时距估计,duration estimation
1)duration estimation时距估计
1.The Effects of Paradigms and Methods on Duration Estimation under Pain Condition;疼痛条件下时距估计范式与方法效应的实验研究
2.The Effects of Paradigms and Methods on Duration Estimation;时距估计范式与方法效应的实验研究
3.The findings showed greater variability in the old than in the young adults, and the difference in mean measures of duration estimation was not present.以5s、13s和26s为目标时距,采用产生法和复制法,探讨了预期式条件下时距估计的年龄差异。

1.A Comparative Research on Estimation of Blank Time Duration and Full Time Duration in College Students;大学生实时距、空时距估计的比较研究
2.The Effects of Paradigms and Methods on Duration Estimation;时距估计范式与方法效应的实验研究
3.An Experimental Research of Interference Effect in Prospective Duration Estimation;预期式时距估计干扰效应的实验研究
4.The Motion-change Effects of Stimulants on Short Duration Estimation;短时距估计中刺激物的动态变化效应
5.A Preliminary Study of Age-Related Difference in Prospective Duration Estimation;预期式时距估计年龄差异的初步研究
6.An Experimental Research of Age-related Difference Under the Retrospective Paradigm;回溯式时距估计年龄差异的实验研究
7.Visual Temporal Estimation Ability In Different Subtypes of Children With ADHD;不同亚型ADHD儿童的视通道时距估计能力
8.An Experimental Research on the Influence of Hearing Experience Imperfection on Time Estimation;听觉经验缺失对时距估计影响的实验研究
9.The Research on the Relationship between Mental Load Induced by Syntactic Ambiguity and Duration Estimation句法歧义引发的心理负荷对时距估计的影响
10.The Effects of Paradigms and Methods on Duration Estimation under Pain Condition;疼痛条件下时距估计范式与方法效应的实验研究
11.The Relationship between Task Switching of Central Executive System and Prospective Short-duration Judgment;中央执行系统的任务转换与预期式短时距估计的关系
12.The computational model of the method of pseudorange and SLR time comparison and its precision evaluation伪距与激光测距法时间比对计算模型及其精度评估
13.Could you judge the distance?你能估计这段距离吗?
14.I make the distance about 500 miles.我估计距离约为500 英里。
15.They estimated the distance by the eye.他们目测估计距离。
16.The distance was approximated as five kilometers.估计这段距离为五公里。
17.We overestimated the distance, so we still have some time left after our walk.我们对距离估计过长,所以我们走完后还有时间剩下。
18.Towards the evening of the second day we judge ourselves about eight miles from Kurtz's station.第二天接近傍晚的时候,我们估计距库尔茨的站大约还有八英里。

time estimation时距估计
1.The aim of the research is to explore the cognitive mechanism of age-related difference in time estimation.采用双任务的实验范式,通过对(5s、13s和26s)三个目标时距的产生法和复制法的结果来探讨时距估计年龄差异的认知机制。
2.In their view, there were two effects in the repetitive stimulation of time estimation.Treisman及其同事最早发现人类对时距的判断很容易受到重复刺激的影响而发生扭曲或偏离,并认为时距估计中的重复刺激具有两种效应。
3.This fact reflects that expecting of a break can lengthen the time estimation.使用单任务研究程序,采用引入提示线索的方法,以产生时距作为反应指标对存在间断的时距估计任务中的间断期望效应和提示线索效应(注意效应)进行系统考察,并对间断时距的效应、产生时距与等待时距的关系问题作出进一步探讨。
3)short duration estimation短时距估计
4)prospective duration estimation预期式时距估计
1.The experiment investigated the interference effect of the number of interference items(1,3 and 5 meaningless syllables) and delay time(0 s,9 s and 27 s) on prospective duration estimation under the dual task procedure paradigm,which used 11 s and 23 s as target durations.采用时间和非时间双重作业的实验范式,以11 s和23 s为目标时距,探讨了干扰项数(1,3或5个无意义音节)和延迟时间(0 s,9 s或27 s)对预期式时距估计的干扰效应。
5)Subjective Estimation time主观时距估计
6)prospective shot-duration judgment预期式短时距估计

时发时散翳时发时散翳 时发时散翳   病证名。见《一草亭目科全书》。即聚开障。详该条。