亲密关系,intimate relationship
1)intimate relationship亲密关系
1.Based on the reviews of the concept of opposite-sex communication ,this paper analyses the correlative factors during the process,including physical development ,ego identity and intimate relationship.在回顾异性交往的概念、基本现状和测评工具的基础上,分析了影响大学生异性交往的相关因素(包括生理变化、自我同一性、亲密关系),最后针对大学生异性交往的测评工具、现状探索和干预措施等面提出了需要进一步深入研究的问题。

1.Terms Of Endearment亲密关系/常在我心间
2.Having or appearing to have the close relationship of chums.亲密的,要好的有或显示出密友般亲密关系
3.Relationship by nature or character; affinity.亲密关系由性质或特征形成的关系;密切关系
4.the kinship relation between an offspring and the mother.子女与母亲之间的亲密关系
5.Used as a term of affection or intimacy用作表示亲昵或亲密关系的用语
6.Americans want intimacy at a distance."美国人想要一种有距离感的亲密关系”。
7.the bond between a boy and his dog男孩和他的狗之间的亲密关系
8.part brass rags with somebody((俚))不再与某人保持亲密关系
9.Many other members have formed close relationships.还帮助许多人建立了亲密关系
10.Marked by friendly intimacy.以友好的亲密关系为特征的.
11.be chummy with与...交好[关系亲密]
12.close association亲密的关系,密切的联系
13.She is very close to her father/She and her father are very close.她和父亲的关系很亲密.
14.To form a close personal relationship.形成亲密的人际关系。
15.be on a friendly footing with...与…有亲密的关系 [交情好]
16.on familiar terms; pretending she is on an intimate footing with those she slanders.亲密的关系;假装与她所诋毁的人有亲密的关系。
17.with or in a close or intimate relationship.有或者处于紧密、亲密的关系。
18.Our relations were business relations, but confidential.我们的关系是业务关系,但是很亲密。

intimate relationships亲密关系
1.On Behavior and Attributions of Conflict among Partners of Intimate Relationships;亲密关系伴侣在冲突中的行为及其归因
2.Some clinic psychologists,such as Horney,Sullivan & Rogers found very early that intimate relationships have an effect on mental health.Horney,Sullivan和Rogers等临床心理学家很早发现亲密关系对心理健康有重要作用。
3.Daily conflicts may affect and ultimately exacerbate the intimate relationships.亲密关系中的日常冲突常常会影响关系的质量,解决不好可能会导致关系恶化。
1.On Valentine’s Day the intimate relation is shown in public, which indicates an emotional crisis of marriage .人们以不同于以往的载体来表达爱情,这种表达使亲密关系呈现出另类样态。
1.This paper attempts to discuss the relationship between personal intimacy and the state legal system.本文旨在讨论亲密关系与国家法之间的关系。
2.Factor Analysis and Analysis of Variance studies on the structure of love, three kinds of love reveals: (1)The structure of love of Chinese people has four components-intimacy, passion, commitment and loyalty.结果表明:(1)中国文化背景下成年人的爱的心理构念包含四个成分:“亲密关系”、“激情”、“责任感”和“忠贞”;(2)不同人群的爱的隐含理论是有差异的:爱的各维度都不具有性别差异,但“亲密关系”、“激情”和“责任感”在年龄和受教育程度方面存在显著的差异,其中20—29岁组群的被试在各维度上的得分都较高,而且受教育程度越高的被试在这三个维度上的得分也越高;(3)恋人之爱、亲子之爱和朋友之爱等三种不同类型的爱在爱的四个维度上的差异都很显著,相比于其它两种爱,人们认为恋人之间的爱的4个维度都更为重要;(4)恋人之间的爱的4个因子的重要性随着爱的关系的持续都呈现先增强而后逐渐减弱的趋势。
5)be on terms of intimacy关系亲密
6)close relationship between the host and visitor主客亲密关系

经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation  1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关