目标感染,goal contagion
1)goal contagion目标感染
1.In goal contagion researches, goal is usually activated by the words relevant to goal or the stories containing social information.目标感染是动机领域新近出现的一个概念(Aarts等,2004),所谓目标感染指的是个体可以自动的从他人行为信息中推测其目标并无意识的追求这一目标。
2)Objective infectious suporvizition目标性感染监测
3)A Review of the Research on Goal Contagion目标感染研究述评
4)Infection label感染标记
5)infection marker感染标志

1.Correlation Analysis of HBV Mark Detection and Hepatitis B Case Report of Anhui Medical institution安徽省医疗机构乙肝病毒感染标志检测与病例报告的相关分析
2.Investigation and research on HBV infection markers in population of Lanzhou city兰州市全人群乙型肝炎病毒感染标志现状调查研究
3.Serum Epidemiology of HBV Infection Marker and YDV Short-term Immunology Study in Adult;HBV感染标志的血清流行病学研究及重组酵母乙肝疫苗成人近期免疫效果研究
4.The Serum Markers of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection and the Natural History of Chronic HBV Infection乙型肝炎病毒感染血清学标志与慢性感染自然史研究进展
5.Intrauterine infection and biomarkers of hepatitis B virus in pregnant women and infants孕妇及新生儿乙肝病毒标志物与宫内感染
6.Hepatitis Infection among Workers of Yellow River Bureau河务局职工乙型肝炎标志物感染模式分析
7.Serological HBV Marker Modes and HBV DNA Levels of HBV-infected PeopleHBV感染者血清标志物模式与HBV DNA的水平
8.Detection and significance of disease markers in patients before transfusion and surgery输血及手术前感染性疾病标志物的检测与意义
9.Chinese Journal of Nosoconmiology中华医院感染学杂志
10.Signs will appear within 2 to 10 days after having sex with someone who is infected.标志就会出现在2至10天之后发生性行为的人感染.
11.Abnormal Expression of Keratinocyte Differentiation Markers in Lesional Skin of HPV-infected Warts;细胞生长分化标志分子在HPV感染中的免疫组化研究
12.Interleukin-7(IL-7) and Some Markers on T Cells in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection;人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染中白介素-7(IL-7)与T细胞表面标志研究
13.Results Analysis of Detecting Serum Markers of Patients Infected with HBV in Shiyan City十堰市乙肝病毒感染者血清标志物检测结果分析
14.Screening of intrauterine infection with HBV using hepatitis B virus marks脐带血乙肝标志物筛查乙肝病毒宫内感染的探讨
15.Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.感恩是精神高尚的标志。
16.Relative Study on the Inflammatary Marker: CRP、sICAM-1 in Sera and the Infection of Chlamydia Pneumoniae of the Chronic Coronary Disease;冠心病病人血清炎症标志物CRP、sICAM-1与肺炎衣原体感染的相关性研究
17.Relationships among Hepatitis B Virus Markers in Gastric Juice, Serum and Gastric Mucosa in Chronic Patients with Hepatitis B Virus慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染者胃黏膜、胃液、血清中乙肝病毒标志物相关性探讨
18.Combination Profiles of Hepatitis B Marks for Chinese in Serosurvey in 2006中国人群大样本调查乙型肝炎病毒感染血清学标志物检出模式分析

Objective infectious suporvizition目标性感染监测
3)A Review of the Research on Goal Contagion目标感染研究述评
4)Infection label感染标记
5)infection marker感染标志
6)remote sensing target遥感目标

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