1.The value of posterior vitreous dissection in the extraction of retinal foreign body throughvitrectomy;玻璃体后皮质剥离术在视网膜异物摘出中的价值
2.Extraction of eyeball wall foreign bodies with vitrectomy;玻璃体切除术眼球壁异物摘出
3.Extraction of posterior segment intraocular foreign body under indire ct ophthalmoscopy.;眼后段异物摘出方法——间接检眼镜下摘出

1.extract several passages from the speech从发言中摘出几段话
2.information culled from various reference books从各种参考书中摘出的资料.
3.take out of a literary work in order to cite or copy.从文献中摘出一段以供引用或摹仿。
4.Results All intraocular foreign bodies were extracted successfully once, None complicated by endophthalmitis.结果所有眼内异物均一次成功摘出
5.Clinical study on the atonic pupil after intraocularlens(IOL) implantation surgery白内障摘出术后无张力瞳孔临床分析
6.The eyes were enucleated at 1 week after operation,then the rate of liquefaction of vitreous was measured.超声乳化晶体摘除术后 1周将兔眼摘出 ,检测玻璃体的液化率。
7.Application of Anterior Chamber Infusing Tube in Cataract Extraction Associated with Vitrectomy for Intraocula Foreign Body;前房灌注在白内障摘除联合眼内异物摘出的玻璃体手术中的应用
8.The lawyer culled important facts from the mass of evidence这个律师从大量的证据中摘出了重要的事实。
9.They've gone picking.他们出去采摘果子了。
10.abstract (of a publication)(出版物的)摘要,概括,概要
11.The publisher decided to publish a Digest of international law.出版商决定出版一本国际法摘要。
12.An error occurred, this file could not be summarized:出现错误,无法编写此文件的摘要:
13.a summary of intended expenditures along with proposals for how to meet them.经费收入与支出的摘要陈述。
14.He farmed his pickers to work in the beet fields.他出租他的摘棉工去甜菜地里干活。
15.European Journal of International Law---欧洲国际法期刊,牛津大学出版社,摘要.
16.Listening with a focus on picking out points of difference so that you can negate the perceptions of another.听出了集中采摘点差让你再否定看法.
17.Abstract: The paper proposed a new method of tolerance allocation.文摘:提出了一种新的公差分配方法。
18.beyond the reach of criticism or attack or impeachment.超出了批评、攻击或指摘的范围之外。

1.Application of the vitrectomy for extraction of intraocular foreign bodies.;玻璃体切除在眼内异物摘出术中的应用
3)extraction of intraocular foreign bodies异物摘出
