积极完美主义问卷,Positive perfectionism questionnaire
1)Positive perfectionism questionnaire积极完美主义问卷
2)Zi Negative Perfectionism Questionnaire(ZNPQ)消极完美主义问卷
3)Frost's Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale(FMPS)Frost多维度完美主义问卷(FMPS)
4)Negative perfectionism消极完美主义
1.Negative perfectionism as intervening variable adjusted the relationship between fear of authority and test anxiety (the intermediary effect was about 0.目的:建立关于"对权威的畏惧感"、"消极完美主义"与"考试焦虑"等三个变量的关系模型。
2.Participants were from three major universities,and responded to the revised Negative Perfectionism Questionnaire(ZNPQ) for Chinese College Students,internal-external control Scale(IECS)),and Employment Anxiety Scale(EAS).为探讨大学生的消极完美主义心理、内外控、自我和谐与就业焦虑的关系,采用分层取样方式,利用已修订的大学生消极完美主义问卷、内外控量表、自我和谐量表和就业焦虑量表进行测量。

1.Qualitative Study on Personality Traits of Negative Perfectionist消极完美主义者人格特征的质性研究
2.A Structural Equation Modeling of the Fear of Authority, the Negative Perfectionism and the Test Anxiety对权威的畏惧感、消极完美主义与考试焦虑的关系模型
3.Mr. Lin is such a perfectionist; he sometimes, splits hairs unnecessarily.(林先生是位完美主义者;他有时也有不必要的极端细心。
4.Who says that totalitarianism system couldn't be a perfect state for the human being's society?谁说极权主义不能作为人类社会的一种完美状态呢?
5.Perfect image of China in west eyes--on "Lost Horizon" by Orientalism西方人眼中的完美中国形象——以东方主义视角评《消失的地平线》
6.Implicit Perfectionism and Its Relationship With Explicit Perfectionsm内隐完美主义效应及其与外显完美主义的关系
7.Passive character, attitude, quality, or behavior.消极主义消极被动的性格、态度、品质或行为
8.Iloweven Ambiguity is not always a negative language phenomenon.然而歧义不完全是一种消极的语言现象。
9.We must use Marxism, which is positive in spirit, to overcome liberalism, which is negative.我们要用马克思主义的积极精神,克服消极的自由主义。
10.Liberty & Morality, Capacity and Market;自由与道德、能力、市场——消极自由主义者与积极自由主义者的论战
11.Correlation between High-school Students Perfectionism and Their Perceived Parents Perfectionism;高中生的完美主义与知觉到的父母完美主义的相关分析
13.Wilde s Modernity from Aestheticism to Consumerism;从唯美主义到消费主义——王尔德的现代性解读
14."Military Science of Sun Tzu"--the Model of Perfect Unification of Idealism and Realism;《孙子兵法》——理想主义与现实主义完美结合的典范
15.A Perfect Combination of Realism and Romanticism in Keats Poems;济慈的诗歌——现实主义和浪漫主义的完美结合
16.From Romantic Aestheticism to Consumptive Aestheticism--On Aesthetic Tendency of China s 5th Generation Directors;从浪漫审美主义走向消费审美主义——论第五代导演的审美走向
17.Rise and Development of Consumerism in America论“消费主义”在美国的兴起和初步发展
18.Aestheticism and Luxury;从奢侈品消费看王尔德及其唯美主义

Zi Negative Perfectionism Questionnaire(ZNPQ)消极完美主义问卷
3)Frost's Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale(FMPS)Frost多维度完美主义问卷(FMPS)
4)Negative perfectionism消极完美主义
1.Negative perfectionism as intervening variable adjusted the relationship between fear of authority and test anxiety (the intermediary effect was about 0.目的:建立关于"对权威的畏惧感"、"消极完美主义"与"考试焦虑"等三个变量的关系模型。
2.Participants were from three major universities,and responded to the revised Negative Perfectionism Questionnaire(ZNPQ) for Chinese College Students,internal-external control Scale(IECS)),and Employment Anxiety Scale(EAS).为探讨大学生的消极完美主义心理、内外控、自我和谐与就业焦虑的关系,采用分层取样方式,利用已修订的大学生消极完美主义问卷、内外控量表、自我和谐量表和就业焦虑量表进行测量。
1.Application of Perfectionism Scale on Interpersonal Relation for Chinese College Students in 1562 Senior high School Students;中国大学生人际关系完美主义量表在1562名高中生中的试用
2.Practice of Perfectionism Scale for Chinese Adolescents and Youths in College Students;中国青少年完美主义量表在827名大学生中的应用
1.Under the prerequisite of essential positivism of insisting on the leadership of the CCP,there are two ki.在坚持中国共产党的领导这一实质积极主义前提下,党的执政存在形式积极主义与形式消极主义两种立场。
