1.A kind of liquid crystal glasses for drivers at night is designed.基于常开型液晶光阀的电光特性设计了一种司机夜间行车时佩戴的液晶眼镜
2.Taking the glasses for an example, the course of the reverse engineering, 3D model, mold designing and manufacturing were introduced and analyzed.以眼镜塑料件为例,介绍了该制件的逆向工程、三维造型、模具成型零件设计及其数控加工等过程,并对各过程进行了简要的分析,实现了Pro/E软件在复杂型面模具设计与制造中的应用。

1.pantoscopic spectacles全视眼镜, 复眼镜
2.Spectacles lensesGB10810-1996眼镜镜片
3.Eyeglasses clipped to the bridge of the nose.夹鼻眼镜夹鼻梁的眼镜
4.A single lens in a pair of glasses; a monocle.单片眼镜一对眼镜片中的一个单透镜;单片眼镜
5.haptic(al) lens眼白镜片(覆盖眼白部分的隐形眼镜)
6.dark, strong, reading, long-distance, etc glasses墨镜、 度数大的眼镜、 花镜、 近视镜
7.Eyeglasses having trifocal lenses.有三焦距镜片的眼镜
8.opticians' lens measurer眼镜制造者用透镜表
9.physiotherapists, grass or contact lenses,理疗,配镜(包括隐形眼镜),
10.The glasses are called adaptive glasses.这种眼镜称作矫视镜,
11.Spectacle framesGB/T14214-1993眼镜
12.A pair of eyeglasses or opera glasses with a short handle.长柄眼镜,观剧眼镜一副长柄眼镜或有短手柄的观剧眼镜
13.polish one's shoes [glasses]擦亮鞋子 [眼镜]
14.spectacles worn to protect the eyes.用来保护眼睛的眼镜
15.Eye protection: Safety glasses recommended.眼睛保护:佩戴安全眼镜
16.with the unaided eye(不借助眼镜) 用肉眼
17.You wear contacts to avoid wearing your" coke bottle glasses".你戴隐形眼镜以避免戴你的“瓶底眼镜”。
18.Of or belonging to the family Elapidae."眼镜蛇科的,属于眼镜蛇科的."

1.Method for eyeglasses removal in face images去除人脸图像中眼镜的方法
1.Effect of progressive multi-focal spectacles on phoria degree in the teenager nearsighted;渐进多焦眼镜对青少年近视眼隐斜的影响
2.Methods The amplitude of accommodation and the amount of heterophoria on near(33cm)fixation were determined without and with correcting spectacles in30amblyopic children with hyperopia and20emmetropic children,respectively.05)△,戴矫正眼镜的隐斜度为(-3。
1.There are about two arguments on the origin of spectacles in China.该文通过文献考察与研究,指出唐墓出土的铅眼罩不是针孔眼镜,宋代文献也没有关于眼镜的史料,而在传教士来华之前的元代,中国人已发明使用了一种保护眼镜
1.Parametric model and method of lens style;眼镜镜片样式的参数化模型和算法
6)spectacles ocular眼镜目镜
