1.Pathological research advance of conjunctivochalasis;结膜松弛症的病理学研究进展
2.Clinical observation of bipolar coagulation to treat conjunctivochalasis;双极电凝治疗结膜松弛症
3.Research on goblet cell of conjunctivochalasis;结膜松弛症球结膜杯状细胞研究

1.Clinical observation of the position of laxing conjunctiva in conjunctivochalasis结膜松弛症松弛结膜部位的临床观察
2.Effect observation of conjunctiva resection and conjunctival fixation on epiphora of patients with conjunctivochalasis结膜切除加巩膜固定术对结膜松弛症患者泪溢症状改善效果观察
3.Application of Impression Cytology in Conjunctivochalasis印迹细胞学检查在结膜松弛症中的应用
4.Tear dynamic changes before and after the surgery for conjunctivochalasis结膜松弛症手术前后眼表泪液动力学的变化
5.Research on tear mucin and goblet cell of conjunctivochalasis结膜松弛症泪液黏蛋白及球结膜杯状细胞的研究
6.The Observation of the Clinical Features and Histopathological Changes of Conjunctivochalasis;球结膜松弛症的临床特点及组织病理学特征的研究
7.Correlativity between Sphincter of Oddi Laxity (SOL) and HepatolithiasisOddi括约肌松弛与肝内胆管结石症的相关性研究
8.As a result, the skin may sag.结果,皮肤就松弛下垂了。
9.Conclusion The relaxation splint and mandibular stabilization splint can relax the masticatory muscles.结论松弛性(牙合)垫和稳定性(牙合)垫均对咀嚼肌有松弛作用。
10.Result:The follow-up period lasted 1 year to 5 years. Healing of the lateral wall of attic and the tympanic membrane were satisfying in all 21 patients.结果:21例患者随诊1~5年,所有病例上鼓室外侧壁及鼓膜松弛部愈合良好。
11.The repulsive forces exerted by the protons loosen the structure of the nucleus.质子施加的斥力使原子核的结构松弛。
12.This exercise will help to firm up those flabby thighs这种锻炼能使松弛的大腿结实起来。
13.The result are called complementary slackness conditions.这个结果称为互补、松弛性条件。
14.The Clinical and EMG Research on the Treatment of Bruxers by Relaxation Splint松弛咬合板治疗磨牙症的疗效及肌电分析
15.Rectification of postpartum vaginal relaxation by tightening posterior vaginal circular muscles阴道后壁环肌紧缩术治疗产后阴道松弛症
16.Expression and Significance of Relaxin in Endometrial Carcinoma;松弛素在子宫内膜癌中的表达及其意义
17.Investigation of the Thermal Relaxation in IrMn-Based Spin Valve MultilayersIrMn基自旋阀结构多层膜的热弛豫研究
18."Conjunctivitis: Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the delicate lining of the eyelids and the front of the white of the eye."结膜炎: 结膜的炎症。

4)cutis laxa皮肤松弛症
1.A case report of acquired localized cutis laxa;获得性局限性皮肤松弛症
5)Facial rhytides面部松弛症
6)dermatolysis palpebrarum眼睑松弛症
1.Analysis of the operation for dermatolysis palpebrarum眼睑松弛症的手术治疗分析

皮肤松弛症皮肤松弛症cutis laxa 一种少见的弹力组织缺陷皮肤病。全身皮肤面积过大,皮肤与皮下组织极度松弛,可以捏起明显皱褶,不能随即弹回,容貌如老人。