语义关系表征,semantic connection representation
1)semantic connection representation语义关系表征
2)semantic representation语义表征
1.An Analytic Study of C-E Translation from the Perspective of Semantic Representation;从语义表征角度分析中港译员汉英翻译
2.Conclusion The semantic representation of the Chinese-English bilinguals is shared store model to Chinese undergraduates.目的探讨大学生中英双语语义表征的形式。

1.An SPITM Research on Semantic Representation of Mental Lexicon in Bilinguals;双语者心理词汇语义表征的SPITM研究
2.A Research on Lexical and Conceptual Representations in Tibetan-Mandarin-English Trilinguals藏-汉-英三语者词汇与语义表征研究
3.Semantic Representation in Bilingual Mental Lexicon and SL Vocabulary Acquisition;从二语词汇习得看双语心理字典中的语义表征
4.The Contribution of Thinking Styles to Middle School Students' Semantic Representation of English Lexical;不同思维风格中学生英语词汇的语义表征研究
5.A Contrastive Study of Semantic Representation and Pragmatic Situation of Negation in English and Chinese;英汉否定的语义表征及语用情景对比分析
6.Semantic Representations of Chinese and English Constructions Based on Event Semantics--Starting from Wang Mian si-le fuqin事件语义学理论与汉英句式的语义表征——从“王冕死了父亲”说起
7.An Analytic Study of C-E Translation from the Perspective of Semantic Representation;从语义表征角度分析中港译员汉英翻译
8.Interaction between Semantic Representations of Morphemes and Words in Chinese Two-Character Words;汉语双字词词素与整词语义表征相互作用的研究
9.The Effects of Semanteme's Psychological Functions in Bilingual Represenpation语义的心理功能在双语表征中的作用
10.An Analysis of the Semantic Features and Latent Semantic Model of the Predication Structure;述谓结构的语义表达特征和潜在语义模式分析
11.The Semantic-Priming Experimental Study on the Bilingual Representation in Mongolians;蒙古族双语者双语表征的语义启动实验研究
12.Scan Dialect Point from Expressing Way in Particular;从方言的特殊表达语序审视其语法语义特征
13.The Influence of Spatial Information on Semantic Relatedness Judgment;空间信息表征对语义相关判断的影响
14.The Representation and Code System of Korean Syntactic-Semantic Knowledge Database;韩国语句法语义知识库的表征及其代码体系
15.The Sentence Structure Interpretation of a Noun as An Attribute and Its Semantic Feature;定语位置上名词的句法表现及其语义特征
16.the structural and semantic characteristics of comparative phrases with как;Как引出的表纯比较意义的比较短语的结构模式及其语义特征
17.An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.反语句以表面含义与实际含义含意相反为特征的表达或措词
18.Real ambi-guity patterns show by network modei in the seman-tic meaning, and illustrate by the semantic compo-nent.真正的歧义格式存在于语义层面,可以用语义风格模式表示并用语义特征来说明。

semantic representation语义表征
1.An Analytic Study of C-E Translation from the Perspective of Semantic Representation;从语义表征角度分析中港译员汉英翻译
2.Conclusion The semantic representation of the Chinese-English bilinguals is shared store model to Chinese undergraduates.目的探讨大学生中英双语语义表征的形式。
3)Phenetic relationships表征关系
4)Semantic relation语义关系
1.It can be caused by multiple modifications and different semantic relations.多层修饰结构、语义关系不同都可以引起歧义。
2.Resource Description Framework(RDF) and RDF Schema(RDFS) were served as the base for semantic model construction to implement the formal description of semantic relationship.语义模型的构建以资源描述框架和资源描述框架模式为基础,实现数据语义关系的形式化描述,以异构数据库数据到语义模型的两级映射方法为手段,保证数据的透明访问和模型本身良好的可扩展性。
3.Through the analysis of the semantic relations within possessive construction, this article intends to point out that the possessive construction can indicate not only ownership or possession, but also category, measures and so on, and that understanding the semantic relations is of great importance to the mastery of possessive construction.通过对名词所有格结构中语义关系的分析,指出所有格结构不仅表示"所有"或"领属",还表示类别、度量等,并指出了分析所有格结构中的语义关系对准确地理解和使用名词所有格的重要意义,说明了影响所有格结构理解的三个重要因素。
5)sense relation语义关系
1.How sense relation is classified has caused disagreement among semanticists.本文通过对英语语义关系分类多样化现象的分析,就其中的并义关系、上下义及分类关系的归属问题提出了意见,即并义关系是一种常见却经常被错误理解的语义关系,而分类关系实际上就是上下义关系。
2.The paper,based on the theoretical study of sense relation,probes into the possibility of applying this methodology to.本文立足于语义关系,探讨了如何将张思中外语教学法应用于大学英语词汇教学。
3.From the viewpoint of semantics, there exist a number of different types of sense relation between both words and sentences.从语义学的观点来看,词和词、句和句之间存在着各种语义关系。
6)semantic relationship语义关系
1.Part semantic relationship geometry model and gene coding;零件语义关系几何模型及其基因编码
2.A study on the semantic relationship of urban transportation GIS data modeling城市交通GIS数据建模中的语义关系研究
3.The semantic relationships between multi-context key words are taken into account and the fuzzy similarity matrix is derived from non-distance computing in this method.该方法不仅考虑了多背景关键词之间的语义关系,而且通过非距离计算得到模糊相似矩阵。

语义语义semantics  yUyl语义(哭mantics)语言的各个成分的含义。在程序设计语言中,即程序的含义。程序设计语言的语义,一般在语言文本中用自然语言描述,说明用该语言编写的程序的意义,即在计算机上执行时将会做什么。常用的程序设计语言语义的形式描迩方法有:公理语义,代数语义,指称语义和操作语义(参见形式方法)。 语义分奋态语义和动态语义。静态语义指程序的编译含义,即编译程序对程序的理解,包括量的作用域法则、说明、类型匹配等。编译时无法理解、而要到运行时才能理解的含义称为动态语义。