暴力性视频游戏,violent video game
1)violent video game暴力性视频游戏
1.With a sample of 32 violent video game regular players,the study examined the effect and its attentional mechanism of violent video game cues eliciting playing desire by the cue-exposure paradigm,the emotion stroop paradigm and the separated emotion stroop paradigm.以32名经常玩暴力性游戏的高中学生为被试,采用线索暴露范式、情绪Stroop范式和分离式情绪Stroop范式探讨了暴力性视频游戏线索对诱发游戏者游戏欲望的作用及其注意机制。

1.The Attentional Mechanism of Violent Video Game Cues Inducing Playing Desire暴力性视频游戏线索诱发游戏欲望的注意机制
2.Relativity between Juvenile Behavior and Online Violent PC Games网络暴力游戏与青少年暴力行为的相关性
3."Gaming the System": Videogame Content Regulation in the United States“游戏系统”:美国视频游戏内容监管
4.The Influence of Exposure to Violent Video Games on Aggression: The Effects of Mediators;暴力影像游戏影响攻击性的中介变量研究
5.The Stimulated Effects of Violent Computer Games to Aggressive Inclination of Adolescents;暴力游戏对青少年攻击性倾向激发作用的研究
6.A Review of Effects of Aggressive Video Games on the Adolecent Aggressive Behavior;暴力性电子游戏对青少年攻击行为的影响
7.Violent Online Games Addictive Disorder and Adolescent's Aggressive Related Research暴力网络游戏成瘾与青少年攻击性的相关研究
8.Effect from Net Violence towards Behavior of Youngsters;网络暴力游戏对青少年暴力行为的影响
9.On producing mechanism of campus violence and violence game criminal psychology;论校园暴力及暴力游戏罪过心理生成机制
10.Experts wonder, however, if violent games are as benign as Lim seems to believe.但是专家怀疑,暴力游戏是否真如林所相信的那样─是良性的。
11.The Influence of Personality Traits and Playing Violent Video Games on Adolescent Aggressive Cognition Bias;人格特质、暴力电子游戏对青少年攻击性认知偏向的影响
12.An Analysis on Cyber Violence Games of Teenagers in Guangzhou广州市青少年网络暴力游戏状况分析
13.In this study, researchers randomly assigned adolescents to play either a violent or a nonviolent game, he said.而在本研究中,研究人员随机指定青少年玩暴力或非暴力游戏。
14.The Analysis of Impact on Adolescent Personality Cultivation by Online Violent Video Game;网络暴力游戏对青少年人格塑造的影响探析
15.Network game to young people petty crime influence and preventing and controlling countermeasure;网络游戏对青少年暴力犯罪的影响与防治对策
16.Review of the Effect of Violent Video Games on Children and Adolescents;暴力电子游戏对儿童及青少年的影响研究综述
17.Violent Video Games and Aggression;暴力电子游戏对攻击行为及相关变量的影响
18.Violent Cyber Games and Implicit Attack Association of Adolescents暴力网络游戏与青少年攻击内隐联结的研究

aggressive video games暴力性电子游戏
1.Research states that aggressive video games affect the aggressive behavior and aggressive feelings of acoles- cents,especially to people who is aggressive before.研究发现,暴力性电子游戏对青少年的攻击行为和情感都有影响,对于那些本身就有暴力倾向的青少年来讲更是如此。
3)violence game暴力游戏
1.On producing mechanism of campus violence and violence game criminal psychology;论校园暴力及暴力游戏罪过心理生成机制
4)video games视频游戏
5)video game视频游戏
1.Rapid,expanding of video games around the globe brings the prosperity of localization industry.视频游戏在全球迅猛的扩张带动了游戏软件本地化行业的发展。
6)Video violence视频暴力
1.Video violence can lead to the activation of the forehead cortex,amygdala,anterior cingutate cortex,hippocampus and hippocampal gyrus.认知神经科学促进了心理学领域有关视频暴力与攻击行为的神经生理机制研究。
