作答心向,Mental Set of Answer
1)Mental Set of Answer作答心向
1.The Relation between the Length,Item Property of Questionnaire and Mental Set of Answer问卷长度、问卷项目性质与作答心向的关系

1.The Relation between the Length,Item Property of Questionnaire and Mental Set of Answer问卷长度、问卷项目性质与作答心向的关系
2.He was received with cheers on rising to reply他站起来作答时,人们向他欢呼致意。
3.Research on Question Understanding for Cooperative Question Answering面向协作式问答的问题理解技术研究
4.She said it to the Knave of Hearts, who only bowed and smiled in reply.红心武士只是用鞠躬和微笑作为回答。
5.give an answer in the form of an action;respond(以行动)作答,回答
6.Eager partisans could supply you with a stock of ready answers.热心的党人是能够向你提出一套现成的答案的。
7.To respond by an action or a gesture.答复用动作或手势作答
8.I spoke to you in cautious tones, you answered me with no pretense.我小心翼翼地跟你谈话,你用坦荡和真诚作答。
9.Question the author in your mind;在心中要向作者质疑;
10.Eager partisans could supply you with a stock of ready answers, but these remained highly unsatisfactory.热心的党人是能够向你提供一套现成的答案的,可是这些答案始终很难令人满意。
11.to grumble (out) an answer .喃喃作答(或不平地回答)。
12.Answer: Persons wanting to work in Germany should apply to the“ Zentralstelle fü r Arbeitsvermittlung”( ZAV) in Bonn.答:有意赴德工作的人员应向设在波恩的工作介绍所(av)出申请。
13.Answer: Persons wanting to work in Germany should apply to the " Zentralstelle fü r Arbeitsvermittlung" (ZAV) in Bonn.答:有意赴德工作的人员应向设在波恩的工作介绍所(ZAV)提出申请。
14.A sharp voice answered her mental interrogation, driving away all immediate fears on that score.一个严厉的声音,回答了她内心的疑向,消除了她对此的一切担忧。
15.In data communications, the transmission by a receiver of acknowledge characters as an affirmative response to a sender.数据通信中,由接收方向发送方传送应答字符作为肯定回答的传输过程。
16.It will be helpful to review the history and investigate state of the art of QA.回顾问答系统研究的历史,总结问答技术的研究现状,将有助于这方面工作向前发展。
17.Wavell responded gallantly to the many cumulative calls made upon him.韦维尔对历次向他提出的那些要求作了勇敢的回答。
18.Replies to WTO Members shall be complete and shall represent the authoritative view of the Chinese government.向WTO成员作出的答复应全面,并应代表中国政府的权威观点。

5)center answer中心应答
6)2-way communication双向应答

作答1.做出回答。 2.指复信。