1.Prevention and treatment of eyelid ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty;下睑袋整形术后睑外翻及下睑凹陷的防治
2.Prevention of Eyelid Ectropion Following Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty;下睑袋整形术后睑外翻的预防
3.Repairing of lower eyelid ectropion using the flap pedicled with orbicularis oculi muscle;应用眼轮匝肌蒂皮瓣修复瘢痕性下睑外翻

1.Repair method of lower eyelid ectropion with island musculo-cutaneous flap of orbicularis oculi岛状眼轮匝肌皮瓣修复下睑外翻畸形
2.Repairing of cicatricial ectropion with orbicularis oculi myocutaneous flap眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣修复瘢痕性睑外翻
3.Repairing of Eyelid Ectropion Using Temporal Flap Pedicled with Orbicularis Oculi Muscle;应用眼轮匝肌蒂颞部皮瓣矫正睑外翻
4.A useful augmented lateral tarsal strip tarsorrhaphy for paralytic ectropion增强性外侧睑板切除缝合术有效治疗麻痹性睑外翻
5.Clinical application of random flap with SMAS in treatment of ectropion含SMAS的随意型皮瓣在修复睑外翻中的临床应用
6.Results Group A had less medial canthus malposition and less eversion of the eyelid.结果A组27例较少发生内眦角变形、睑外翻,上下泪点复位良好。
7.The eversion of his eyelids is serious.他眼睑的外翻很严重。
8.②ever excision of the orbicularis muscle would affect the contour of the eyelid and exacerbate the ectropin.②过多切除眼轮匝肌,影响下睑轮廓并增加外翻的可能;
9.Inferior eyelid orbicularis muscle folding treatment of senile entropion下睑轮匝肌折叠术治疗老年性下睑内翻
10.Age-related laxity of upper eyelid skin with entropion and trichiasis of the surgical treatment老年性上睑皮肤松弛伴睑内翻倒睫的手术治疗
11.Surgical management of palpebra frontalis cicatricial entropion with self free skin graft transplant operation自体皮片移植手术治疗上睑瘢痕性睑内翻
12.New surgery treatment on senile hypotonic entreropion.老年低张性下睑内翻的手术治疗方法
13.Surgical Treatment Experiences of Senile Lower Eyelid Entropion by Improved Schimek Method老年性下睑内翻改良Schimek手术治疗体会
14.Using pediculated orbicular muscle grafting for severe lower eyelid entropion带蒂眼轮匝肌翻转术治疗严重下睑内翻
15.Lengthening the tarsal plate with a foreign scleral strip to cure relapsed upper eyelid cicatricial entropion异体巩膜条睑板延长术治疗复发性瘢痕性睑内翻
16.Sometimes Bichons can have an extra row of eyelashes or have eye lids that turn inward.有时候比雄会有多一排的睫毛或眼睑内翻。
17.Anterior Lamellar Reposition with Complete Lid Split for the Treatment of Non-Entropion Trichiasis眼睑前层错位术矫正非内翻性倒睫疗效观察
18.Clinical effects of two kinds of operation for senile blepharlosis老年性下睑内翻两种手术矫正方法疗效观察

ectropion palpebrarum眼睑外翻
1.The repair of ectropion palpebrarum by free grafting of the complex tissue graft of eyelid;皮肤眼轮匝肌复合组织瓣游离移植修复眼睑外翻
3)lower eyelid ectropion下睑外翻
1.A upper eyelid musculocutaneous flap for correction of lower eyelid ectropion;上睑眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣在修复瘢痕性下睑外翻中的应用
2.Combination method for correction of lower eyelid ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty;睑袋整复术后下睑外翻的综合矫治
3.Effect of repairing of medial palpebral ligament for treating canaliculus rapture with lower eyelid ectropion;内眦韧带修复在治疗泪小管断裂伴下睑外翻中的疗效观察
4)Classification of ectropion睑外翻分类
5)cicatricial ectropion瘢痕性睑外翻
1.Combined therapy of cicatricial ectropion;瘢痕性睑外翻的综合治疗
6)cicatricial ectropio瘢痕性眼睑外翻

瘢痕性眼睑外翻瘢痕性眼睑外翻cicatricial contractive ectropion 应视外翻程度而定,“V-Y”成形术适用于轻度外翻矫正,“Z”成形术则适用于轻度和睑缘垂直的直线瘢痕挛缩;皮片移植术多采用耳后或锁骨上部全厚皮片,将脸部瘢痕彻底切除后移植修复;亦可采用邻近皮瓣转移法修复,如睑板同时有缺损引起外翻者可取耳郭复合组织移植;骨移植术适用于上颌骨骨髓炎引起的下睑瘢痕性外翻。