及管理人员倾听意见。
16.A Study on the Effects of Junior Middle School Students Moral Judgement Ability、Sympathy on Helping Tendency;初中生道德判断能力、同情心对其助人倾向的影响研究
17.A Research on Moral Empathy, Trend of Helping Behavior and Their Relations Among Children Aged 6~12 in China;6~12岁儿童道德移情、助人行为倾向及其关系的研究
18.Confide and talk to someone whom you trust about your problem.不开心的时候,把内心的感受表达出来,例如找人倾诉、哭泣,都有帮助。

implicit sexual inclination内隐性倾向
1.The implicit sexual inclination of college students was studied through experiments.我们通过实验的方式研究了大学生的内隐性倾向 ,实验分两个部分 ,一是使用配对图片的快速呈现研究其对性信息图片和无性信息图片的选择的差异 ;二是使用快速呈现和快速选择的方式研究其对有性信息词语和无性信息词语之间的选择差异。
3)implicit helping attitude内隐助人态度
1.The study on implicit helping attitude was done by Implicit Association Test according to the basic principles of IAT.内隐联想测验(Implicit Association Test)是研究内隐社会认知的一种新方法,根据内隐联想测验的基本原理,采用IAT对内隐助人态度进行了研究。
4)helping trend帮助倾向
5)introversive collapse内向倾倒
1.The controlled blasting scheme selection for the large span unroofed structure,blasting parameters of introversive collapse,pretreatment methods and safety measures are presented and the blasting effect is analyzed,which will offer some reference to the similar project.闹市区一剧院已采用人工方法拆除了屋顶及其部分附属建筑物,为保证安全和施工工期,改用控制爆破方法进行拆除;介绍了无顶大跨度结构控爆方案选取,内向倾倒爆破参数、预处理方法和安全措施,并对爆破效果进行了分析,可对同类工程提供一定的参考。
6)intra character内倾向性
